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Posts posted by Hanuman2547

  1. 1 hour ago, moogradod said:

    Was that the beer garden where they served suckling pig on Fridays ? Just across the end of Soi Cowboy ? This one was fun - I really miss that. Has been ages ago. Another time now.

    No.  This is on the opposite side of Sukhumvit down Soi 24 over by the Emporium.  I know the place you're thinking of and that was a fun place too.  Sorry to see it go.

  2. 51 minutes ago, HAPPYNUFF said:

    Second entry,   the best beer I have tasted was  the one someone else paid for.


    Hauf  Brau House,(or similar spelling)  on Beach Rd, Pattaya   has  draught  wheat beer,  excellent when Im   visiting Sin City.

    Yes, Hauf Brau draught wheat beer is excellent.

    In Bangkok I liked to go to the Paulaner brew pub on Soi 24.  No longer there now.  However, there is a Paulaner Garden Srinagarindra out on Chaloem Phrakiat near the Rama IX park.

  3. "Police Lieutenant General Pakpoomphiphat said that his goal would be to make foreigners entering Thailand for the purpose of criminal activity think twice and to create an environment where they are fearful of doing so."  

    Great!  Except we, the law abiding masses, will be the ones that will face the brunt of these new measures.  What will they do?  Scrap the 90 day reporting and replace it with 30 day reporting for starters?

    • Like 1
  4. When I lived in Jomtien it was one or the other.  Raining or stopped raining but all wet out then it's out for a run along Jomtien's beach road.  If it's dry out, then I get the road bike out and go for a bicycle ride.

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  5. Good reasons to never sell up totally and move to Thailand.  Always leave something you can go back to in your home country or elsewhere in case things go totally crazy in Thailand.  A lot of things are unpredictable such as healthcare, visa, or money requirements.  Any combination of those three could certainly affect the ability to reside in the Kingdom. 

    I never intend to fully retire in Thailand but that's just me.  I'll probably live 4-8 months out of the year in Thailand and the rest between my home country and traveling to other lands.  Could I live in Thailand full-time?  Sure, and did so for many years.  Not something I want to do anymore.  

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  6. On 10/8/2021 at 1:41 PM, Jeffr2 said:

    We're in Lisbon now. Where my wife's purse was snatched 10 years ago. A few years later, I had a pick pocket attempt in Madrid. Helped a guy who had his passport stolen on the bus in Rome. And stopped a purse snatching in Paris .


    Crime is everywhere. Mexico is a relatively safe country. Like Thailand, don't make yourself a target .

    Thailand is a lot safer than Mexico from street crime.  I for one would not live in Mexico.

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  7. 8 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    Thank you for replying, But I say it is being lazy, and there's no excuse for it, it is getting worse and worse on this forum.

    Sorry mate, it's just the texting lingo that crept in here, 555!


    555=the Thai word for the number 5 is "ha".  In this case three 5's "ha-ha-ha" it means to be laughing.  Does that help?

  8. A lot of good positives and negatives on the list.  Agree with some to varying degrees and disagree with some, again to varying degrees.  I'm not really a big fan of Phuket so if that was my "Thai experience" I might be a bit jaded and paint the whole country in that light if I hadn't been anywhere else.  Just like NYC and London are probably not good representations of their whole countries.  Perhaps a better way to decide if Thailand was for you would be to live in different regions for 2-3 months at a time.

    Some things won't change wherever you are though.  Alcohol and drug use can be found anywhere.  

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 10/1/2021 at 8:30 PM, Robin said:


    Be thankful for what has improved:-


    We can now make international phone calls at will, read uncensored news on the internet.  Taxis have meters that work, and it is possible to walk through customs at the airport without having your luggage searched.

    In addition, we have cable TV too!  A lot more channels that are of interest to expats.

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