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Everything posted by blazes

  1. Yes, the differences are "stark" - only 30% of Americans think the country is on the right track. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/08/us/politics/trump-and-harris-times-siena-poll.html
  2. Her previous position (like all of them) is not as shameless as this gobble-de-gook answer from some campaign hack. In what country that speaks the English language could the "governance" of the last 3 years be called "effective"?????
  3. Tug is one of Mrs Clinton's true 'deplorables'....and deserves not one moment of anyone's attention....
  4. AI at work again here! Only a machine could have written that sentence without any sense of irony. Psaki is just one (but perhaps the most prominent) media puppet who lied both to herself and the American people about the state of Biden's mind these last four years.......
  5. So, who in fact "officially classified" the party as extremist? Who sets the standard? Who decides who is "right-wing extremist"? If you think this question does not need answering, you have answered the supposed theme of the article: why are so many in Eastern Germany turning to the right?
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 136 seconds  
  7. The little fatty is obviously profiting from all her protest earnings. Pity she got arrested and thus gave her what she craves: publicity.
  8. Ok, I'm gullible: which is your home country? (And why be shy about revealing it without my having to ask you?) I've never been able to understand why, on these threads, so many people are afraid to reveal where the f they come from!!!!!!!!!
  9. Just like Willie Clinton, then? But at least Trump's wife is beautiful, whereas Mrs Clinton is not exactly pulchritudinous....
  10. You should keep up. Kemp and Trump have kissed and made up.... God knows why, but that's the way of the world..
  11. It must be her fake Southern accent that's making all the difference in Georgia. Pretty soon, she'll be offering us a French Canadian accent, and, with a bit of luck an Indian accent in the manner of Peter Sellers.
  12. I quake in my Nikes as I contemplate losing your "respect". But I do respect your right to hold the moronic opinion that mentioning the truth is an act of "mudslinging."
  13. Had a good laugh over this nonsense. I find it difficult to conceive of her relationship with Willy Brown as an instance of "working oneself up"!!!!
  14. Many of us, who have lived long enough, probably yearn for the days when politicians, while contemptible in some ways, at least seemed to be guided by deep principles, whether you agreed with them or not. Think of Golda Meir, Indira Ghandi, Margaret Thatcher, Nelson Mandela, Kwame Nkrumah, Churchill...we can all add to the list. But how embarrassingly those names indicate our present impoverishment in the world of politics.
  15. I just completed this quiz. My Score 75/100 My Time 86 seconds  
  16. In his own country, a "stern warning" would involve a hundred lashes to his rear end.... or worse.
  17. Such mindless snobbery!!!! As if MSNBC or CNN were fronted by the cream of the nation's intellectuals!!!
  18. Lucky Indians: they are blessed with a country abounding in energy sources and they have a government with enough common sense to exploit them. https://cornwallalliance.org/2024/08/india-accentuates-coal-reliance-in-its-new-economic-policy-brief/
  19. Even though the scientists are puzzled by this mysterious phenomenon, they nevertheless assume it belongs in the Climate Alarm department. Scientists have, literally, no idea whether this phenomenon has been sighted during the last few billions of years, but apparently it has not been observed before in all recorded history (going back to 1982!!!).
  20. What a sharp contrast between the honourable ethical stance of Fetterman and the ubiquitous lying that characterises the modern Democrat Party and its supporting chorus in the media (with the exception of Fox which for four years has not hidden the fact that both Biden and Harris were not fit for the offices they held).
  21. I hope future Dictionaries of Synonyms will note that in 2023/4 "nuanced" became a new synonym for "anti-semitic."
  22. Did the police actually "do" anything after the report was filed?
  23. All this poll shows is basically what we all already knew: it doesn't really matter which party wins an election. And this is true of all parties everywhere. Only when a leader with a strong personality and strong opinions as to how the problems of the day can be solved does it matter who wins the election. You may disagree with the "winner" (even hate him or her) but at least he or she has a good chance of affecting history for a short while. Not many such figures quickly spring to mind: Margaret Thatcher? Mikhail Gorbachev? Churchill? Stalin? Certainly no modern politician....
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