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Posts posted by Spoonman

  1. Got a mate coming out with his 18yr old sister, he asked if she will be legally able to drink or not.

    I was not aware there was legal age and google is giving me mixed answers.

    Not that i think she will have any issues but iam intrigued as to the actual legal age, anyone know ??

  2. It's a drivers license it's not a serious thing ...... I have read that you just show up and they trade yours for new Thai one .... make sure you renew BEFORE it expires

    You know nothing

    You are correct, I just read that on on another post ..... I don't have a DL

    And that confirms it.

  3. Thank you for all your responses! I looked in Powerbuy one week ago but they did not have it. I scanned the whole Tukcom.

    I will give it to my room maids to clean it and will come back after an hour or so. :)

    Must be popular stuff, i bought a can bout a week ago and they had another 10 still on the shelf.

    I'll be in there tomoz, i'll check it for you.

  4. For the full details on the Honda PCX 125i you need to wait a few days, maybe a week. Honda will go public with the Honda PCX soon...

    For now I can only say that the engine of the PCX shuts-down if you're waiting for a traffic light, the engine wakes up during acceleration by the electronic cell-motor. I can understand that some other motorcycle news sources have misunderstand this new technology. The PCX will be the first commercial available motorcycle with so-called Start-Stop technology.

    Any further info on this new Hybrid scoot ??

  5. +1 for the UPS, everything of value should be using one, dont buy a cheapie, buy one that will shutdown your PC in the event of a power outage.

    Good to hear you got your Data back, i would have pulled the externals apart first though to determine if the HDD had shit or was it the electrics of the caddy.

  6. How many amps, Spoonman?

    Not sure, but too many amps should not matter i would not have though.

    Ive got a drawer full of old adptors at home, i'll have a look and see if i have anything suitable, if i do your more than welcome to have it, im not home till after 7pm though.....

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