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Posts posted by connda

  1. Thais can get along without tissue paper...have you ever noticed the little spigot next to a commode or bomb site...they use water...clean and efficient...

    Your heart was in the right place...next time ask a colleague...what is an appropriate gift...or if a gift is appropriate at all...

    Try volunteering your time...you may get a better feel for what products are needed at a hospital...

    Don't be discouraged...and don't be naïve...

    My Thai wife take tissue everywhere. Gotta dry your privates after spraying them down if ya know what I mean. wink.png

  2. Me? Farang. Buddhist. Married to a Thai with extended family.

    Correct answer:

    You should have either paid for one patients hospital bill or better still take those items to the temple for the monks.

    Welcome to the LOS.

    Personally. Any act of charity is good. Kudos to you from a follow farang. Any act of selflessness that benefits others is a good thing. Let go of the criticism. It's not about you. Good job!

  3. What the <deleted> is wrong with the world today . . . kiddy fiddlers get to adopt children, this guy gets to infect (and ultimately kill) unsuspecting partners with HIV and is given "counselling" . . . when did the rights of the accused/perpetrator trump those of the innocent/victim?

    Welcome to the spread of the 'nanny-state'. Liberalism at it's worst.

  4. It was my understanding that in the US there are laws on the books that address the issue of HIV positive individuals deliberately infecting other individuals as a crime. But then Seattle is a bastion of liberalism on the Western side of the state, as is most of large population centers on the West Coast. What do you expect?

    Rule number one: always wear a condom. Really, the only true regulatory agency in your bedroom should be you. On the flip side of the coin, this guy should have been jailed.

  5. Culpable murder. Is this like "Manslaughter" in the usa? Seems rather reckless to assume a burglar and then use of deadly force on an unidentified/ unresponsive person. I think in the usa they would find him reckless & guilty of manslaughter with maybe 5 years in prison. Interesting to learn the rules related to "Culpable murder" in S Africa.

    In the USA i doubt you would even go to the police station for the shooting of an 'unidentified' person you thought had entered your house. Not saying that is what the situation was with Pistorius;, but it seems the rule of minimum force is not often played in the US.

    It really does depend on the state you live in. The laws governing self-defense vary widely from state to state.

    • Like 1
  6. I wonder why individual countries, after making agreements for visas, don't impose the same rules to the country that imposes the strictest sanctions. If Thai visitors to the US were only allow a 30 day stay after which they need to go to either Canada or Mexico (or some other country) to renew their extension of stay, this BS would end. Sucks if you're visiting friends and family in, let's say, Kansas.

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  7. This is something the NCPO really does not need. Especially when they are hammering for an 'anti-corruption' platform for the new government, but then engage in behavior that could be considered suspect. If it's buried and pushed under the rug, then I have to question the veracity of virtually everything being issued by the new government. I believe the NCPO needs to hop on this issue and quickly. Up to this point they are commanding the respect of a large contingent of the Thai and foreign community. Misuse that trust and then there will be problems for sure. Any suspected collaboration between the new government and business entities for the benefit of either entity will be viewed under a microscope. Anyone calling for the end of corruption need to strictly maintain the moral high-ground.

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  8. Google Mahasamadhi.

    "Mahasamādhi (the great and final samādhi) is the act of consciously and intentionally leaving one's body at the time of enlightenment. A realized yogi (male) or yogini (female) who has attained the state of nirvikalpa samadhi, will, at an appropriate time, consciously exit from their body. This is known as mahasamadhi. This is not the same as the physical death that occurs for an unenlightened person.

    Enlightened yogis take their mahasamadhi during their final practice of samadhi: and they expire during this final sadhana practice. Therefore, mahasamadhi occurs only once in a lifetime, when the yogi finally casts off their mortal frame and their karma is extinguished upon death.

    An enlightened or realized yogi is one who has attained the nondual state of nirvikalpa samadhi where duality of subject and object are resolved and the yogi becomes permanently established in the unity of full enlightenment."

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  9. These classrooms hardly seem concerned with overcrowding here at Ariya Vichit Pundit School where teachers currently outnumber students and a large class size is 3-4 students at a time.

    Of course. And how much is tuition for Ariya Vichit Pundit School, and how many rural villagers in the bottom rungs of the economic ladder could afford to attend?

    How wonderful that Thailand has private schools to fill the void left by an inefficient, and largely ineffective educational system for those who cannot afford the luxury of private education. So the stop-gap measures of creating private, for profit schools targeted at the middle and upper classes of Thai society does little to address the disparity in educational opportunities afforded to those Thais who just 'scrape by' on meager incomes. But the problem lays squarely with the ingrained cultural mindset that is unwilling to admit mistakes, learn from mistakes, and change, not to mention the complete inability to question 'authority figures'. What a lesson in life: don't make mistakes and don't ask questions. And how is learning suppose to take place?
    Change will come from the outside, most likely when Thailand is unable to keep pace with other neighboring countries in the ASEAN community who have embraced and thrived in the global economy. Until then, savvy businessmen and businesswomen will make great money supplying the educational needs of the children of the well-to-do, while the those relying on a public education will continue to just get by with a curriculum of rote repetition and memorization of things that have little to do with education in the 21th century.

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  10. I wonder what the immediate action will be?

    How do you stop the climate from changing? That would be quite a trick.

    First you start by putting a very large thermostat on that big, glowing ball of hydrogen gas the heats the planets up every day. And climate has been changing since this rock coalesced and formed an atmosphere. And the climate has gotten hotter countless times, and the climate has gotten cooler countless times with all variations of weather extremes in-between. And it will go on ad-infinitum, well after man has annihilated himself through wars or stupidity. They'll just be nobody left around to run a carbon-credit con game, and I'm sure 'Gaia' will be all the better for it. lol

  11. Just say, "No." smile.png You'll be happier. Green pastures grow in other countries. The problems with the Thai educational system are endemic. Neither you or I will fix them, but we can choose not to participate. The problems may eventually be addressed when Thailand can no longer keep abreast of other countries competing in the global economy. I'm not holding my breath. Best of luck.

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  12. Anyway, is she crazy or what? Having such a violent reaction in a country which is not yours, with people with different customs, you must be stupid. I'm not arguing if she is right or wrong, but that reaction is just stupid and she was lucky if didn't have consequences other than despise. ใจเย็นๆ !! when in Rome, do as Romans do.

    Some people get confused and think that being "citizen of the world" makes it like "so, everywhere in the world is my backyard".

    11 posts? You haven't been here long enough to have a clue. Sorry. And the mod is going to delete your Thai 'jai yen yen' which isn't allowed in this forum. Sorry again. [English is the only acceptable language anywhere on ThaiVisa including Classifieds, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.] Read the forum rules.

    And.....the woman had just been assaulted. She was lucky to be a woman. If it had been a guy he'd probably have landed up in the hospital or the morgue. And most tourists who come here don't realize what a dangerous place it is in some areas -- nor should they. They're here to relax and enjoy their vacation. They've seen the tourist brochures and travelogues and they're here to enjoy a piece of paradise. They're not here to dodge mafia scamsters, which are a plague on the tourist industry, but lucrative for the mafia, corrupt police, and other government officials.

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