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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Pooling how much, and do you still have coolant in your expansion bottle. !!!!!
  2. Like anything I guess supply and demand the market sets there price on what margins they have to keep.
  3. I didn't renew my home UK DL because I don't have a home address in UK anymore.
  4. Depends what electric supply you have 15/45 there is always cost some may have 5/15 and get a zero bill even with a small fridge used and some light.
  5. I'm not poor I'm comfortable with all my opinions and points of view. Facts you are funny.
  6. Fair call, apparently I'm not allowed a ???? so I'll waste space.
  7. There's no sad motive, sadly enough which is what your post would get from me instead of filling up more space.
  8. Not interested my family was into slavery and silk. ????????
  9. You've lost me buddy who would that be. I'm an Adams descendant of a family that gave two Presendent's to USA, I guess I'm totally racist without saying anything. ????????????
  10. No she didn't she has ended up getting what she wanted, media coverage and was an instigator of the situation, after listening to further comments from her on radio I am convinced she is just another black activist.
  11. Read it again yourself, you are completely messIng it up I'm not from Britain I'm from England and I'm not black and if asked I say I'm from England UK with Irish an French family ties as I do when ask in Thailand, I don't say I'm Thai. She is thick even a black activist who was born in UK with any sense and asked by a stranger where you from would realize what is being asked of them and answer in an appropriate way.
  12. As I've posted we knew they were going to say that when asked, what else are they allowed to say, get with will ya.
  13. Agree the curious old lady would have been better ignoring that type of black lady.
  14. Yes quite right that's how bad it's got for 83year old lady, to the firing quad with her immediately.
  15. The 3 R's as I knew has been hi-jacked as well these days. ????
  16. Disagree, from start the black women was invasive it was obvious what the old lady was wanted to know. For example if I'm somewhere in Thailand and someone asks me where I'm from, to answer Muang Kao is invasive and rude i know exactly what they want to know.
  17. No it's not she wind the old dear up with her ostructive answers.
  18. I think it's more like ignorance and the lack of understanding of how to deal with an 83 year old lady not in touch with all the nonsense going on and going around, and getting in the face, R groups.
  19. I listen to the conversation as questioned and answered by radio presenter. My opinion on it is the young black person being questioned by a old lady was being obstructive with her answers which was annoying to an old lady of that age and she should of been gracious enough and intelligent enough to realize what answer was needed. The black women was after instigating a situation from the opening question if you ask me, and the media witch head hunters are at it again.
  20. My daughter has been trained by airlines to deal with difficult people her previous job, which has been an asset in her now paramedic employment. They waist a lot time these days waiting for nurse or doctor to receive there so called emergency patients into the hospital and there lies another problem. Going to external accidents obviously is not a problem only keeping them alive until A&E can take them in. It's the house calls resulting in the emergency caller opening the door and asking if they would like a cup of tea. ????
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