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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. A lot of Thai People take 'Monks' too seriously; especially Women who seem to think that they are some sort of 'Guru' with all healing powers and magical ways of predicting the future...mainly Lottery Numbers !


    Truth is they are just normal Men wearing Orange Robes and many are there because of bad behaviour of some sort and believe they will be absolved from all responsibilty, guilt or blame for 'all' wrongdoing.  So; excercise for them is similar to exercise for Prisoners in Jail !

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  2. I don't believe their figures.   People up here in The North are struggling with ever increasing bills for Gas, Electricity and the price of Pork and Chicken has stopped thousands eating anything but very small portions of Meat.


    On our weekly visits to Supermarkets there are times when they are like Ghost Towns; particularly after the halfway point in the month.   The cost of almost all Consumer Goods is up whilst Wages remain static.


    Rigging Economic Fugures is easy in The Land of Lies.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Purdey said:

    I noticed that Singapore is the only country that doesn’t care what you want, in terms of visa length, but gives what they think you deserve. Clearly they are not dependent on tourists as one of the region’s most boring destinations (never understand why people go there except for business). They have developed their business without much heavy manufacturing.

    If Thailand could get its act together, investing in education and business, perhaps this would not make the length of stay such an issue.

    Just one small problem; Thailand is totally incapable of 'Getting its act Together'.   And; never forget the Xenophobia factor !

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