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Posts posted by connda

  1. I hope the takeaway lesson from this is that if a cop tells you not to walk in the road, you get on the footpath quickly.

    That would be the intelligent response to a lawful order but not the lesson to be learned here. I believe the lesson is do not ever, for any reason, attack a police officer. Anyone who believes this police officer shot Brown multiple times while Brown had his hands in the air, is suffering from delusions, under the influence of psychotropic medication, or is very naive.


    Congrats cause you just covered the waterfront there.

    There's just no possibility then that anything you don't like, disagree against, can't accept, might have some truth to it? People who disagree with you are delusional? Must be under some sort of influence? Are on serious medication? Are just plain naïve. That's a pretty drastic position you have there.

    Almost everyone saw officer Darren Wilson running down the street after the unarmed Michael Brown, Wilson blasting his firearm multiple times at Brown's back side. No one else on the scene had a gun and Brown was shot six times and to death. The cop has been in hiding since mostly because he fears he might have to face FBI agents without his firearm.

    Wilson violated every proper rule governing police officers and the firearms they are issued, educated about and trained to use.

    *Above all, this department values the safety of its employees and the public.

    Likewise it believes that police officers should use firearms with a high degree of restraint. Officers' use of firearms, therefore, shall never be considered routine and is permissible only in defense of life and then only after all alternative means have been exhausted.

    RULE 1: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms except to protect themselves or another person from imminent death or serious bodily injury.

    RULE 2: Police officers shall discharge their firearms only when doing so will not endanger innocent persons.

    RULE 3: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms to threaten or subdue persons whose actions are destructive to property or injurious to themselves but which do not represent an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury to the officer or others.

    RULE 4: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms to subdue an escaping suspect who presents no imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury.

    RULE 5: Police officers shall not discharge their weapons at a moving vehicle unless it is absolutely necessary

    RULE 6: Police officers when confronting an oncoming vehicle shall attempt to move out of the path, if possible,

    RULE 7: Police officers shall not intentionally place themselves in the path of an oncoming vehicle

    RULE 8: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms at a fleeing vehicle or its driver.

    RULE 9: Police officers shall not fire warning shots.

    RULE 10: Police officers shall not draw or display their firearms unless there is a threat or probable cause to believe there is a threat to life, or for inspection.

    *Police Department Office of the Commissioner, City of Houston, Texas.



    RULE 4: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms to subdue an escaping suspect who presents no imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury.

    I watched a video of a group of police gun down a homeless man a while back. They had a semicircle of cops around him with weapons drawn. The homeless guy didn't look like he had marbles so to speak. The guy had a knife in his hand and turn his back on the cops to run away from them and they summarily executed him with a volley of bullets to the back.

    This is the new normal. People with cell phones in their hands getting shot. Unarmed people getting shot. And not just two or three times, but cops literally emptying their firearms at their target. Overkill. And now these cops are showing up at protests more heavily armed then military troops who were fighting in hotspots in the Middle East. Protect and serve. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

  2. "Employers, such as language schools, say the documentation and costs are very high."
    Excuses. Cry me a river.

    A permit, issued by the Ministry of Labour, can take up to three months to issue and the employer becomes responsible for paying income tax on the salary.

    Which means the employer can't pocket it. Now this is closer to the truth.

    I'd really like to see all employers to be subject to the just as severe consequences for not obtaining a WP for their employee as the employee is subject to for not having one.

    How about for both the employer and employee:

    Fine up to 500K baht

    Jail time up to 1 year

    • Like 2
  3. Please evaluate your blood pressure in relation to the observations you are making regarding you resting and loaded heart rate. So, BP, perhaps morning, night, but variously do a BP reading sitting, 5 min later standing, do some exercise the after break, BP again. Get your average comprehension of what your BP is doing as well. This is a vital window into your overall functioning. Please learn to incorporate your understanding of BP into HR. HR is just part of the mechanism to achieve the objective. The objective is finally cellular/tissue perfusion with oxygen, and getting rid of waste. The HR was will variously be proportional to the BP to achieve these goals.

    As we age varying factors such as postural (vertical/horizontal) BP changes are to be expected, and the HR will correspondingly reflect this. How they affect you should be considered in total with your vital signs- HR/BP (skip temperature). Not only is it fairly desirable to have lower BP and lower HR (right, that's what they teach us?) but it is to a point. We actually need the pressure to remain high (at rest) enough to actually force the exchange of gases in the lungs- alveoli- and to drive the entire pulmonary pump (this is not an issue for you. I just want to background the scope of the relation between HR and BP). I always advise, because it is correct, to see a doctor. I am not an exercise physiologist, as you've indicated you prefer.

