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Everything posted by blazes

  1. 24-hour flight ops???? has anyone experienced the noise over Niman Road as the jets take off, practically overhead. Bad enough eating out, but think of all the condo residents trying to get a good night's sleep.
  2. Don't understand, why is his "history" unusual? Seems more or less in line with most people's experience of getting an extension and counting up the days.
  3. LoL...a good one. Brilliant summation, in a single sentence, of the complete essence of Thai "drama". Sad in a way, but another reflection of an education system that has produced this kind of dreck.
  4. But also the land of Tolstoy and Tchaikovsky.
  5. Sorry i failed to entertain you? I will try harder next time. Perapse a song and a bit of dancing might be more agreeable with you? oooo, a bit sensitive we are today. Why would you show to the world that you can't take a bit of AN ribbing?
  6. ah The Times, my good man. But the Dirty Digger from Australia put an end to the broadsheet version in the early 70's. Fake news!
  7. It's all about "face" -- loss of (if kids not looking spic & span).
  8. My second wife used to refer to this sort of stuff as "unpaid labour in the home". (Needless to say, a classic Western feminist.) My third wife does an excellent job on my t-shirts.
  9. Well, cows' lips would be "pure beef", right?
  10. I thought Mac burgers were made of cows' lips, imported (to USA) from Brazil or Argentina or some such cow pasture.
  11. Why? I don't make money in English or interested in your mom. Edited 14 hours ago by AndyAndyAndy But you do manage to put the meaningless word "like" in your message on two occasions. It's bad enough hearing people (usually North Americans) uttering "like" every two seconds in their speech, but seeing "like" in written language is a real horror-show.
  12. The Biden regime will engineer a coup against Zelensky and force Ukraine to negotiate a peace with Russia.
  13. Thanks for quick replies. Much appreciated. Intention is to stay for about 4/5 months, no more. In the "old days" before Covid, I used to obtain a "retirement" visa, and since I wanted more than 5/6 months, a 12-month visa did the trick and was good for the 8 months that I actually stayed. And if you timed things properly, you could (with a re-entry stamp obtained at the airport on departure) return to LoS before the original visa ran out, and return in time to be stamped in for a one-year extension of stay. That was ideal. Thanks again.
  14. It's also worth remembering that two totally innocent Canadians were snatched off Beijing streets and held prisoner for two years (because the Canadians -aka Trudeau - stupidly carried out the orders of Washington to arrest the Huawei heiress when she changed planes in Vancouver). The incident did have the value of demonstrating without doubt that your country will never protect you in political disputes between countries (other than sending an embassy staffer to see if you have enough noodles to eat).
  15. Please forgive my muscling in on this topic, but my query is in the same general area as that of the OP. My Thai wife (we married in LoS 10 years ago) and I live together (obvs) and she works in and is by now a citizen of my country. She also owns a house (rented out) in Thailand. So when we visit Thailand, she obviously, being a citizen, has her Thai passport and does not have to worry about things like visas. Question: how can we satisfy the demand in the link (in OJAS's reply) to have photos etc in our Thai house when we don't live in it. In other words, I would prefer to apply for an O-A marriage visa to avoid all the extension stuff that is involved in coming on a Tourist Visa (extended). I have no Thai bank at present. Many thanks for any opinions offered.
  16. Sorry, yes, I was thinking it was LAX to BKK. But I was for some reason also thinking YVR to BKK, which is (or was) definitely under $1000 CAD on Eva Air before Covid.
  17. If that's Economy, it seems a bit steep. Economy "in years past" was under a thousand.
  18. For some reason, Ottawa Thai Embassy has always been glacially slow. May have something to do with the weather, or maybe they just send staff who are even less educated than the norm. Or maybe the only staff are the ambassador and his wife.... On the other hand, the Vancouver consulate does at least direct you to the online application process. http://www.thaiconsulatevancouver.ca/consular-services/
  19. We'll take your Trump for our Trudeau any day.....
  20. Anyone know of an efficient and reputable agent in Hua Hin? PM ?
  21. When i was a subscriber to Netflix, it would block my access if they encountered a VPN. (Incidentally i cancelled my sub in 2022 cos the new offerings were becoming more and more juvenile.) Now i subscribe to FUBO TV for access to footy leagues around Europe, the EPL in particular ($25 per m), BUT if it spots my VPN on, it will prevent access. Not a big deal for me, but....
  22. Every time I access my bank account (daily cos it is also access to stock market), I always make sure my VPN is on. Just in case. You never know. In particular, if you were ever accessing sensitive information in a public place such as a mall or coffee shop, a VPN would protect you from snooping by curious by-standers.
  23. Tell me, Black Peter: is your sister's name Ursula, the Mama Bear who likes to be Laid on?
  24. as much authenticity to this name as Joe Sixpack of Nakhon Nowhere....
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