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Posts posted by connda

  1. Michael Brown shooting: Ferguson grand jury does not indict officer Darren Wilson

    Nick O'Malley

    US correspondent for Fairfax Media

    A white police officer will not face charges over the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager in August.

    Amid rising tensions on the streets of Ferguson, a St Louis County grand jury declined to indict officer Darren Wilson, 28, for firing shots that killed 18-year-old Michael Brown, St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch said.

    Brown, an 18-year-old African American, was shot dead after he was pulled over by the Mr Wilson in August while walking down the middle of the road with a friend, Dorian Johnson.

    Mr Wilson says Brown leant through his window and attacked him, at which time two shots were fired, once of them hitting Brown's arm. According to Mr Wilson, Brown then ran away, stopped and turned to lunge at him, at which point he shot Brown at least six times.

    According to evidence presented Brown and his friend had been earlier stolen cigars from a local store, and Mr Wilson considered them suspects for the theft.

    His friend Mr Johnson said Brown was first shot as he fled and was attempting to surrender with his hands in the air when the fatal shots were fired.

    Full story: http://www.theage.com.au/world/michael-brown-shooting-ferguson-grand-jury-does-not-indict-officer-darren-wilson-20141125-11t59w.html


    -- The Age 2014-11-25

    The riots were going to happen regardless of what the grand jury handed down imho. I'm definitely more interested in when they plan to release the grand jury transcripts. It would be nice to know what really happened instead of all the racially charged speculation.

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  2. Interesting. I was having problems connecting to news articles about the Grand Jury indictment in Ferguson, MO in the US and the rioting that is happening. I was linked by VPN to the US, but dropped the VPN link to see if I could get a faster connection without the VPN. Tried to link to an article titled, "Obama begs for calm as rioters set fires and attack police cars in Ferguson after grand jury refuses to indict police officer in Michael Brown case" published by Mail Online but I'm redirected to the MICT blocking page???

    What content in this article could be considered "unacceptable" by the Thai authorities. Totally at a loss. I'm now interested in what else they block in regards to the rioting. Back to the VPN.

  3. The result of a sick society that will not or cannot discourage or prohibit the use off and the carrying of firearms, thus society is on the whole living on a razor edge of fear.

    Police offices who were or are perhaps also living on the razor edge of fear,indeed American society it seems has spawned an evil violence motivated society.

    To have to make a decision as to whether to shoot or talk with a 12 year old boy should not be a difficult decision to make.

    You talk, you do not shoot, you call for backup trained to deal with such a situation.

    So yet again we are likely to see yet more outbreaks of wanton needless violence, riots the destruction of both private and public property and general civil disorder. Mad Max is becoming a reality as opposed to fiction I fear in the U .S .

    ...And take away those dangerous, pointy knives too (and the forks, perhaps the spoons too - they could put an eye out).

  4. The EU. Isn't that an organization of countries historically run by a bunch of unelected technocrats? Hummm dry.png.pagespeed.ce.iCXmiFQmCf.png

    Up until early 2013, there had been 24 governments headed by technocrats in the current 27 EU member states, many of them in previous decades.1

    The EU - Talk the talk but don't walk the walk imho. Real bastions of democracy.

    1Defining and Classifying Technocrat-led and Technocratic Governments, Duncan McDonnell and Marco Valbruzzi, Paper prepared for the panel‘Technocrats, Caretakers and Parties in the Long European Crisis’European Union Studies Association Conference Baltimore,9-11 May 2013

  5. You need to file a FinCen Report 114 or FBAR each year by June 15 of each calendar year. You can do that online. I wrote up the linked information earlier this year.


    Hope this helps regarding what you need to do if you're worried about FATCA banking requirements.

  6. So once they get the motorcycles off the footpaths, will they start moving the cars that park on them? If they remove the cars and motorcycles, will they remove the signs, telephone booths, utility poles, mailboxes, etc that are right in the middle of the walkways forcing pedestrians into the street? Once they remove the signs, telephone booths, utility poles, mailboxes, etc., will they remove all the trees planted right in the middle of the walkways forcing pedestrians into the street?

