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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. Get yourself down to the furniture warehouse's at Lamphun, there are several of them with a large choice of modern style gear at reasonable prices. You can do deals with them for cash on more than one item and they will deliver and assemble for free in the Chiang Mai area. They are on the main drag from Lamphun to Lampang, off to the left in the area called 'Baan Maa'. Good hunting.

  2. Im still trying to work out if Thais dont eat dog then wheres all the dogs in my wifes village keep going?Ive asked what happened to their dog or next doors dog or even my wifes dads dogs? The answers are quite vague and I find it very suspiciouswhistling.gif Ive got my eye on the problem and they dont think Im watching (and dont tell em) but I am!

    And if you find out they are eating them what exactly do you intend to do about it? Be careful mate; you could end up being next in the pot !

  3. Like Brussels, BANGKOK is situated in the middle of ASEAN, hence will be the ASEAN capital.

    Bangkok will never be the ASEAN capital (IBM tried to open its regional office in Bangkok in the early 2000's; they are now in SIngapore, most because of Thailand's absurd, ever-changing visa/work permit situation). Singapore has already established as the regional center for business, as all major multinational companies headquarter their SE Asian operations there. The most important SE Asian stock exchange is in Singapore, and many Western countries base their embassy operations out of Singapore (for example, if you're a Canadian national and you want to get a marriage visa for your Thai wife to accompany you to live in Canada, she will have to fly to Singapore for the final interview, etc, etc). Bangkok, is also not geographically positioned as the "center" of ASEAN. If you look at a map and consider the Philippines and Indonesia, it's clear that, as another poster noted, Brunei is more central than Bangkok. But nice try: standing up for poor, ol', corrupt Bangkok like that. Go Bangkok! You're number one (especially if you keep patting yourself on the back and repeating the word "hub").

    Not to mention that Bangkok is slowly sinking and in 50 years they will be patting themselves on the back as they sink slowly into the sunset. That is; if they survive the rubble of a major earthquake that could happen at any time before then !

  4. half the ex pats i have come across in 23 years of living and having a buisness here and that post here have the social graces and manners of an orang utang.

    Only half ?.....I have come some who have the manners and social graces of a dinner plate, very rude, full of self entitlement and behaving like old colonial's with their "natives"

    Sad state of affairs isn't it. There certainly seems to be a lot of expats here in Thailand with deeply embittered stances and views. I'm not sure if they are carrying baggage from their past's or are just plain old Victor Meldrew like miserable gits. Either way; they need to chill out and try enjoying life a lot more, because after all, a lot of them (us) don't have that many years left on the planet !

    OP; I am sorry for your loss because you loved this Woman and it doesn't matter who's name the car was in. It's just a lump of metal with four rubber tyres and if you could afford to buy it then the cash has already been accounted for. Good luck; go with the flow and see how it works out.

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  5. Thankfully I don't live in Bangkok. I've always been aware that the City is at great risk from a large Earthquake and as we all know, Thai building standards are not exactly good. If it ever happens I would expect great loss of life as large numbers of tall buildings would come down like packs of cards. Just my opinion.

  6. Nutter ! I recall having an argument with my girlfriend back in 1963 and afterwards I was so angry that on the way home I let the air out of someones bicycle tyres. What the hell is wrong with young people these days?

    Oh so it was you who let my tyres down in 1963. I remeber saying to myself at the time, how the person responsible should be strung up with piano wire and castrated.

    If I had known you felt that strongly about it I would have taken your valves out as well !

  7. Right on. Yesterday I was riding my motorcycle down a back street in down town Chiang Mai, behind a temple of all places. And there was what I can only describe as a literal blackmarket of beer sales. I must have counted about 40 or 50 cartons of beer sitting there with a middle aged couple standing there selling it. Chang and Leo being sold by the bottle or box , right there on the side of the small soi in broad daylight. Quite funny to see.

    No need to hide it away down back soi's. All the local Mom&Pop shops around my way would sell it to you in the normal way.

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