    I've had a stress echo cardiogram at 50 and again near 60. Nothing abnormal. BP tends to be a little low at rest and slightly elevated after exercise. I have a BP monitor at home.

  4. The reason they want to clamp down on that and the electronic cigarettes is they are missing out on collecting the tax

    Nice to see Thailand aspiring toward First world status: implementation of a plethora of regulations and tax increases, and increase the size of the government. LOS: Welcome to the 21st Century! Now put some cops in patrol cars and motorcycles and start pulling over vehicles for "Moving Violation" and you'll almost be there!

  5. So much for having his arms and hands in the air when he was shot. Just try holding up your arm with four bullet wounds in it. And the head shot being the last shot fits in with the story from witnesses that Brown was bum rushing the policemen when the policeman fired on him. It's spelled E-X-O-N-E-R-A-T-I-O-N.

    It is spelled trigger happy USA cops again.

    They were not fired from closed range and he was unarmed, why shoot 6 times?

    If he had a six shot service revolver, that's all the ammo it holds.

    What I don't like is the double standard. Let's say the 6'4'' 290+ lbs 'unarmed' 'child' rushes me as a private citizen. If I put six shots in him you can pretty well bet I'll have charges files against me and I'll find myself in court trying to explain why that was 'self-defense' and not murder. It would be Travon Martin all over again.

    Watch this case. For a cop, if the perp was rushing him, he'll be exonerated and no charges will be filed, although I'd suggest that he'll never work in that area of that State again as his life isn't worth a plug nickel at this point. He might not be prosecuted in court, but he's been found guilty by the court of public opinion in Ferguson. If he actually shot him with his hands up, it's 50/50 that any charges will be filed. In the US, the cops pretty much can shoot anyone and get a free pass. I've seen too many videos of unarmed individuals being shot over the last year in the US. Pretty disgusting. I've also seen 2 incidents in Thailand where a man armed with a knife at the neck of a third party has been 'talked down' by the cops, who after having him drop the knife, walked him to the police van. In the US, the arm individuals would have been shot, then cops would 'dog-pile' on the body, apply handcuff, and let him bleed out without rendering medical assistance. Protect and serve -- ah huh.

  6. 'Scheem', 'faulce'. I know Aussies have some of their own slang but this is ridiculous.

    Actually your wife is partly right. Dr Narong, the interim health minister, is not a fan of the 30 Baht scheme and has made suggestions that Thais pay 30% to 50% of the cost of their hospital care. A number of other health officials have completely disagreed with him.

    The article was in the Bangkok Post recently. I have a feeling that it won't happen & hope so.

    If Dr. Narong made the money that a rural rice farmer with 15 rai of land makes, I seriously doubt he'd be making this recommendation.

    It's amazing how individuals with money and power are so ready to further impoverish those less well off. I wonder if he's being lobbied by the big banks. One major illness and your in major debt. Sort of like the Affordable Care Act: make too much money to qualify for a subsidy and yet too little money to afford anything but 'bronze care', you're on the hook for a 60% deductible, one major illness and you're looking at bankruptcy.

  7. Total imbeciles run that place. They said if I want to teach again I have to take a culture course after living here for 20 years and teaching for 13 years. Idiots the lot of them.

    It's a requirement for teaching throughout the country but they only offer the course in BKK? That's why I teach in private, commerical schools. I really don't want to deal with MoE and it's bureaucratic stupidity. And I'm the same. Speak, read, and write Thai reasonably, live in both city and the rural areas (where I am the only farang), attend a Thai Buddhist wat regularly, I've studied the history, and I'm married to a Thai National for 6 years. Been here over 7 years and have taught full-time for 3 years. I understand the culture. It's not worth the hassle to teach in the educational system here P1 through M6. If I had to teach school kids, I'd go to China or Japan.

  8. Just wondering if anyone in this forum has formal training in exercise physiology and aging.

    I've been athletic most of my life. Now I'm in my early 60s. I normally do aerobic exercise on a treadmill. Over the last 5 years, I've noticed that my heartrate has decreased while exercising at the same load level. I walk inclines and vary the treadmill speed to increase my heartrate. Assume I've been using the same machines for the last 5 years. 5 years ago (57) I could maintain a heart rate of between 135 to 145 bpm. Now at the same exercise intensity, my heart rate is between 115 to 130. It's really difficult to get my heart rate in the 130 to 140 range. I could get my max heart rate into the 160s five years ago. Now my max heart rate for very intense workouts is upper 140s.