    Didn't think so. coffee1.gif

    I hope your just in a doom and gloom mood and this is not your general outlook to news of something improving. If this is a general life style then the good news is there will always be things to whine about and always be negatives to be seen even if in this case they did everything you mention there will always be more to complain about from curbs too high getting up on the sidewalk, too many cracks, too close to the polluting cars, not wide enough, too close too store doors opening, not enough water fountains, no benches to sit if tired, no place to throw away garbage and so on and so on.

    Personally I think it a good thing there may be less motorbikes on the sidewalks and see positive in this story as are the stories about them finding a common sense ground with street vendors on the main roads to be off the sidewalks during certain hours and them forcing store owners to remove steps and other encroachments on the sidewalks.

    Just observing reality as it is. If you see 'doom and gloom' where I observe reality who's perception is it: yours or mine? Don't think about it too much. Just enjoy your day. :)

  7. Exactly. That's the point. They try and gouge you here for unnecessary hospitalization and other medical expenses. Most of these procedures that are brought up on the forum are outpatient procedures. I'm always amazed when people talk about spending the night in a hospital for a colonoscopy. One member even mentioned just the other day that he was given (and was charged for) oxygen during a colonoscopy! I've had about 4 colonoscopies years back (had colitis one time) and was always in at 8:00 and out by 11:30. Back to work that day. Same with the hernia surgery. In at 8:00, out by 11:30. I did need a lift home that time as I was too drowsy to drive. I recently had a very minor procedure at RAM; finished around 10:30 A.M. and the doctor asked me if I "was spending the night". Huh? I left about an hour later.

    18000 Thai baht for mesh surgery and three nights in a private room. Where was I 'gouged' other than at the incision point?

    Nevermind. Ya'll go to the expensive private Thai hospitals or fly back to your home countries where you won't be 'gouged' by the money hungry government hospitals. Less people to deal with when I go imho.

    Op. Go find an expensive hospital. 'Inexpensive' and 'Professional' doesn't seen to register with folks on this forum. See ya...

    • Like 2
  8. Had one repaired at Maharaj government hospital. I recommend getting a referral from a local doctor at an amphur level government hospital indicating you have a hernia. Long wait to see a physician to schedule surgery, but all good after that.

    Repaired with surgical mesh, 3 days in a private room, very professional staff. Highly recommended. Total cost in 2010: 18K baht.

    PM me if you need additional information.

    Government hospital? 3 days in a hospital for a hernia? That sounds scary. A good hernia surgeon will have you up and around and home in about 4 hours time. When I had mine repaired using the open technique with mesh, I was going to go to work that afternoon but was still a little drowsy from the anesthesia. I would recommend anyone who needs hernia surgery to find the best hernia surgeon they can find. Ask the surgeon how many hernia's he/she has repaired. It's done as an outpatient procedure. Not a big deal at all.

    First day for check in and tests; second day for surgery; third day for observation. I know it's out-patient in the US, but that has to do just a little with the outrageous cost and insurance companies not wanting to paid for in-patient care because it's too expensive. I could have checked out earlier, but why? Better safe than sorry. The private room cost me less than most tourist hotels in Chiang Mai. BTW, this is a teaching hospital. They have the best surgeons in the region. When RAM can't handle the problem cases, guess where they are sent? lol

    • Like 1
  9. So once they get the motorcycles off the footpaths, will they start moving the cars that park on them? If they remove the cars and motorcycles, will they remove the signs, telephone booths, utility poles, mailboxes, etc that are right in the middle of the walkways forcing pedestrians into the street? Once they remove the signs, telephone booths, utility poles, mailboxes, etc., will they remove all the trees planted right in the middle of the walkways forcing pedestrians into the street?

    Didn't think so. coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  10. Had one repaired at Maharaj government hospital. I recommend getting a referral from a local doctor at an amphur level government hospital indicating you have a hernia. Long wait to see a physician to schedule surgery, but all good after that.

    Repaired with surgical mesh, 3 days in a private room, very professional staff. Highly recommended. Total cost in 2010: 18K baht.

    PM me if you need additional information.

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