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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. Jumping into anywhere at the deep end is never wise and you should spend a holiday or two in Thailand before deciding to move here. Come see both Cities for yourself and then decide where to live, as other people can't experience it for you.

    BTW; the dogs in Chiang Mai do not bite any more or less than the dogs in Bangkok !

  2. Oh goody goody, another scumbag for the British taxpayer to support for around 14 years in the slammer. Not only that but when he gets back he will start claiming benefits for all the rest of his family that are back there as well, and when he is released he will be given a free council house and 300 quid a week to live on. Be better if they put a bounty on these peoples heads to be claimed when returning a corpse.

    Yes indeed, another passenger on the welfare train (aka socialism). Government helping those who won't, don't, help them selves.

    Why assume they he will be claiming social security? His family could be university professors for all we know!!

    I think that you are barred from claiming social security if you are in the slammer.

    Wrong; when people get sent to prison their family can claim every benefit going as the main wage earner has been banged up. The latter may well be a murdering, drug dealing scumbag who has probably never earned an honest buck in his adult life, but that's how it works in Britain's nanny state.

  3. Being a Lanna girl, Wifey makes Nam prik noom and nam prik ong, both which I consume in large amounts.

    When I first arrived to live here I found the Thai's eating habits rather odd but I've got used to it and regard everything I see as normal. I made a Birthday Cake for our Niece yesterday, a Chocolate Marble Cake covered in dark chocolate coating and suitably decorated, candles etc. After consuming this with gusto three family members turned their attention to the highly spiced Somtam and devoured large amounts of that. We would never dream of eating the way they do but hey; it's their country and their way.

  4. well found it today-----so much for the cheap prices....burger still 35 but all the western dishes 80'ish

    was nice enough--had a 20bt cup of tea...nice woman..cute ladies-staff..right next to the market...

    I think I drove by twice but was closed both times. Any idea on opening hours (or opening days, I suppose)

    She's Christian or something? Closed Sundays? That always seems silly to me to close on Sundays. The otherwise Excellent Blue Diamond in Moon Muang Soi 9 also manages that.

    not sure of the hours..took a card but pitched it as i know the loc and wasnt wow'd by i but will return for the burger maybe--im poor and eat on a budget....the 80 baht fish n chips is too high for me...but typical thai food was 30-35...nice shop--cute gals--good tea..i think she made me oolong form her stash as she doesnt have any hot tea other than earl grey--yuk....sat and read one of her books while the market thais gawked at me..."there goes the neighborhood-another farang!"

    but i just moved in the area and will stop back to eat..as i only had tea the other day-already ate..

    Reckon we'll put you up for Cheap Charlie of the year mate !

    • Like 1
  5. Same everywhere I'm afraid. My son is a store manager in the UK and he finds it very difficult to get young people who want to put in a fair months work without pulling sickie's, trying to steal the goods from the shop, taking extended lunch hours without permission, arriving late for work, etc etc. He had one young girl of 20 who asked for a day off to move flat and he agreed. The girl came back in three days later and when he asked her why she had taken three days to move, and reminded her that she was only given permission for one day off, she gave him the filthy verbals and told him 'you can't tell me how long it takes me to move'. Fired for gross misconduct of course.

    Seems it's a case of 'we've got the technology but can't get the staff ' !

  6. I have lived here off and on for the last 17 years. Looks like sound advise to me. I would add:

    Never entirely give up everything in your home country as there is a good chance you may need to return.

    Remember that the family is the most important thing in your Thai girlfriend's life.

    And.........Never make a bar girl your girlfriend or wife.

    here we go again opions aganst bar girls what is wrong with bar girls they are human being also they get paid for it not like your G/F who give it away for free

    Can you please direct me to a place where there are available Girlfriend's and /or Wive's who 'give it away free', as I have never met a 'free' woman in my life and I would love to.

  7. May I recommend that you beat the birds off with a shitty stick, the same as the rest of us?


    May I recommend that you beat the birds off with a shitty stick, the same as the rest of us?


    The problem is that I am hardly ever home when the maid feeds them. I just happen to catch her doing it sometimes.

    I arrive home when it's dark and by then they are all sleeping (or copulating most likely).

    You mean the Pigeons or the neighbours?

  8. Oh goody goody, another scumbag for the British taxpayer to support for around 14 years in the slammer. Not only that but when he gets back he will start claiming benefits for all the rest of his family that are back there as well, and when he is released he will be given a free council house and 300 quid a week to live on. Be better if they put a bounty on these peoples heads to be claimed when returning a corpse.

    Yes indeed, another passenger on the welfare train (aka socialism). Government helping those who won't, don't, help them selves.

    Why assume they he will be claiming social security? His family could be university professors for all we know!!

    Yeah right; and I've got Pixie's at the bottom of my garden and a Sister in the Wrens with big tits !

  9. There is no "for ever" regarding ants

    Ants have been on earth before and will be after men

    Ants are not your enemies

    You don't need to kill them, just relocate them by giving them food somewhere else

    spoken like someone who has never been bit on the junk.

    while your theory is admirable, i would like to point out there is no food in my bathroom, and never has been.

    however the ants do return annually.

    They seem to be attracted to thee water, and there is no moving that.

    You are not aware that Ants like Toothpaste then? I can assure you they love it and that's why they are in the bathroom. Still; at least your Ants have well protected molars !

    • Like 1
  10. Strange the beer companies don't ask them back, they could save allot of money. Anyway thanks for the tip, I will give them to the rubbish collectors or street clean ladies.

    @smockie36, a beer after a long office day is always good. I go only out on weekends, no time under

    The Beer companies do get them back via the recycling merchants who will pay you 1 Baht per bottle and 10 Baht for a good condition box. A Beer can will get you 50 Satang.

    Who will pay you 1 Baht/bottle and 10 Baht for a box? blink.png

    Semper; Wifey goes to one of about three different recycle merchants on 108 between Hang Dong and Sanpatong, apparently depending on who's paying the best rates at the time. She's recycle crazy and I just collect the stuff and keep it sorted for her. She tells me different rates every time she returns.

  11. There is probably nowhere on the planet apart from under water that is free from bedbugs. If you really want to avoid them you would probably have to live in a bubble with rice paper on the floor ala Howard Hughes.

  12. Strange the beer companies don't ask them back, they could save allot of money. Anyway thanks for the tip, I will give them to the rubbish collectors or street clean ladies.

    @smockie36, a beer after a long office day is always good. I go only out on weekends, no time under

    The Beer companies do get them back via the recycling merchants who will pay you 1 Baht per bottle and 10 Baht for a good condition box. A Beer can will get you 50 Satang.

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