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Posts posted by Hanuman2547

  1. I prefer EVA over JAL but both are good.  In reality I would be happy flying either.  I kind of like Taipei's airport and transit area a little better but usually my connections are very short.  I haven't looked into booking flights lately so I'm not sure what the situation is like transiting through either Taipei or Narita.  

  2. 12 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Taxi drivers often know the quickest way to go , rather than the shortest way to go , like avoiding traffic lights and traffic jams 

    That's right.  Taxi drivers don't want to keep you in the car that long.  They want to get you to your destination and then get a new fare as quickly as possible.  They make more from each fare with the automatic 35 baht then with a longer period of time spent in the car.  

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  3. On 9/11/2021 at 6:33 AM, FalangJaiDee said:

    Unless Vietnamese women suddenly become as morally loose and nonchalant about p4p sex with strangers then it’s not happening

    If their grandmothers were back in the '60s during the American War then I could see this happening again.  I'm sure it does now but maybe not to the same extent like back then. 

  4. I own a condo in Jomtien with a very large pool.  I have been in the pool about 3-4 times over the 15 years I have owned it.  However, I keep the condo rented out almost all the time (definitely not now) so I have never lived there.  I think that if I lived there I might use the pool maybe 2-3 times a week.  Hard to tell.

  5. On 9/5/2021 at 8:19 AM, CharlieH said:

    Well, when I built the house it was considered. When I weighed up the cost of install, the running cost, cleaning filters etc. Weighed against the cost of using a local pool for 20 baht, and how many times on average, it was clear it was a waste of money for us.


    That said, I know of those that did, and later in life swimming became a neccesity as a form of suitable exercise, for them, its used daily and its more convenient.

    Everyone has different needs and uses. Last time I went to a local hotel to swim was over a year ago so not a big user.Would I use it more if it was in the garden?, possibly once a week if that.


    Prefer to ride the bike ????

    I would rather live in a house in a moobahn with a communal pool than have my own private pool.  Too much work and maintenance to be bothered with whether you use it or not.  

  6. I'm a cyclist as well but I definitely don't like riding on the sidewalks/footpaths.  I prefer to be out in the road where the traffic more or less is going the same direction.  If someone were to ride on a sidewalk/footpath they should certainly slow down and give right of way to pedestrians.   

  7. To fly from BKK to the west coast of the US I prefer EVA, China Airlines, and Singapore.  After those three I like Korean and Asiana.  The service on all three is very good.  The airfare is cheaper than Qatar and the total time in the air plus layovers are quite a bit less.  All fly to the major west coast cities of LA, San Fran, and Seattle except China Airlines as they don't fly to Seattle anymore.


    Qatar is a very good airline too but in my experience just not as convenient as the other carriers.

  8. Looks like two of my sunscreen products that I have contain some of the banned chemicals.  Banana Boat SPF 50 Sport contains both Oxybenzone and Octinoxate.  The other is a generic brand I got outside of Thailand.  I will need to make sure not to take those products into a National Park.  


    Does that mean Thailand will not produce or import any sunscreen products with the banned chemicals?

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