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Posts posted by connda

  1. In reading the full blog posting, it seems that everyone who could produce a passport with a valid visa or current visa-exempt status was left alone. And perhaps a misunderstanding that the people were working (employed by) PunSpace.

    So, I wonder if it's really an exercise in harassing digital nomads, or just an opportunity to check visa status for a group of foreigners who are congregated together. I wonder what's next? Will they storm the next Expats Ladies Lunch and ask to see that we all have our passports with valid retirement visas?

    I now carry my passport with me at all times. Yeah, I know it's a hassle. I put it in a plastic bag and hopefully it won't get stolen or trashed out.

    If you're carrying around all the time, it's just an opportunity to lose it. I'm pretty sure that a copy would suffice. Speaking of which, I think I'll make a copy, digitize it, shrink it down, and put it in my wallet. The passport itself I can always produce with a drive to my home if the Immigration gestapo wants to see it that badly. How many ways can the Thai government say that foreigners are barely tolerated regardless of how much money you pump into their economy. Mai bpen rai.

  2. I suggest that they get ID numbers or barcodes tattooed on the wrists, and give us all a coloured armband based on our nationality. Perhaps put us in a barbed wire fenced off area for our own protection as well.

    Perhaps an insignia on the armband to signify our religious choice. Star of David, Cross, etc, etc, etc...

    Hummmm. This sounds so familiar. Where have I heard this story before.....dry.png

    • Like 1
  3. No full moon parties? Load gun, point at foot, pull trigger. When did TAT get the message to do away with all farang tourists that were not rich and respectable. (oh, nevermind) Goodbye Thailand, hello Cancun. I wonder when they will start enforcing full-piece bathing suits for all women.

  4. There is a lot of this crime going on only yesterday i saw a young American beaten up at second rd and soi chiaptuek,.I dont think Thais like tourists any more

    And if you put up a struggle and defend yourself, they come back with a crowd and beat you and your girl-friend senseless with a hoe and then drown you.

    Something really needs to change when a farang has to fear for their lifes because they were successful at defending off a physical attack. I hope PM Prauth gets around to addressing the senseless violence.

  5. Is there a motor cycle lane ??? note-how many are over the stop line, how many are on the Z crossing ? They have to be at the front--Thai mentality--same at 7-11 shops.

    From what I have seen - foreigners on motorcycles behave no differently in traffic here

    Adopt the local habits very quickly

    I have ridden here for 5 years and I can confirm that is true. The unfortunate truth is that sitting out the front whilst waiting at the lights is a good defensive measure. Drivers are always jostling once they get moving and this causes a LOT of problems for motorcyclists.

    The m/cyclists who pull in front of me at lights etc tend not to move off too smoothly, can be shaky to say the least and are a danger to themselves because of the uncertainty as to what they will do next.

    It would be sensible for them to stay to the nearside away fro faster traffic but when does sense come into it and as ginjag says they HAVE TO be first.

    If you've driven a cycle here, it's not always about being first. It's about being safe. The slowest imiciles tend to gravitate right to the front including tuk tuk, bicyclists, and samlaw drivers -- about the slowest folk on the road. If you are out front with them, it doesn't take much to out accelerate the "mob" and to get a clear traffic lane between you and most of the stupidist individuals on the road. I call it finding the 'sweet spot' in the road: somewhere between the idiots in front of me and the idiots behind me. A zone where I'm alone and I can concentrate on the surprises coming out from the side streets or driving against traffic.

    In any Western country, the cops in patrol cars would have a feeding frenzy on every green light. But not here. So, you protect yourself.

  6. If the author of the article thought this was 'praising' of Prayuth, it's not. Read the entire tome:

    "Three rings to the Elven kings under the sky
    Seven to the Dwarf lords in their halls of stone.
    Nine to mortal men doomed to die
    and one to the dark lord on his dark throne
    in the land of Mordor where the shadows lie

    One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them
    One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them
    In the Land of Mordor where the shadows lie."

    -The Lord of the Rings

  7. statistics showed that arrivals (of tourists) during those eight months plunged by 40 per cent year on year.

    While official stats say tourism is down 10%...vs...the actual 40%...the lack of traffic and shoppers in Pattaya would favor the 40% number...

    "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics." -- Mark Twain

    My experience here in Chiang Mai would favor the 40% number also. But then again, US unemployment is only around 6% if you believe the government, but closer to 23% if you use the statistical methodology used prior to 1994 which didn't exclude individuals who have run out of unemployment benefits as being in the ranks of 'no longer looking for work', which is a total crock of crapola.

    "I'm from your government and I'm here to supply you with accurate information." Yeah, ok. Sure. Whatever you say.

  8. He has stated himself that there are "safe times" for tourists to be outside. Might I say Prayut aint' doing the country any favours in the 'image contest ' either.

    He also says that tourists need to be educated about the dangers of Thailand. Why not erect signs at the Airport arrivals, hand out leaflets and erect large Billboards across the country stating;


    All tourists are advised to stay in thier rooms and lock thier doors B/W xxxxhrs and xxxxhrs.

    If you venture outside B/W these hours and are mugged, raped or murdered Thailand will take no responsibilty for the actions of certain citizens and it is YOUR Fault.

    Please enjoy your stay and do come again.

    Part of the Education program is getting the message out there.

    Most Thais don't understand sarcasm. But good post in my opinion. I agree. Sad, huh.

    • Like 2
  9. I am disgusted that the PM of any country could utter such words. Reprehensible

    I simply would like to know what the new PM means by, "the local people must tell 'tourists when the safe times are to be outside, we have to help them understand.'"

    In the PM's opinion, when is a safe time to be outside? Perhaps the TAT can inform all tourist and expats of these 'safe times' that we can venture out in The Land of Smiles.

    And personally, I have a lot of respect for PM Prayuth. But like the microphone issue, this is going to take more than a few 'sound bites' in the local news to resolve. It's going to take some quick, decisive attention.

  10. I read this earlier today in The Nation. I disagree. And I have read the entire article. Just highlighting one sentence that stood out to me:

    "Experts with long experience in the tourism industry have outlined two major problems" ...and then blah blah blah. They only speak from the 'expert' perspective and not the 'tourist' perspective.

    The primary problem is: Inconsistent application of visa/immigration law, bad experiences due to corruption at both the 'official level' and 'street level' - i.e. Mafia", violence directed at tourists, scams directed at tourists, and 'perceived' internal instability of the government.

    And advice for the 'Experts'? It's not because you can't get transparent data from the government. Most citizens can't get transparent data from their respective governments. It's because you refuse to take your own 'blinders' off and see the reality of the situation. It doesn't take a 'government report' to do that.

  11. I'd ask him if he has a copy of his contract and review it with him. The private school I worked for stated in the contract that either the school or myself could terminate the contract with 30 days written notice. My contract never stated anything about there having to be 'cause' by either party. The incentive for employees to finish a full year contract was a pretty decent bonus on completion.

    If his contract is confusing, I'd definitely suggestion running it by an attorney.

    However, I agree with one of the other posters. If you and you're school management aren't seeing eye to eye, it's a good time to look for another job. There's no reason to stay with an employer that makes your life difficult for you. Especially when there are unresolvable problems with management that are out of your control.

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