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Posts posted by Spoonman

  1. Hybrid was just a fantasy, or lack of tecnical knowledge. Where would the hybrid battery be, hybrid elctro engine, and adding how much weight?

    I coudnt see it being a hybrid from day one but Richard-BKK kept spouting that it was over various threads, seems its official now, it is no Hybrid.

  2. I am using FF 3.5.5 and Win 7 Pro with no problems. If I were you, I'd uninstall FF including your settings, download 3.5.5 and start over. FF is a great browser but develops glitches over time.

    I do this atleast once a fortnight (Full FF uninstall not just from the progs list) and then reinstall from a fresh download, my issues remain the same.

  3. Bought a Black PCX today for 71k on the road :)

    First impressions are it's a very smooth comfortable ride and the brakes are great. I had reservations about the looks but it looks a lot better in the flesh than in the pictures.

    The idle stop works flawlessly.

    How does the Hybrid part of it work ??

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