    Why the slowdown?

  9. My step son is getting married to a gal he when to school with (my wife and I just love her).

    We bought both of them rings about two months ago, and last week we bought her a necklace. This is her sid sod. We have already met with the family informally, and we'll meet with them in October to present the sid sod, however, we have all agreed that the gold is for our daughter-in-law to be. This isn't being given to the parents. (The family is solidly middle-class).

    In your case, buy your fiancee a ring and whatever you both agree on. This is for her. I doesn't need to go to the family.

    Best of luck.

  10. Sound like a attempted pay out for the owners ,

    Do not know how it works here but even if the families / injured not press charges doesnt the state or something anyway to bring those wrongdoers to court ?

    There is civil law & criminal law. The civil side has been taken care of once compensation has been paid out but the police can still file criminal charges although that does not usually seem to happen here once payments have been made (possibly the police get asked "nicely" not to file charges).

    Whoopie. A life is worth about $1750 US. If the victims family were smart, they refuse the money and file civil charges. There's gotta be some sharks lawyers in Thailand who smell blood in the water. But then again, maybe the courts think a life is only worth 20000 baht. TIT.

  11. Sorry mate.  I can identify.  Loss two pets here in the last couple of years.  One died after I had her neutered.  She died the day we got her back from the vet.  The vet didn't care.  I could read it on this face.  Farang = ฿฿฿ / Dead pet = mai bpen rai. 

    Most Thais that I've met don't get attached to animals.  Not much in the way of compassion.  Animal in the road that isn't yours -- why brake? 

  12. I never understand the desire of western men for respectable women.

    They aren't much fun, but naughty girls are!

    What does it matter to you, what she does when you aren't using her services?

    How many Thai women do I know playing more than one guy? Lots.

    How many farang guys do I know playing more than one gal? Lots.

    Monogamy in Thailand. Really? Naive just a tad methinks.

  13. Would be easy to repair....and it might be even possible to have a kind of show without torturing the animals.....

    But that would need strong AND smart actions from the government.

    Many years ago at the Siracha Tiger Zoo an untrained female ' keeper ' was mauled to death by a tiger she kept swatting on the nose !

    I'd nominate her for a Darwin Award. She's out of the gene pool.

    Tiger = Alpha predator / Human = Prey

    No trips to Tiger World or whatever it is for me thank you.

  14. Probation Period

    No probation period is stipulated, and an employee has no recourse for dismissal within the first 120 days (four months) of employment.

    Part-time work versus full time work

    In general, normal working hours cannot exceed 8 hours per day or 48 hours a week. The Thai law permits a six day work week. There is no stipulation on the minimum hours for full time work.


    An employer may dismiss an employee for no reason and only has to give thirty days' notice, or notice pay in lieu thereof, as well as pay severance pay (as discussed above). An employee does not need to give any such notice.

    Please see

    Please an older thread of TVF:


    Something to consider. If you're on probation, my bet is you've got a tourist visa and no Work Permit. If that's the case, when you quit, disappear. You're employer will use that leverage to make you an indentured servant of the company by threatening to have you busted.

  15. Yes it will be enough. However, I suggest you have a lawyer draw up a legally binding separation of assets referencing the agreement you have made prior to divorcing. Sort of like a per-nuptial, but it's a post-divorce. Present the agreement and dissolve the marriage at the Amphur that your wife's Housebook is registered in. If your both in agreement, once the papers are signed at the Amphur - it's done. If either of you renege at a later time, the other can go to court to seek enforcement. Best of luck.

  16. Both are responsible. But those working are often told they don't need  work permit by a unscrupulous employers.

    A employee can be be fined up to 500k baht or spend time in jail and be deported.

    The employer up to 100k baht fine per employee.


    Very disparate deterrents.  Now, if the risks were equalize and the employer was on the hook for a 500K fine and jail time, the practice of hiring foreigner without a WP would stop. 


    But Thai employers hold enough sway on MPs in parliament that the law will never change.  It's all "wink wink, nod nod" for the employer.  Tea money to look the other way for those charged with enforcement.  It's a nice set up for shake-downs and corruption.  Welcome to the LOS.

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