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Posts posted by connda

  1. I might have answered my own questions here. I found this TV thread discussing the new immigration office in Lampang: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/675650-new-lampang-immigration-office/

    I checked out the links to Google Map and it's almost accurate. Only about one building off. I went to 'Street View' and found the old Lampang Police Station sign to verify the building location. Must be an older picture as the building and parking areas are closed off.

    I'm going to make my next 90 day reporting run to Lampang to just check it out. It will be a nice day out for me and the Mrs to go somewhere different than Chiang Mai. Don't have to go until November, but I'll give it a report after I go. I've read that it's only open on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, but I'll verify when I go. I've attached a Google Earth placemark pointing out the building.

    Google Placemark - Lampang Immigration

    Lampang Immigration.kmz

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  2. I've never quite understood, why some people consider the 90 day, in-person reporting, a hassle??? Perhaps someone will enlighten me?

    I did my 90 day report a week or so ago. 10-15 minute drive to the office, around 8-10 minutes inside the office. EZPZ.

    Before Udon had it's own Immigration Office, I would regularly drive to the Nong Khai office for my renewals and my 90 day reporting.

    I looked at as an opportunity to get out of Udon for a day.

    Drive up to Nong Khai/Friendship Bridge in the morning with another couple, drop off our wives at the Friendship Bridge, so they could go across the bridge, and shop Duty Free for my malt whisky, and other assorted items at the open market on the Lao side.

    Meanwhile my friend and I would go to Immigration, then drive somewhere for coffee. Then we'd head back to bridge, pick our wives up, and go have a relaxing lunch at a riverside restaurant. A nice day.

    Guess for those of you who reside in Bkk, going to Immigration might be a hassle.

    But, I don't know if I'd want to trust the Thai Post. They've "lost" letters of mine before. Why chance it with something so important?

    Perhaps, one day Immigration will have online reporting, where you will get instant confirmation, and you can print the confirmation page out for verification later, if needed.

    Until then, I will be returning in-person to the Immigration Office, for my 90 day reports.

    Did mine at Chiang Mai a few weeks ago. Why is it a hassle?

    • 65 kilometer drive from Lamphun province to CM Immigration
    • 3 hour wait at immigration with 70 people in the queue
    • 65 kilometer drive back home

    That is my definition of a hassle. Perhaps you'd agree? Pretty much a waste of a full day for a 90 day.

    Chiang Mai also stopped allowing mail-in 90 day reports which is why I was making the 90 day pilgrimage every three months. I just found out that they are again taking mail-in. Thank God! Back to sanity.

  3. "You also need to supply a copy of TM6 (arrival card), which must show both the front and back".

    I'm not going to get my passport and look right now, but is there actually anything on the back?

    You took the words right out of my mouth. I guess if they ask, I'd just tell them that the blank back-view of the TM6 is on the blank back-side of the sheet of paper with the my TM6 on the front.

    You know that a bureaucracy has lost it's marbles when they start down this road. lmao laugh.png

  4. So your talking about a bicycle......hahaha I thought a motorcycle....I wouldn't even pay 10 grand and your saying some cost 250 grand....without a engine..???

    I bet my Huffy from Walmart will do what those do.....60 bucks usd....took me to Khon Kaen and back many times over the years 60k round trip

    If you think 250,000 is too much how about over 1 million baht ?w00t.gif


    Toys for the same crowd that love Rolex watches. Bling bling -- look! I'm rich! bah.gif

  5. attachicon.gifIMG_0062.JPG

    This is the bike that was stolen.

    I'll definitely keep an eye out for Jerry's bike in my travels around the city. Sorry to hear he lost it.

    I've got a 10K + bike. I always lock it to something solid unless it's in physical proximity to me. They're just too easy to steal even if you lock the front or back tire to the frame. Too easy to pick up, throw into a car or truck, and cut the lock off later at your leisure. But that's just me. The lock I use isn't going to stop someone with motivation and a pair of bolt cutter, but it will keep honest people honest. lol

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  6. Obviously I've been away from reading the news for the last few days. Just read that Joan Rivers died. I'm sorry to see her gone. I can remember watching her on the Johnny Carson show. She was a funny lady in the fashion of Don Rickles and maybe George Burns on steriods. Jokes, one liners, impromptu, in-your-face, and unabashed. She cracked me up. She definitely was the start of a new genre of female comedians.


