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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Stop sending money abroad, get out of NATO, sell arms to other countries, buy oil from Russia, do deals with China, get immigrants to work straight away to save loss in farm produced products in UK. Make beer completely tax free to save pubs, turn the channel tunnel into a supergun, let motorbikes only go as fast as they want UK.
  2. Nowt ya can do about buddy except accept and get on with it.
  3. So the Labour run govt in Wales are no better the Tory run govt at running the NHS.
  4. The UK being the UK make themselves there own enemy ,now is the time to get tough citing charity begins at home.
  5. There's to much hype and concern about ethanol fuels IMHO since 1976 Brazil has produced it in fuels and resistant materials parts, fuel lines gaskets and seals have been produced ever since. On older vehicles schedules of replacing some seals and gaskets at time may be needed in any time of a vehicles life that doesn't necessarily mean ethanol is responsible it's just the age of the vehicle.
  6. All I can say if manufacturers are still putting seals and gaskets in motors now or in 2015 that are prone to attack from ethanol fuels that shouldn't be the case. Seals and gaskets resistance to ethanol have been around since 1994.
  7. Not case of cherry pick the reality is facts, it was known brexit would affect the UK pretty obvious covid & war will make it worse. Again I say is the UK the only country in the world that is suffering.
  8. Jokes apart they are cheap labour as well Thai companies know.
  9. Yes for many years a solid concrete slab is not what I wanted.
  10. Laws or not I have a concrete beam layout with concrete slabs foundation with tiles throughout the ground floor area and they are cold to the feet all day.
  11. The army are in training so to be able to take over for emergencies.
  12. I like lots of light and windows and open windows for fresh air. An 18 BTU cooler unit is not expensive to run when it's sleep time until then airflow and fans and light is what we like. Shading from overhanging roof areas and insulated ceilings are all that was needed in our case.
  13. Surprised to read a post like that from you Bill, have you been on the Thai whiskey. ????????????
  14. I calm down years ago mush. ????
  15. This is Thailand sounds like you suffer from OCD, chill man put the photo speed letters in the bin.
  16. Everyone adapts differently, I don't get dehydration problems.
  17. My Isuzu runs on anything, ethanol can be a booster to an engine. I didn't really notice any difference in performance when B20 was available, the only difference was in price of filling a 65 litre truck tank full.
  18. To leave distance with a vehicle in front of you is what other road user like it helps them judge to overtake safely.
  19. Good advice but a smooth surfaced road that is seen to lead straight to the horizon has to go quickly. ????????
  20. Well living in Thailand I like having my slaves from Myanmar, Laos & Cambodia.
  21. That's not the point here as I see it it's the lack of respect when ask to where a mask, if asked wear it and don't be so pedantic.
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