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Posts posted by connda

  1. In my 10 years in Thailand I have never had an encounter with the Tourist Police, positive or otherwise. My point is, do they actually pro-actively approach tourists like in the lovely photo above, or is it just for show?

    Yes, I've seen them chatting with tourists in Chiang Mai. Some of them are friendly and helpful. I sort of think that some of the one's that aren't so helpful are somewhat English-language impaired in a shy, "I really don't know how to speak English very well" sort of way.

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  2. Actually, I believe that Thailand is in the birth-throes of legitimatizing a new form of government: Government by Coup

    It would sort of work like this: Someone fans the flames of discontent in some faction of the Thai social strata; critical massed is reached; and an unelected government is establish -- rinse and repeat ad infinitum -- no elections needed.

    However, in reality, elections will periodically take place in order to give the world the feeling that there is a semblance of democracy in Thailand (don't want to scare all the farangs away), and of course, for the purpose of income redistribution in the form of 500 to 1000 baht payouts at to poll booths in order to keep the toiling, poor masses in check from time to time.

    Actually for Thailand, I think Government by Coup works pretty well. They have the history for it. They just need to do is a few more times to refine the form.

    Someone should make a Wikipedia entry for it!!!rolleyes.gif lol

  3. What "original" documents will the Social Security Administration in Manila require to be sent to them when applying for social security benefits.

    A acquaintance said that they will need you to sent them your passport. If that's the case, then you are without valid passport while living in a foreign country. That doesn't seem right.

    Has anyone done this recently. What can be verified at our local US Embassy and what needs to be sent directly to Manila.

  4. According to my wife, and confirmed by reply #34, the derailment was caused by points being the wrong way ie, operator error and nothing to do with the tracks per se.

    So, those scoffing at the rail repairs can shuffle off quietly in embarrasment at being too fast to criticise.

    How many derailments does it take to make a point. Please, get real.

  5. This is not my group being expat/expat partners in Thailand - however - this is blatantly another nail in the coffin for Thailand’s expat community and the ability to retain desperately needed expat managers at many global companies in Thailand such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and other big or not so big companies with global offices.

    You have obviously never worked for a global multinational company. They pay for everything.

    Now, you and the misses want to retire here on a limited income. You're just got screwed. Try South America. Actually, I"m sort of sorry I didn't see this before, otherwise I'd have retired in South America. Still might be an option.

  6. So they think "farangs" will marry each other to get a thai visa? Yeah, we are the scammers here,right?

    ...and what married retired couples in Thailand have a joint annual income equivalent to GBP 32,000...? If we placed such a restriction on Thais entering the UK, they'd be screaming "racists"....!!

    If this happen in the UK, they would be screaming 'racists" in the world community, they would have every global anti-racist organization up-in-arms.

    But LOS...who cares. No social welfare programs available for the farang masses to suck on, so who cares?

    It only harms Thailand. Fine. What a stupid f***ing piece of legislation.

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  7. Why a lying piece of crap! Thaksin and his cronies have blurred the lines between the legislative and the administrative branches of the government. To say they're both seperate is an outright lie we've come to expect from this PTP government.

    Wait until they blur the lines between administrative, legislative, judicial, and their corporate sponsors; then they'll have truly achieved 'developed country, first-world, status. Lol ;)

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