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Everything posted by connda

  1. Riding on the back of marijuana decriminalization - which of course many MPs in the Thai parliament wish to recriminalize. Then both the baby and the bath water goes right out the window. Traditional Thai Massage and Traditional Thai Medicine - without cannabis - will not generate 90k Billion THB in revenues.
  2. I have a suggestion that should work. 1) Give the problem plenty of lip service, add photo-shoots of "special people" saying "important stuff about changing the system," then 2) keep doing the same thing you've been doing for the 15+ years that I've been here. Wash, rinse, repeat forever................... Oh by the way. When you pay sub-par wages - the same wages you were paying 15+ years ago - you get the teaching ability you pay for.
  3. connda


    Try Afghanistan or Myanmar. Lot's of poppies.
  4. Don't be attached to what you have. There is a lot of freedom to simply selling it all and leaving.
  5. If that is you only criterion, then just about any VPN on the market will do. If you're using it for streaming, then choose one that is "streaming optimized."
  6. Thank god I was raised at a period of time where we embraced the adage, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." So many snowflakes now who need to be handled with kid-gloves. "You triggered me." Grow thicker skin. You'll be happier.
  7. What does your "Aura" attract? After hok moong yen (6PM) 1. Mosquitoes 2. Bargirls who insist I'm a 'hansum man.'
  8. You've been here longer than I have. How many decades of time do you need to "find the information you need." Not being cheeky but how long do you need? Wills, leases, Usufruct Contracts, and what to do when you or your spouse dies have been covered in depth on TV/AN in the 15 years I've been here. A lawyer can help you get through the process, and imho is needed to navigate creating a Usufruct and getting the Land Office to modify the land deed, and a lawyer is good to have on retainer if you or your spouse checks out and you need to go to probate.
  9. As a private citizen, why is it the government's responsibility to provide money to those who take jobs overseas in countries where there is the chance of civil strife and wars? You roll the dice and take your chances. Usually the pay is better if you are accepting geopolitical risks in the nation where you chose to work. Then it goes sideways and you expect the government to bail you out. Arranging plane flights back to Thailand should be the extent of the government's participation.
  10. Regulatory Capture Provide favorable regulatory decisions for those corporations you "regulate" and then when you retire or "move on" from government service, hop on board an extremely lucrative career ladder as a reward for your services.
  11. I bought a laser printer. Never looked back.
  12. Last Wills for assets in both Thailand and your home country, Usufruct Contract or lease for land holdings, Advanced directives, open discussion between yourself and your wife regarding what to do after the death of the other spouse. In other words? Have a plan.
  13. People shooting up Thai malls isn't "fake news." It happened. Other shootings, knife and machete attacks, and assaults on tourist do happen. We read about them all of the time, especially here on AN/TV. So dear Srettha and friends. Work on the societal problems that create the conditions that scare away tourists. That isn't accomplished by censoring factual information that doesn't fit the narrative that the Thai government wishes to spin by calling factual information "fake news."
  14. Luxembourg family demands justice after fatal road accident Dear Luxembourg bereaved. You will get "justice." Just not the type of "justice" that you would expect in a predominately European nation. For those of us who live here, we know: This Is Thailand (TIT). It' ain't Luxembourg, it ain't the EU, it ain't the US - it's Thailand with its own very unique problems with traffic fatalities and injuries, as well as perceived justice and compensation. The death or injury of a foreigner here isn't like a Thai citizen who is either on Social Security or Thai Government Insurance. So that paltry amount of 50K in mandatory insurance doesn't need to go to covering hospital expenses. That's just the way 'road justice' (and justice in general) works here and it ain't like a first-world country. Money talks, and many victims of traffic accidents settle for a rather low payout as compared to the West. Then toss in the circumstances that it was two Europeans killed by a Russian driver? There isn't even a Thai involved. I feel for the parents. Lost my own daughter and only child at 18 to another driver's extreme negligence. You don't get over it. Especially when there is no closure or "justice." My daughter's killer was fined $400. That was "justice" in the United States.
  15. I've got a blank canvass and it's going to stay that way. I've never understood the allure unless you where three-sheets-to-the-wind in Subic and wake up screwed, blued, and tattooed.
  16. Once you're dead, your body is just so many molecules undergoing entropy in a very non-living manner, well, except for what is currently feeding off of your corpse. I've never understood this rather macabre tradition where someone needs to be "taken home" in order to be "laid to rest." But if that's your wishes, then set all of that up in a Last Will and Testament and have your executor handle with whatever funds you provided for the event. Or simpler? You can buy a wooden coffin for as little as 500 THB. Again - make a will and ask the executor to have you put in the box and burned ASAP and toss the ashes and bones in a river. Bob's Your Uncle. No muss, no fuss, no bother. Or donate your body to a university hospital like Chiang Mai University. Even less muss, fuss, and bother. Once you're dead, make life easier on those around you and check out swiftly and cleanly. My only last wishes for those who have me burnt and scattered? "Have a party!"
  17. Sell the condo, move to rural Thailand, and buy a couple of Rai of land and build a house. Get to know the village head and your neighbors. Bob's your uncle!
  18. This is from my super-secret, deep-state, insider sources in Washington DC. Don't tell any US expats as they may freak-out. "Shhhhhh."
  19. Hummm Crossy, that sounds like something a doctor would say when handing you a bottle of blue pills.
  20. Welcome back AseanNow. Better than a week and change of this: So, cue some levity maestro.....
  21. I've now bought gummies from both Bb_bud_cnx on Kampangdin and Space Trees. Space Trees had a bottle of five 50mg gummies, and Bb_Bud_CNX has a pack of 5 100mg gummies - for the same price. Just finished the bottle from Space Trees last night. Cutting them into 1/3s is about perfect or around 15 to 20 mg per dose. I'll give the Bb_Bud_CNX gummies a try tonight. If they are actually 100mg THC per gummie they should last me almost a month if split into 20mg 1/5th pieces. The 50mg gummies from Space Tree had very irregular shapes, like the gummies you'd buy for kids. A couple reasons I don't particularly care for those as 1) they look like candy (and I could see how a kid could mistakenly eat these, and 2) you don't really know the dosage your getting as the entire gummie is in the shape of a figurine. The "Sugar Punch" gummies from Bb_Bud_CNX are 100mg and are a 1.5cm square that can be accurately cut into near perfect 1/5th for a 20mg dose (if they THC percentage is actually consistent in the gummie. Hopefully they are actually 100mg of THC. Guess I'll find out tonight. Gotta admit, I really prefer the gummies over smoking. Smoking is tough on the lungs, and smoking simply smells and I can do without the smell of ganja in my clothes, hair, and in my nose. Unlike when I was young (I liked the smell), I just find the smell a distraction. But I like the feel. So gummies are the answer. From a medical standpoint this is now my remedy for insomnia. And it works! It also helps with the overall senior body aches that I've developed with age. I only wake up a couple of times at night instead of the 4 or 5 times a night I used to wake up. And I actually feel better in the morning. Better than the dragged out feeling you can have if using diazepam or Hydroxyzine HCL (Atarax). So - thanks to those who responded with information. It's appreciated. Hopefully the Thai government won't end this as from a medical standpoint this really does help me as opposed to the extremely expensive CBD that really does nothing.
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