  7. and lets not forget that just few days ago, another student, a young girl, was also shot dead in Bangkok.


    ps: just saw, the mods did clean up this threads...

    Must be something in the air. Technical School Violence Virus. I just watched an attack of a mob of students on two other students (one of which got away, the other got mob-mugged) on Thai TV this morning.

    In my humble opinion, addressing vocation school rivalry violence should be near the top of the priorities on the NCPO's educational 'to-do list'.

  8. Connda, I can only go by what my psychiatrist told me but who really knows? Maybe they're just trying to get rid of old stock?

    Yeah, that's why I suggested to run it by Sheryl. She works in this field and is very knowledgeable. I really don't know either, but if it is illegal, I don't particularly want my wife carrying it around in case she's searched during a routine police road block. Neither of us need that hassle especially if the drug is given to her by a doctor and dispensed as a prescription. The last thing I want is to get tossed in jail until we can prove that she has a legitimate doctor's prescription - or worse - shaken down and threatened for having 'illegal' drugs even though they we're prescribed by a doctor. Honestly, if it's illegal, I'd like to know too.

  9. I'd tend to agree with you. 60 years ago a military machine armed to the teeth didn't descend on Washington, DC, New York City, and other major cities in the US at the cost of literally millions of lives as a direct result of armed conflict, and indirectly by the effects of a Russian winter without adequate food and shelter. If they had, it would have had a bit more of a lasting impression on the psyches of the individuals making up our nation.

    America had rationing and War Bond drives. Kid's in school in the US nowadays don't have a clue about history, nor current events that aren't propagandize to the hilt. Neither do their teachers, or probably their teachers before them. Dumbed down, fat, and happy. Perfect citizens.

    Oh these kids today!

    The end of civilization as you knew it. cheesy.gif

    Today's children are tomorrows leaders. Keep laughing Pubicus.

  10. "War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."

    - Smedley D. Butler: United States Marine Corps Major General and two time Medal of Honor recipient

    Come on Wall Street dont' move slow

    Why man this war's a dollar zone

    there's money, good money to be made

    by supplying the army with the tools of the trade

    Just hope like crazy when they drop the bomb

    They drop it on the Viet Cong

    Well it's '1, 2, 3, what are we fighting for?

    Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, next stop is Viet Nam.

    And it's 5, 6, 7, open up the pearly gates.

    Well there ain't no time to wonder why

    Whoopeee, we're all going to die.

    -Country Joe and the Fish: I Feel Like I'm Fixing To Die Rag

    Almost 50 years later and there's nothing new to see here. Move along...

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  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    In Europe, extremely strict hygiene rules about´street´ food and restaurant food. Still many cases of salmonella etc,, sometimes killing (or almost killing) lots of people.

    10 years in Thailand eating lots of street food from vendors following not even the most basic hygiene rules. Never a problem although I have a very sensitive stomach.

    Still a big enigma for me, just don´t get it. alt=blink.png>

    Sorry but I think that you're not telling the truth here.

    Really not sure what you´re insinuating here, I am honestly very confused/wondering about this fact . No agenda at all.

    I'm on board with longtom and I have the same experiences. What are you trying to really say there Mr. Drunk?

  12. I meant to ask "... What do they test for, specifically?

    They test mostly for Meth and XTC. I don't know how sophisticated their kits are but they don't seem too concerned with cocaine and heroin because they are way out of the price range of most Thais but along with grass they will get you a very hefty fine. Meth is automatic jail.

    Pretty simplistic solution to the problem: arrest and jail all users. They better start building more prisons. The 'War on Drugs' is unwinnable. Education and mandatory treatment would be a better option to destroying a sub-segment of Thai society that use methaphedimes by tossing them in jail for 'using'. And then make a concerted effort to stop the supply at the source. There ain't no stopping it, but supply and demand will dictate price -- stop enough and a large segment of society won't be able to afford it.

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