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Posts posted by jcb2001

  1. You mean a wanted criminal that fled the country when he realized he couldn't bribe his way out of a conviction, and didn't want to pay the penalty for the crime(s) he committed, now wants charges filed against other people, and probably expects that they should be found guilty and thrown into the same prison by the same justice system he himself refuses to comply with ?

    It's almost scary to think that things could (easily) get much worse, in a very short amount of time.

    They wouldn't be faced by the same justice system he faced, unless of course, the Military Junta from 2006 have expressed an interest in getting involved in libel cases..............

    Brilliant comment !!! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  2. Hope you friend successfully recovers. I feel bad for foreigners who have to experience these 2nd rate hospitals in Thailand. Hope he can be safely transferred to a decent Bangkok hospital and fully recover.

    I feel bad for posters who take unnecessary cheap shots.

    Had a very bad experience there. Patients beware. Enough said!

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  3. "Meanwhile, Deputy Commerce Minister, Nattawut Saikua, another core leader of the UDD, stated that the amnesty bill has already been turned down by the Senate; therefore, this should prove to the anti-amnesty bill protesters that their goal has been achieved - making it unnecessary to continue any further protests."

    Why is anybody listening to this guy? Does he really think he is relevant?

    I honestly can't imagine him lecturing to any anti-gov't protestors. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  4. A poll conducted in the southern provinces found 95% of residents are against any trial of Abhisit and Suthep.

    So what!

    the survey, conducted upon 1,190 subjects by Isaan Poll, indicates that 72.5% of the respondents prefer to see Mr. Abhisit and his former deputy face the court prosecution

    So what !

    With a margin of error of 99% clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifw00t.gif

  5. It's time for the Dems to go for the jugular. Pheu Thai are on their knees. I believe they were shocked at this resistance and are now lost as to what to do, although Thaksin has many backup plans. So be forewarned, it will not be an easy battle as Thaksin has vowed he will never lose. Keep up the good fight! Don't back off or Thaksin and group will get a fresh breath of air with a new plan to ruin Thailand as we know it.

  6. Now it's time for Parliament and all the MPs to pack their bags and close shop. No more need for gov't legislation, as now, Thaksin is free to run the country as he pleases. Also, the Red Shirts can get lost, you are no longer needed either. And you don't think Thaksin is going to have a chip on his shoulder when he returns. Anybody associated with the opposition better watch their back. The new Thailand is coming and I'm not sure I like what I see.

  7. The push is on! The government is feeling the pressure from the man abroad. The opposition has not had any luck effectively rallying the masses to put up any resistance to the amnesty steamroller moving through parliament . Thaksin knows this and is getting anxious to come home a free man.

    Just heard that Thaksin will be in India on October 27. It appears that all his cronies will be there also for their face time with him.

    I hope it's not to late for the opposition to rally the forces. It's now or never!

  8. Not the brightest Shinawat in the box is he? But then we knew that already.

    Of course all politicians are concerned they will lose any political 'game'......... that's the essence of politics after all. whistling.gif

    Could you imagine any grown up country giving 2 hoots what the son of someone has to say about something like this?

    Shall we interview Tony Blair's son on tax policy in the UK, or bush's daughters on where they think the fed maybe going wrong with qe ?

    Grow up Thailand and stop this dynastic political style on all sides of the spectrum.

    Maybe Oak should meet Chelsea Clinton. Two of a kind.

  9. It is in the interest of all Thais Red and Yellow shirts to just forgive and forget. In so much as yellows are allowing red shirts in general amnesty then reds should allow yellows full amnesty as well.

    In the scheme of things one man should not hold the country to a different standard

    If you are going to forgive one then forgive all without exception Not for the red shirts not for the yellow shirts but for the good of the country as a who.

    It is now 7 years that the fabric of society in Thailand has been ripped apart . It is time for all Thais to come together give each other a hug and move on

    Otherwise this is becoming the war of the roses and a very sad state

    Yes it's sad. But reconciliation is very difficult when one man wants to run everything, as his own personal fiefdom, with no accountability and for an indefinite period. That man has a history of telling lies and enriching his own clan whilst delivering very little in return. How can reconciliation happen when someone like this is involved?

    PTP have continually denied that amnesty and reconciliation was about Thaksin, and now as the Democrats predicted, they are changing the bill to benefit him. He's invested a considerable amount of money, time and effort into getting this government and certain people in position to do just that. Now he wants his ROI.

    Very good point. I venture to bet that most of the Pheu Thai MPs don't fully understand or have read the contents of this bill. They are being blindly led by the Thaksin who now has the power to push this bill through which he has effectively greased for quick passage. PT is told to be obedient and just pass this bill for the sake of their dear leader.

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  10. If you have an apartment in Bangkok and have spent 5 Months there you are hardly a tourist. Try that in any western country with tourist visa rules and you would be denied also. my country , Australia, come to mind. 90 day tourist visa for you , no problem. leave the country for a day or so and re-apply, no way you will get another one.

    All these ways of staying in Thailand without actually having the right visa annoy the hell out of me i.e. ED visa with no intention of actually studying. If you do not have the correct requirements for a long term visa i.e. retirement with suitable funds. married to a Thai with suitable funds or working here legitimately then you don't belong here other than for a genuine holiday. I have lived in Thailand for 6 years and work here. I never have a problem renewing my yearly visa as I submit the correct paperwork and meet the requirements.

    If you don't have the funds or the meet Thailand's visa requirements legally then you should not be here as people trying on all these scams to stay here just make life more difficult for foreigners that live here legally.

    Oh do settle petal,

    If the guy has cash to finance living without working then I would call him a full-time tourist, where do you see a problem with that.

    does your home country offer a full time tourist visa for foreigners??

    Right on! Remember, this is Thailand. This is their country and they make the rules, whether we like it or not. If they don't want us here, then fine. We will have to find somewhere else to live. I have applied for my yearly retirement at the Phibun Immigration office every year for the past 5 years without any problems. This year was a goat rope. Talk about nitpicking. I figure if they don't want me here, then I will go. There are plenty of countries around the world that will welcome you with open arms.

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