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Everything posted by connda

  1. In the West, in cities? Yep, they're there. Do I know some? Yep, generally daughters of good friends, often childless, husbandless, boyfriendless, and often uphappy misandrists. In the West, in rural fly-over country? The gals are pretty normal, i.e., not feminists. Daughters of friends and family members, often married with children, happy enough although the least impacted by the feminist movement tend to be the happiest in the marriages. Here in Thailand? I can't say I've met or interacted with feminists. I don't hang out with tourists. Which is fine by me as I prefer gals with traditional family values. Plenty of those in rural Thailand.
  2. I always find the binary, black & white views held by members to be rather ironic. Such hatred and loathing for the side of the two-party duopoly whom you personally detest, all the while as your own favorite party and candidates bend you over and have their way with you. As we said in the military back in the day - BOHICA baby. Here it comes again! I'm voting a Taylor Swift / Minny Mouse ticket in 2024. Change my mind.
  3. Let's see...back of a napkin calculations. 7.2 km in 4 years = ~ 1.8 km / year Nong Kai to Korat = ~335 km So therefore Nong Kai to Korat HSR completed in about 186 years. That's about right And with inflation, brown envelopes, and cost overruns it will probably cost $100 Quintillion USD - or 5 and a half BTC and be completed in..... 🙄 Well, anyone remember what the post-1997 crash's building projects looked like including the BTS to Ringsit. There ya go.
  4. https://www.immigration.go.th/en/?page_id=3202&eeFolder=form-download https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/the-endorsement/endorsement-and-re-entry-permit/
  5. Politicians are quite literally some of the lowest forms of life on the planet. Name-calling on all sides? Immature, sophomoric, and juvenile. Taylor Swift for President - that's as good as anyone else other than perhaps Minny Mouse or Alfred E. Newman. I'll write one of those three in on my ballot in November.
  6. Already have while checking out the other numbers. $200M/km. They have a lot of "brother-in-laws" to feed in the UK too it seems.
  7. If it was published that US cops where targeting Thai and Asian drivers - oh lordy - the screams and cries of racism would abound. Here in Thailand. Racism is institutionalize and fully accepted. Like others said, where are the listing of number of Thais pulled over? Non-existent.
  8. Notice that they target farangs. Coincidence? 🤔
  9. It's an ongoing money-maker for the BIB. If Thailand was really interested in stopping illegal MC driving by foreigners without legal driver licenses/IDP, then they'd make it illegal for MC rental shops to rent without checking to see if those renting MC have valid licenses and permits. Nope - it's about the money, collecting fine, and about targeting foreigners as opposed to targeting Thai businesses renting MC to foreigners who do not have licenses/permits let alone any semblance of MC experience or skill or defensive MC driving know-how. On the flip-side, I can't understand why farang fools or foreign tourist fools in general think they can drive a MC in Thailand when they have never driven one in their home country, no less having a legal license/permit/endorsement to do so in their home counties. Hence when we hear about Joe and Jane Farang getting killed on a MC while on holiday? "Stupid is as stupid does as my Mama always said." 🏍️
  10. $411M USD per kilometer? That's a whole bunch of rich "brother-in-laws." Doing an internet search, HSR ranges from $17-30M in China, $24M in France, and $27M in Spain.1 Thailand? $$$Cha-Ching$$$ Source: 1 Lowyinstitute.org
  11. Vote with your feet. They obviously think their customers are chumps.
  12. I was wondering that too. Whether or not the roads around the moat will still be ripped to shreds by Songkran. My bet? Probably so.
  13. Lanna culture in the 21st Century: Deadly, choking PM 2.5 "dust" and uncontrolled forest arson and agricultural burning. I talked with my wife and she assures me it wasn't like this when she was younger.
  14. Members are just giving the OP different options. That's a good thing imho.
  15. How bad is your eyesight? If you have a large degree of myopia, you are at a risk of retinal detachment as well as surgical complications. Consider laser photocoagulation months before the surgery. And if you take alpha-blockers for BPH, you'll need to stop for 1 to 2 weeks prior to surgery. Best of luck peeing. Just some things that nobody else will tell you. The surgery in a government hospital is about 1/2 the price of private hospitals.
  16. As the quote attributed to Albert Einstein stated, "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." And as General Smedely Butler said - "War's a racket." And most of you, from warmongers to anti-war alike, won't survive WWIII.
  17. Songkran festival in Chiang Mai to draw in millions of tourists <cough cough cough> Maybe if enough water is sprayed in the air, folks might be able to see Doi Suthep from the northwest end of the moat. Maybe. Or maybe not.
  18. In Thai "joke" is rice soup. As you can tell, it does not translate well into English as "joke" has a completely different meaning.
  19. Having used both for years, I can accurately state that both OS can at times be problematic to fix if you run into a serious enough of a problem. However - I find that MS' solutions are cryptic at best and often the solution to problems are difficult to find in the MS forums and online help. Linux forums are much more robust in their solutions. However, I will agree that you do find some really arrogant wing-nuts on Linux forums who are so full of themselves as to not be of any help at all. My favorite were the jerks whose solutions for everything is "Read The Manpages." And then I'll agree with you - manpages are written for programmer types and not for everyday end-users who are seeking a GUI experience in a Linux OS. But there are ways around problems. Keeping Timeshift (similar to Windows Restore Points) up to date as well as keeping partition images up to date as well solves a lot of issues. If things go south, then roll back to a know good partition or Timeshift snapshot. Honestly the same goes for WIndows although most people don't bother. But if you keep periodic snapshots of your partitions, and run periodic backup of your data files in either OS, getting a broken system running again is a whole lot easier than trying to troubleshoot the problem. So yeah, there is a little more of a learning curve with Linux but not that much imho. If your OS breaks whether Windows or Linux, finding a solutions can be a hassle with either OS. It's simpler to roll back to a known good partition and then replace the delta from backups.
  20. But in many cases, it does. I've seen the same on my own systems. That's if they install at all. All too often they don't. Updates on Linux, even major updates, take a minute or two and 99.9% don't require a reboot. As well, Linux doesn't cache updates like Windows does. It's pretty pathetic to see that cached updates in the WinSxS folder are taking up 20 or 30 GB of hard disk space. That's just a poor OS design.
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