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Everything posted by blazes

  1. To be fair, he does support England's best football club.....no Arsenal supporter can be all bad.
  2. They should have been left there, heard, seen, but ignored, even when the calls of nature took over. I wonder if the modern toilet appeared without any input from fossil fuels? I noticed that one of the numpties was smoking on her way to court. Yet another product that could not exist without oil at some point in its manufacture and distribution....
  3. This bilious contribution to human communication (but are you indeed human?) arises from a deeply ignorant and frivolous mind....
  4. Shocking piece of propaganda this little story about conscription. Here's the deal: Russia has to be established as the Evil One. That has been the case since at least 1917. Now Russia's "incursion" into Ukraine (which Biden, using the word "incursion", more or less okayed) allows us to make more realistic the "threat" to the whole of Europe. Next, make the young people of Europe believe in this threat. Then train them to kill. Finally, when Europe, close to financial collapse and faced with riots, sends in the newly-trained conscript troops to "deal with" the breakdown in law and order. "But I thought we were supposed to be fighting Russia." "Sorry mate, we've got to deal with all these domestic terrorists first."
  5. That's easily answered: most Asian females tend to be on the slim side. They make a welcome change from the Western whales wending through the Subways of life. However, it's not obvious to me what an Asian female will see in a Western fat slob of a male (other than money), of which there seem to be many in LoS.
  6. You just need to watch CNN at certain times of the day (yeah, I know, life is too precious). Be assured, she is dumb as a stick.
  7. GOOD, very good. As long as you don't end up where I live........
  8. What utter poppyc0ck. These CNN dumbasses have nothing to offer in the sexual department (even less than in the intelligence department).
  9. I wonder if her family has visited the Shankill Road, Belfast's upscale version of Sukhumvit (well, ok, Sukhumvit is a little bit more respectable than the Shankill).
  10. You thank Tod Daniels for info re crossing a land border and arriving at an airport. Is this correct?
  11. Seems to me there are two kinds of responses on this thread: (a) from permanent expats and (b) from infrequent expats - that is, those of us who come to LoS once a year to avoid northern winters. Group A imagine that their reasonably untroubled life in the Kingdom is about to be profoundly disturbed by an influx of riff-raff from undesirable foreign locations. Even so, some members of Group A on this thread have acknowledged that they live in a region where "tourists" rarely infiltrate. Group B (those more likely to spend a fair amount of money in their limited time in Thailand) welcome this change in visa-free time, since it reduces time wasted in traipsing back and forth to Immigration for "extensions". If those in Group B do not, now, have to leave Thailand (maybe to Vietnam or Malaysia or wherever) their money saved from not having to leave and come back can be spent, instead, in LoS. Win,win all round. Group B, however, wonder why Thailand cannot have the same kind of visa rules as Malaysia (90 days) or Mexico (180 days) and many other countries with 90+ days.
  12. A new thread for the AN detectives. My guess is that T.T. is not really T.T but TiT, This is Thailand, with an omitted i.
  13. score at 90 = 2-2 extra time = 2-2 Spain win on penalties.
  14. this service is long overdue, not only in Thailand. The NHS will soon be implementing this, as are some provinces in Canada. Amazing how many people tie up health care with minor complaints.
  15. I think (but can't assert for sure) that it's supposed to be 60 + 30. Otherwise why the fanfare? (it's already 30+30).
  16. Trump's greatest achievement in his short reign: pulling the US out of the Paris Accords of 2015. With any luck, Trump will introduce a tax that those who believe in the climate apocalypse can pay voluntarily, as a gesture to the idea of putting one's money where one's mouth is.....
  17. Leicester, Islington, Rochdale, Rotheram, Bradford, and many parts of Birmingham??? (to name only the most obvious centres of riff-raff.)
  18. but but but cycling in all that foul air?????? Must be like smoking a pack of fags a day....
  19. You are living in Chiang Mai, but you have no "burning" needs? How do you manage in the burning season from Jan to April? Serious question.
  20. Most of AN stuff seems to be generated by AI, so it seems quite possible that the OP is a fictional character created by some algorithm in wherever the computer is located. On reading 80-90% of first articles in AN these days, I immediately suspect that it is indeed "artificial", which is perhaps why so many of us get impatient with the "de-humanized" opinions generated.
  21. Had no idea that the King was "two-spirited". No wonder the UK media are still interested in the royal family.
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