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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. I could take it or leave it but much prefer being married at my age and lucky enough to have a good wife.
  2. Well you can still fix it up for something to do and have some fun if you want and ride it locally like many Thais do but you need to to live out in the sticks or out the way as such.
  3. Pilots don't rely on auto pilot that's why they have to be there. Learn to ride properly not on gizmos that is what will keep you safe.
  4. I try to get a book for my CB400SF years ago and the office in Bkk where we went to enquire and fortunately a guy there spoke to my Mrs and said you can try to get a book for the bike but its some years old, I will tell you they are very strict in the inspection of the bike and it may 2 or 3 times before they may pass it, he said advise you not to do it if the bike only cost 67,000. Each inspection is 27,000 and there is no refund and they will certainly find something the fist time unless the bike is like new. The book if the bike passed would be another 35,000 plus other entry costs into the system.
  5. I dunno really I just think all higher powered scooters are dodgy being available in Thailand.
  6. When I came in 2005 in Sept 2005 I got my money over at 75 it all has been downhill since.
  7. Wasn't a member of TV now AN posted sometime back that he had put Chevi V8 in Toyota Vigos.
  8. I reckon it will stay around the low to mid 40 for many to come. When I came Thailand I planned a baht rate at 35 to £.
  9. I very much doubt it the cost to try and register grey imports from years ago is nion non worth the effort.
  10. I'm not on anything or anyones side if you to believe onesided hysterical rhetoric up to you.
  11. Vladimir is a patriot I don't see anything wrong with that. As for personal remarks and insults I can't say I have not met him.
  12. I don't know Putin haven't met him. The Russians have been misunderstood since end of ww2 and I can't blame em after loses 27 million people and certain generals saying let's attack Russian now.
  13. Russia is conducting a peace keeping mission to protect Russian people who want independence from Ukraine why do you find that so difficult to understand.
  14. It's not an invasion it's an attempt to help parts of Ukraine and Russian people who want there independence, choose sides by all means if you want.
  15. Well I will continue to be Putin's advocate and take the view of both sides of the story, the western powers have a ignorant understanding of Russia's concerns and there has been only threats and sanctions.
  16. I do understand you view as a American but a Canadian who had work on the Keystone pipeline would disagree.
  17. So his defending Russians in breakaway regions who want to democratically want to be independent.
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