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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Remainers will use anything to be able to say I told you so, so just leave them in there bubble and move on. Deficiencies in NHS was going on when UK was in EU.
  2. Yes they still care for old people doing something wrong they don't treat old people like some people have done recently on another thread. ????????
  3. B20 was only worth buying when it was cheaper and your Diesel vehicle was able to use it.
  4. I'm not right or left of anything I have an opinion and I see the whole thing as an invite to an activist who then got the chance to set an ambush. Iistening to her she does not sound sincere to me.
  5. At the end of the day I would judge that it was a clash of ages that didn't work out on the day. Meanwhile an upset old lady and an activist going to as many radio station and TV station that invite her.
  6. What will be will be my son came out of Uni with degree after 4 and half years. Every interview was you do not have experience. So more dosh for him to go self-employment and I am very proud of him his making a living and buying a Bkk condo buying a house and has a son now.
  7. Yes a black activist got lucky enough to attract a 83 old woman who was a close friend of the late Queen and got it recorded. I thought it had been already been judged as unacceptable language and racist by the Prince William her godson so what more could a pom expect from ozimoron. ????????????????
  8. Whatever the system of the school use whatever college or university you kids go to at the end of the day it's whether they want to to learn.
  9. Burst the bubble your in its much more controversial than that behave.
  10. No idea what you are on about on what information do you base those statements on.
  11. Wouldn't language be an obstacle and get in the way of valuable learning time. I didn't have a problem my Thai son wanted to learn that makes a big difference.
  12. No where did the egg really come, I see it's going to be difficult to get an answer here. ????????
  13. In that case where did the egg come from have you an answer for that. ????
  14. I wanted all my kids and still have them from my 4 wives.
  15. Unless Govt's do something as usual nothings done until things get to a late stage.
  16. There not crank calls there made by lonely elderly people having panic attacks for example. Social services are notified by the paramedic teams but there's as usual a lack of staff.
  17. Tell him to check your rad cap. Check coolant level at the rad cap that's where people tend to overfill. Check coolant expansion bottle level.
  18. It may of been overfilled like Thais seem to do, they overflate tyres, they overfill oil, and overfill coolant in my experience, have you a temperature gauge if not just keep checking the expansion coolant bottle.
  19. My farmhouse and yes many of our poor family members have 5/15.
  20. Yes the 'A' on my UK DL got me my motorcycle Thai DL.
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