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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. That's a kind offer I really have no interest in doing it myself. If you want to come to Old City you can fix it and I'll buy ya beer. ????????
  2. What no torque settings. ????????
  3. Thanks for your concern but this has only just happened, I'd rather use the shop they good people I know this because my son knows them and he is into computers and isn't coming up from Bkk for a good while. I haven't been there for years since I bought the Asus laptop computer haven't needed too.
  4. That's a great way to tell this old spanner so I understand. ???? You've been great, if you ever come to the Old City give me a shout I'll buy ya beer. ????
  5. Yeah I'll see how much a proper windows is the one I got is probably a copy. ????
  6. I probably wouldn't know how to manage that either. The computer works fine on everything else it's only AN that is making it difficult.
  7. Thanks again for you help and patience, the shop has a good reputation I bought my Asus from them and the windows 7 is what they set up on it.
  8. I guess I can from start up but I don't want to mess my computer up just for one site causes a problem. There's good computer shop in town it might be to show them and see if they help do you think that will be best.
  9. OK thanks I'll try later I have to go out.
  10. Can I ask a question Why can I get anything I want on my computer from my true internet supplier e.g. emails, facebook, netflix, my bank in UK, etc etc but can't get aseannow.com without the warning.
  11. Thanks for your time and patience. I have Windows 7 home premium and windows they don't updates anymore. Google.com comes up straight away no problem. I can clear Cookies and there's Clear cache as well, I normally just go History and clear browsing data only and then click on the systems check which checks virus, passwords etc.
  12. I'm not very good with computer tech but as follows. Date and time correct. Browser I guess you mean Google chrome which I have with Enhanced protection and it is up to date. Not sure what you about my PC everything works good except ANF . Google chrome says I'm fully protected when checking. I don't think I have any other than Google if thats what you mean by browser.
  13. I can respond now but it still says in Bookmark bar as before red triangle Not secure https crossed out in red still.
  14. On advanced site page comes up can get notifications but can't respond to anything. Also this Shall I try a system restore?
  15. On my phone can go straight to ANF with no problem. On my computer is was the same until yesterday saying. What am I supposed to do anyone thanks.
  16. Met my wife in a village 21 years ago, married 2003, over the years the one good thing I did was marry my wife. As song goes "Regrets I've had a few but to few to mention".
  17. My wife and her family are being vacinated because I explained to them that there is nothing wrong with Sinovac and told them the truth instead of stupid Thai uneducated speculation that's being banded about all vaccines never mind just Sinovac. I know two Thais who happen to be rich and have had Pfizer and went a private hospital in Phisanulok and paid for it.
  18. "Don't interrupt me while I'm interrupting you". James O'Brian LBC. UK.
  19. Thanks the informative knowledge of certain things here nowadays. I only give info from what happened to me some 17 years ago, so maybe it's best I shut up. ????
  20. What about hurricanes and earthquakes.
  21. OK you sound you are in control I just wanted to help with basic info that I know from building appartments where I live and how we had to go about it. Be careful of Architects and builder's saying they will do this and they do that for you that's all my concern for you is. Hope things work out good for you.
  22. No wonder I couldn't find this in motorcycle forum it's in wrong forum. This TIS end box exhaust post thing does anybody know if the police still check on it. The reason I ask is I have bought a end can made in Thailand so they would already have complied with TIS Regs producing it in Thailand yes ??? Like if say Honda bike exhaust box comes in from Japan it would have the TIS stamp on it so to see it complies with Thai standards I get that. What's it all about Alfie I can not find any reference to it anywhere being an offence now. Reason to ask is my bike has been look at and check by DLT and gone through inspections twice in the last 2 years and has no TIS stamp on the exhaust.
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