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Everything posted by connda

  1. Works until so many EV show up that the power grid no longer is capable of functioning. Then it's rationing. Perhaps only allowed to drive alternate days. There isn't a country on Earth that can sustain its entire population driving EV, especially if the country's leadership banned coal, gas, and nuclear. I can project this out three decades and I know where it ends.
  2. Injuries from BJJ are some of the most frequently treated injuries by doctors. I've done mat work in the past. If you had started 10+ years ago it probably would not be an issue. At 62? I'd rethink it. You get slammed into a mat at 62 you may regret it. Krav Maga may be a better choice as it is defensive and combines MMA with self-defense. I believe Combat Group Thailand Pattaya offers MMA, BJJ, and Krav Maga. Another choice (if you're not a Russia-phobe) is Systema. Look it up on Youtube and check out videos. I believe there is a Systema group in Pattaya. That would be my own choice after 60 years old. Some of the best self-defense is situational awareness and knowing what to look for and how to avoid confrontations before they begin. With Systema the idea is to avoid the situation, but if engaged, strike or counter-strike and then get out of the situation asap. Look into it. I'd suggest it a better fit for older gents like yourself. When you get to be another 10 years older, like myself, trust me, you don't want to throw-down with anyone. It's a losing game. Even if you have had past martial arts training. Age takes its toll.
  3. If they are at the airport and leaving the country, then why tie up resources to arrest them. Mark their passports "persona non grata" and let them go.
  4. New in town 'eh? Should have been here before the government knee-capped the Thai economy by closing 'non-essential businesses' and limiting freedom of movement during the plague pandemic. You would have enjoyed pre-2020 Chiang Mai much better. Walk up Thapae. See all those shuttered businesses. I personally know a lot of Thais who were put out of business. Not sure about Old Town as I simply don't go there any longer, but I'm assuming there are a lot of shuttered businesses there as well.
  5. Interesting as this is highly inflationary. Whoever the bondholder(s), they are essentially digging an economic grave with the plans of jumping in. Inflation hits, rates have to increase to slow inflation, bond holders take the hit. The bondholder(s) is (are) going to lose money. I wonder what fools plan to finance this idiotic scheme when you can see the outcome a mile away?
  6. "Legalized vote buying" using government funds. Ethical? Not at all. But I seriously doubt that Thai politician are going to pass any laws making this illegal. Hell, they'll all double down next election. "Vote For ฿฿฿ The Kee Kwai Party ฿฿฿ and we promise all Thai adults 20,000 THB freshly minted from the Thai treasury if you vote us into office!!!" Every Thai political party will get into the action and will bring the Thai economy down to promote their own lust for power and control.
  7. ....and then comes the inflation as the money supply in Thailand is amped. Then over the course of the next couple of years, inflation will claw back the 10K THB and more. Expats should enjoy the inflated exchange rate as Thai currency loses value. I wonder who will holding the bag for the 500 billion THB "loan?" The bondholders are going to be sorry.
  8. Sweep it under the rug quickly and hope potential Chinese tourist don't see. This isn't the first minibus accident. And given the insane driving of minibus drivers and the complete lack of driving enforcement in Thailand, it's just a matter of time until the next fatal minibus accident occurs.
  9. Unlike the West, they have absolutely ZERO patrol cars on the road. They don't do moving violation stops and ticketing. That cr*p like using both lanes to straighten out the road never gets sanctioned because their are no patrol cars to stop dangerous driving as it happens. Until they do, this never changes. And in my life-time? It never changes.
  10. Given the fact that I've seldom seen drivers put their seatbelts on, I'm assuming the driver went right through that window and is one of the blurs on the road. Instant Karma gonna get you. Knock you right in the head. Didn't wear that seatbelt, Now your pretty dead.
  11. Another reason EV's aren't going to catch on - they are too da*m expensive.
  12. I thought it would just be more Tiger Pee. A beer with taste? What a novel idea. I'll give them a try. Dark and IPA.
  13. If "they" have submarines, then "we" don't need submarines. They need sonar buoy arrays, Boeing P-8 Poseidons and other ASW weaponry. Given what happened to HTMS Sukhothai I doubt that there is enough discipline in this country to manage a sub without taking it to the bottom. Not enough attention to detail. What happened to the Sukothai should have gotten the entire chain of command relieved of duty and retired.
  14. Then its, "Have you ever driven the CM to Pai road?" I have a number of times. And almost always I've been put in uncomfortable positions by van drivers and other cars, mostly those who are driving the mountain roads using both lanes and coming around blind corner at speed in the oncoming lane, or worse, passing someone.
  15. They drive like maniacs. Pass on hills, pass on blind corners, speed like crazy. I'm surprise that there aren't more bang-ups like this. And it's not just the CM-Pai route. It's everywhere these vans drive. Just in the Northern Thailand mountains the poor driving kills. I wonder who the tourists are who aren't going home standing up?
  16. Sure you can. I'm a classical liberal and I've been referred to as far-right on occasion.
  17. You forgot "bob smith." <laughs> Really - who is forcing you to read what they post? Nobody. If you don't like their posts - put them in your Ignore List and don't click on the topics they start. Personally I find some of their posts entertaining. Sometimes thought provoking. Sometimes silly. You don't need George to censor them; you don't need the mods to censor them. Self-censor them. Easy breezy.
  18. I personally don't view this as a "toxic" forum. There are occasional dust-ups, but the mods do keep it civil.
  19. If you want security, you need to made the modifications to make the home secure. Very honestly, iron grating covering your doors and windows is not that expensive. Upgrading your security is worth the price.
  20. Nice animals! But, then I'm a dog lover and appreciate certain breeds for their usefulness.
  21. I've been called an "anti-vaxxer." <laughs>
  22. “I wholly disagree with what you say and will contend to the death for your right to say it.” -attributed to Voltaire That's where I personally stand when I hear calls to limit the speech of other OPs. I don't hang out in The Pub but occasionally will see a post in the "Most recent Topics and Popular Now" columns and click to take a look. Yeah, sometimes it drivel, other times something timely and of interest, or funny, or uplifting. But honestly, one man's drivel is another man's whine wine (maybe that pun's intended, maybe it's not). So I want to see it all. "Good," "bad," and otherwise. I'll decide what I wish to read and comment on and what to let slide. And if I really don't want to deal with another member's comments and attitude and opinions? I place them in my Ignore List. And I do ignore them. As long as the posts are within the community guidelines, I don't have an issue. Even those who's opinions I completely disagree with and who have, over time, been relegated to my "Ignore List." I'll fight for their right to say what they say (metaphorically speaking) even if I personally can't stand them. Bottom line - no one is forcing anyone else to either read or participate in this forum. And I detest censorship in most all of it's forms. The rules of what may and may not be posted on this forum are clear and fair warning, and I have no problem with those rules being enforced. Adding rules to limit the content of another poster's opinions simply because you don't agree with it, or you don't think it is relevant, or think it is drivel? That I would have a problem with. As I stated - I detest censorship. This is a wonderful forum and a real plus to the expat community. I'd hate to see it diluted.
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