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Posts posted by Hanuman2547

  1. 3 hours ago, ubonjoe said:


    You could also easily apply for a non-o visa based upon marriage that would allow a 90 day entry at a embassy or official consulate.


    If you applied for and were granted a non-O visa based upon marriage to a Thai that is good for 90 days upon arrival in Thailand, what would be the next step to extend your stay for 4-5 months? 

    1)   A 60 day tourist visa?

    2)  A border run and then a 30 day visa exempt?  (might be hard in the current covid situation)

    3)  Other possibilities?

  2. 4 hours ago, nong38 said:

    Strange thing is that Thais returning are exempt from the insurance and can just go home.

    I expect that TAT and the hotels assume that on November the first and every day after that the skies will darken with aircraft flying tourists in, when it does not darken and reality sets in its just a slim possibility that someone might notice that the tourists did not turn up and everyone is in deep poo as more businesses hit the fan, they sure now how to cook the golden goose. 

    The good old days are not coming back, just too many hoops to jump through and more welcoming places in the world beckon. People with vision should have seen it coming.

    People (Thai government I assume) with vision and Thailand should not be in the same sentence!

    I think that by 7 November they will start wondering where are all the tourists?

    15 November they will be very worried when hotels only see a very small increase in tourists arriving.

    22 November an announcement that a committee is being formed to launch an investigation into why the tourists didn't arrive yet.

    29 November blame Somchai.

    • Like 2
  3. On 10/19/2021 at 4:50 PM, Scouse123 said:

    If that happens, I will simply change my return flight.


    However, I just cannot see Thailand over complicating this when they really are desperate to establish an opening up of the country and are very aware of public feelings and opinions regards previous sandboxes.

    Good luck on your flights both to the UK and returning to Thailand.  A follow up thread about your experience going through each country's bureaucratic mess would be informative to all.

    • Like 1
  4. I really like the Toyota Fortuner.  I've usually had very good experiences with Toyota products.  I've also had a Honda CRV which was very good.  Not so sure about the newer CRV's as they seem to be using smaller engines. 

    Hopefully someday car manufacturers will start exporting the hybrid cars to Thailand.  I've driven some of them and really like them.  Very easy on the fuel too.  When you can get 17km/L in an SUV the size of a Fortuner you will be very happy!  Corolla hybrids are even higher at 22km/L.  

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  5. 16 hours ago, ericthai said:

    dont know about Australia but in the USA there is dual pricing.  Send your kids to a collage in another State and you pay more. Foreign university students pay more.  Many amusement parks have discounts for local residents. 

    Both yes and no.  Yes, if you send your kid to a public university in another state they pay the out of state tuition price.  If you are an international student you also pay the out of state tuition price.  The out of state price is the same for both US citizens, permanent residents, and international students.  

    Disneyland in Anaheim, CA is one amusement park that I know of that has discounts for locals.  I don't know all the details of it though.  

  6. 10 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    Hopefully you are right. But currently 99% of these businesses are closed. There is no money to open them up again. People opened up after the last lockdown, took risks, lost money...but not again. Covid mitigates against intimacy too.

    Yes, most, if not all, are closed.  In the next re-opening phase either previous owners will open up their establishments or new investors will move in and take their chances.  Some places will remain closed as I don't think there will be as many businesses as before.  We have come back from market downturns before and I think we will come back again.  Granted, this time was far worse than previous financial meltdowns.  

    • Like 1
  7. The Go-Go bars and beer bars (Bar Beer?) will be back in Pattaya once the country is fully re-opened.  They will definitely not be back to the huge numbers like in the early 2000's but they will be back to some degree.  There is too much money to be made by too many people to let it just totally fade away.  Pattaya has always adapted to the changing trends and markets starting with the American GI's in the late 60's up until Covid-19 shut everything down.  

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  8. Not afraid of death so much.  More afraid of the long slow ride before arriving at deaths doorstep.  My father slipped into dementia/alzheimer's in his 80's and passed away at age 93.  His last 6-7 years of life were not that good.  Despite having two double heart bypasses in his late 70's and diabetes, it was the big A that finally took it's toll.  

    My Thai wife passed away from brain cancer but never suffered as when she was diagnosed it was already too late.  Passed away some two weeks after first being diagnosed.  My Mom was a pillar of health until diagnosed with bladder cancer.  She passed away less than five months later at age 88.  

    I'm probably more concerned about getting the big "C" and not being able to live my life as I would like.  

  9. 8 hours ago, Postmaster said:

    Those selections really interesting.  Breaking Bad I thought I'd watched until the end but after the DEA guy got shot and the families feuded it seemed to end weird.  Did I miss some episodes?



    Yes!  Watch the last few episodes as well.  You might want to watch El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie when you finish the regular series.

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