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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. You don't know you've been born. In 1993 I was sat in the bar in Da Nang airport waiting for a Vietnam Airlines flight to Saigon, next to me were two Vietnam Airlines pilots drinking whisky. I thought, fair enough a drink at the end of the day, though most airlines would frown at you drinking in uniform. Halfway through my flight the pilot/copilot came out of the cockpit to use the toilet. Yes, last time I saw him he was knocking back his Johnny Walker Black Label in the bar like there was no tomorrow.

    Nothing new. Go into the village Pubs around Gatwick and see all the BA Pilots knocking it back an hour before take-off. They do spot checks and catch a few now and again but most of them get away with it.

  2. I address all my internal mail in English and it always gets delivered without any problems.

    Would imagine all prisoners have a number, so why not find out the phone number of the prison and see if you can be lucky enough to find someone in the office who speaks enough English to help you.

  3. After a high recommendation of their Chicken Pot Pies and being assured they are a real pie fully wrapped in a crust (w/no bottom to soak up the juices it's just not right) I gave it a try, not very good, disappointed again! I have not find any pies of that sort that are good here, tried another brand that get raves reviews on TV and it was so dry inside, a lot like hard starch. I'm sad and pieless.

    The only place I have found on this planet to get a good Chicken Pot Pie or any other pot pie is Australia.

    No; the best pies are made at home. I make (fully bottomed) pies and store them in the freezer; Creamy chicken,leek and onion is a favourite with my Farang pals and I also knock up the usual Steak&kidney, minced Steak&onion,etc etc. For the big pot versions I make Meat&potato, Cottage pie and Shepherds pie.

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  4. Well its just as well you like the pitiful selection of beers on offer in Thailand, because that's all the cartel is going to allow in the market.

    The big joke is the ASEAN free trade agreements, being bent and twisted to keep Asia's really good beers out of Thailand.

    Beer Lao and in particular Beer Lao Dark lately has been showing up increasingly at retail outlets in BKK and CM, at least, supposedly via distribution from Carlsberg. No need to be drinking the Thai c**p beer when something considerably better is available.

    Only farangs buy beer Lao and you get only overpriced small bottles. My local Villa market often has it, but when the few bottles are sold out, it takes quite some time appear again.

    Try Makro, they've normally got plenty.

  5. With a good command of English she has been on the game, or is still on it, or has been married to a Farang before (or may still be ). With Mother talking about Western Union you can bet your last Satang that Mummy is used to receiving money from Daughter this way, most probably from another country when she was living with said Farang. What girl working in a shop earns enough dosh to send to Mother via Western Union?

    Lost count of the amount of these stories we get to read. Time for a thread dedicated to green newbie's and trolls.

  6. mjj; there are good and bad people everywhere and I could write a much longer list than yours moaning about the people where I came from. Get positive, look for the good and not just for the bad, don't be so blinkered, look at the big picture and you will find some nice surprises.

  7. Seems people rely on too much aircon. I find contra-rotating wall fans suit us better at night and they don't dry the air out as much. Only use aircon at the very hottest times. 3 bedrooms, office, oven etc. A very airy house close to nature means breeze coming through most of the day. Since building in 2009 I've never had an electric bill higher than 550 Baht.

    relying appreciating airconditioning depends on the individual person. any advice such as "i find... i think... why not sweating a bit... i save on airconditioning to buy more beer... etc." is not only irrelevant but ridiculous.

    It's not about trying to give advice; quoting a persons own circumstances is neither irrelevant or ridiculous. The OP is asking people what he can do to lower his bills and people have a right to answer as they see fit.

  8. How long would it take to get a refund on your debit card in your home country?


    Depends where he's from, but in the UK it's instant if you're standing at the till. Done it many times with both credit and debit cards. Example:- Hire car last trip they took 100 pounds insurance bond by card and when I returned the car they put through an instant refund and gave me the slip there and then. I've taken things back to most major stores at some time or another and refunds have all been instant.

    Problems in Thailand seem to be related to weak consumer laws more than anything else. Politicians too busy fighting each other and filling their own pockets to worry about ordinary peoples rights.

  9. Plastering over the cracks of this bogbound airport is not the answer for the long term. Build a new one in a completely new location on solid ground and build it properly from day 1 with enough runways and passenger terminals et al. Try doing it without any fingers in the pie and see how much better it will be. After all; Bangkok will have sunk without trace in 50 years so why bother to try and save the airport?

  10. ^trainman are those grass fed / free range ?

    They are said to be so, but without evidence to prove it who knows? All I can say is that they taste a hell of a lot better than the many others I have tasted here and they are like I had as a kid from our own family Chickens.

  11. Whatever age range you are in the first year is a huge learning curve. There are a multitude of answers to all your questions and it has already been suggested that you study back threads for most of what you want to know, which is the best advice. Other than that, come on over, suck it and see. After all; that's what most of us did at the outset. Good luck with whatever you do and wherever you go.

  12. From huay kaew road going towards doi sutep get to the crossing dunkin donuts is on turn right down canal road as if your going towards the 700 stadium get to the traffic lights and keep driving past fine thanks the bar/restaurant the one with the big sign with the ganja leaf on should be on your left hand side keep driving until there is a crossing in the road which turns right into jed yod but you turn left into soi chang khain keep driving for about a 1 km and look for the egg sign on your left hand side opposite the big pink hotel that has been empty for years which now has a sign on it star hotels .

    The women that works there speaks very good english and is very nice she will tell you about what different types of eggs they even have double yolk eggs .

    I have seen many subjects about eggs on tv so i thought it was about time i shared this was meaning to take a photo but never got round to it .

    Another outlet for anyone in our area.....South on 108, through Hang Dong main junction traffic lights, keep going about half a klick, pass Police Station on your right, about another 200 m on your right you will see a KODAK shop on your right with trays of eggs outside in all sizes,sometimes they have double-yolkers too. Take your own egg trays if you have them. These are the best eggs I have eaten since my Father had his own chickens when I was a kid, and no more expensive than the crap they sell in the Supermarkets. A lot of the market eggs are way too expensive and they cheat by mixing up the sizes in the bags as well.

  13. Seems people rely on too much aircon. I find contra-rotating wall fans suit us better at night and they don't dry the air out as much. Only use aircon at the very hottest times. 3 bedrooms, office, oven etc. A very airy house close to nature means breeze coming through most of the day. Since building in 2009 I've never had an electric bill higher than 550 Baht.

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  14. This just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy seeing as how I'm flying in on a new 590 ton Airbus A380 in 45 days.

    Per Thai standard and regulation will it take a major disaster at Suvarnabhumi before these issues get addressed?

    Yes; but you know that the disaster will not be their fault, it will be the fault of those stupid Farang that designed the place.

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