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Everything posted by blazes

  1. Wouldn't retirement visa require 800k in Thai bank? And marriage visa = 400 k in Thai bank? Yes, granted the money is always "yours", but a bit of a bother, no?
  2. Sorry to push this, Dr J, but what is your opinion of reversing the methods: 1. Apply for Tourist Visa - 60 days. 2. Apply inside Thailand for non O (family)- 90 days. Does applying inside Thailand make the process in any way "easier"??
  3. Clearly, there is a shortage of good dentists in Scotland.....
  4. In the list of things needed for the non-O marriage, it mentions: To visit as the relative of a Thai national, the applicant must show documents proving such a relationship. Step 1 – Online e-Visa Application: Complete the online e-Visa Application at https://thaievisa.go.th/and upload the following documents in PDF or JPG formats: 1. Photo taken with a light color background with a full- face view of the person without wearing a hat or dark glasses and covering up shoulders 2. Photo taken while holding passport with a light color background with a full- face view of the person without wearing a hat or dark glasses and covering up shoulders 3. A copy of Passport (must not expire within 6 months) 4. Proof financial showing monthly income minimum 40,000 Baht (for last two month) or Bank balance 400,000 Baht 5. The applicant must present a valid and effective marriage certificate and a copy of the spouse’s Thai Passport or Thai National I.D. card. Fiancés are not included in this category. In #4, we are talking non-Thai bank??? That is, you have to show what is in your non-Thai bank account, (since I do not have a Thai bank account).
  5. Well, thanks for that. Sure sounds sweet. Just to dot the i's and cross the t's: My wife, Thai, living with me everywhere and all the time, and entering LoS with me, "counts" as someone I am "visiting"?? Also, is that 60 day visa extendible by 30 days (or more?) Thanks for this info.
  6. Let' Let's get this absolutely straight (cos it sounds too good to be true!!): Enter Thailand 30 days exempt. Get extension of 30 days. Now (with my Thai wife at my side) I apply for a 60-day to visit my wife. That gives me 120 days in the country before I have to leave???? is that correct?
  7. Well, perhaps we can at least congratulate the now departed Yousaf for is his kick-up-the-ar$e of the eco-idiot Green Party from the coalition. The number 1 item in the Greens' list of desirable ends was the closing down of the North Sea oil industry. This is the Goose that provides the Golden Egg for the Scottish economy, without which poverty in Scotland would rise exponentially. I wonder if the interim leader of the SNP will have the cojones to ditch the recently passed "hate" law. Probably not.
  8. A party that introduces a "Hate Law" that itself promotes widespread hate in the community is not fit for purpose.
  9. So everyone here is confident that that is a woman? (I'm going by the picture shown in the newsletter headline section.)
  10. blazes


    With VPN (Nord) = 33 without = 235
  11. The Grauniad reported that this lady had been approached by Liverpool F.C. to become their next manager. However, the Manchester Evening News reports (May 1, 2074) that she is being actively solicited to become the next manager of Manchester United.
  12. thought at first glance it was a woman. I do hope he is not deported to Trudeau's utopia...too many of his type already there.
  13. Miss Cauto, you are a very tiresome poster. However, your fatuous splenetic comments do have the virtue of demonstrating the depth of your ignorance. Did you not know that it is your lot (those Democrats who believe that the foundations of Western Civilization are entirely racist) have spent the last few years claiming that mathematics is "racist". And therefore our children should be allowed to claim that 2+2 = 5, because that is "their truth". Welcome to the lala land of the likes of Meghan Markle (and J Cauto).
  14. How tragic that you fail to remember that Mr Joseph Biden was absolutely brilliant under Mr Obama......
  15. Anyone seeing this woman as "intelligent" must have a screw loose. She is the dumbest thing on two legs, running the Big Man very close in the lack-of-brain dept.
  16. Well, I was going to lament that the pupils would now be prevented from learning about the Religion of Peace, when along came this informative list of what the poor souls would be missing.
  17. It's probably best to be cautious about this poll, since it was done online. However, the detailed questions are very interesting, especially question #44. https://echelonin.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/April-2024-Omnibus-Topline-EXTERNAL.pdf
  18. I assume the PM did not arrive in HH by train (single or double track)???
  19. What utter balderdash! Who the eff cares who has this or that orgasmic satisfaction? This gobbledegook comes from some $hite term paper of some woke Ph.D. candidate in a backwater US university. Not worth a nanosecond of your time. (Soon you will be able to see her working as a barista in some godforsaken part of the Mid-West.) (And also: why does EVERY article on a general subject (like this) on AN sound like it has been churned out from ChatGPT????)
  20. Your faith in "science" (which of course is always changing) is touching. The climate cultists are every bit as ready to eviscerate you for "wrong belief" as was the Spanish Inquisition. One religion is much the same as any other....it always involves believing that some other schmuck's religion should be swept from the face of the earth.
  21. So you believe in Hell, eh? Maybe, instead, you might want to join the Climate Cultists, because they keep telling us we are all going to be "frying" very soon if we don't do as they say....
  22. I laughed out loud (as they say) when I saw this one-liner. Yes, I'd have to admit that it is difficult to imagine some of the yobbos on here bending down reverently before sidling into the pew. But then on further thought, it has to be admitted that ignore it (wonderful pseudonym) and I both belong to all "this lot"......
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