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Posts posted by Hanuman2547

  1. 34 minutes ago, puchooay said:

    However, it has already been mentioned that there is no such budget. Thus, making your comment inane.

    You, and another, took everything too literal.  When the salary was quoted as being 35,000 yet 50,000 was supposedly allotted I just stated that it probably was pocketed by an administrator.  Hence the smiley face at the end of my post.  Sheesh, you guys gotta lighten up some.  Sorry it flew over your head(s).  ????

  2. Whatever you do, don't buy a used car from one of the "used car tents".  You just don't know for sure what you are getting.  Car has been in a flood, odometer rolled back some, etc.  Best if you can buy from someone you know that is looking to sell their car.  

  3. 6 hours ago, Crazy Noobie said:

    I don't think there is an actual budget for 50,000 baht for teachers. My son is a teacher at an International School. From what I understand most schools are having troubles meeting their budget. As times are hard for them. Not all schools pay the same rate of pay. It depends on the type of school and its location on how much a teacher would be paid. If you have an idea on where you want to live, email the school and ask them. When my son was looking for a teacher position, he found out that International Schools pay more than a standard school. At the International School he gets paid more than the teachers that can speak english only. As he can speak, write and read Thai, so that helped a lot.

    International schools fall under a different category.

  4. 4 hours ago, pomchop said:

    There are a lot of retired English speaking ex pats here, many of whom are bored, and would likely be glad to help out as a volunteer English teacher IF IF they didn't need non sense work permits for volunteering to help the kids.  In my experience what the kids really need is more hearing the English language and less studying diagraming sentences as taught by Thai teachers.  I was a volunteer and my task was to speak English only  to the kids and attempt to get them to give it a try.  Most of my kids had never even met/heard a native English speaker in person and amazingly after a while I was able to get most of them to not be so shy and to actually give speaking a try. And a few actually picked it up pretty well.


    If the Thai govt would treat these expats as a valuable asset and develop a program to encourage them to help and give serious people an incentive of an easy to extend one year visas and no work permit BS I suspect that a few thousand  expats would volunteer a few days a week at their local schools. 


    What have they or the kids got to lose?  (I know, it could mean a loss of face but get over it for the kids sake.)

    The problem with your suggestions for the Thai government is that they did not come up with it themselves.  I mean really, let older retired expats volunteer to be in schools a few hours a week to help the kids learn English?  (sarcasm intended)

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  5. In Thailand, many Thai teachers know a lot about the English language.  They know all the grammar exceptionally well.  They have a fairly good vocabulary.  However, they are unable to put it all together and communicate verbally in the English language.  Then you take the local Issarn lady working in a bar in Pattaya or elsewhere.  Doesn't know <deleted> all about verbs, plurals, or the present perfect tense.  Limited vocabulary yet can converse in verbal English quite well.  

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  6. Yes, back in the "old" days it was very easy to open a bank account.  Just show them your passport (Thais use their ID card) and your account is opened very quickly.  Visa type/Work Permit of no interest to them.  I have opened a few different bank accounts over the years, the first back in 1989 as described above.  Do make sure that you open the account at a branch that is convenient for you to go to and is also accustomed to dealing with foreigners.  This will help you a lot over time.

  7. Anutin Charnvirakul is nothing but another Thai blowhard politician.  He has no medical training at all unless he took a CPR/Standard First Aid course while in the US studying engineering at Hofstra University.  Therefore his stance on Sinovac is simply his non-medical opinion and should be taken as such.  

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