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Posts posted by Spoonman

  1. Are you able to download movies from newgroups, ie usenet, using True? I have the 8 mb service but its really throttled.

    I dont use newsgroups,I use Rapidshare and if i have my download manager set to drop one .RAR file at a time it comes it a 1.5mb/s.

    I would imagine newgroups would be the same, i have a mate who only uses private torrents, he is always having issues.

  2. FrenchFARANGbkk, True now has adsl2+, had mine installed last week (Soi Khao Noi).

    Thank you, but how much is it, and does it work well ?

    True better than TTNT ?

    Ive never had TT&T, they fuc_ked me over when i was first trying to get connected so ive never been back.

    Im on a True's 8mb package @1199B per month, so far it has been fantastic, am loving the 12 minutes it takes to download a movie.

  3. Please let me know anything u know about the driving and written test !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank u in advance

    Today ive been and done the driving and theory test for vehicles, it was painful real painful, the video (all in thai) went for nearly an hour, followed directly by a lecture (all in thai) that went for 1.5hrs.

    A quick ciggie break then it was onto the theory test, this was computerized and a selection of languages available including English, Thai and japanese.. this test was a wank, the language translation into english was not of a real high standard and the rsulting questions and answers (multi choice) made little to no (common) sense and as such i failed, the pass rate is 23/30 i got 22/30.

    Luckily, i was shown the incorrect answers and after a short wait was allowed to have a second attempt.

    This time i passed.

    The driving test was dead easy, drive in and parralel park, reverse out the turn right, drive down approx 70 metres between a row of markers, then reverse back out.

    Turn left and do a reverse park into a 3 sided barrier, drive foward out to the bottom of the test area turn around then back out to the startline.

    As my licence (Thai) had expiried 18months prior i was generously offer the option of a 5 yr licence, i wasted no time in handy over the 500b, for an extra 100b, you can get the 'smart' licence.

    I highly reccomend sourcing an international drivers permit to gain your licence here as the intital video then lecture was extremely mind numbingly boring, then follwed by a test that made no common sense....... i was ready to walk out.

    I got there at 8.30am this morning, i got back to the office at 4.00pm.

    My work collegue had an IDP, he was back in the office at 9.30am.

  4. I have True 8mb and CAT 2mb here at home, have had CAT for 12 months and True for a week, so far True rocks, dropping files from Rapidshare @ 1.4mb/s is awesome, will have both connections for 2 months, if True stay good i will be ditching CAT.

  5. Irish rockers U2 have confirmed that they will be streaming a live concert via YouTube from California’s Rose Bowl this Sunday, October 25, beginning at 8:30 PM Pacific Time.

    While the 96,000 people at the sold out show paid no-doubt semi-astronomical prices to get in, viewers around the world will be able to tune in for free on YouTube.

    The YouTube link is here, with discussion here.

  6. Demps1, what are these bugs you talk off ??

    Silly little things at present but more important, have you ever seen MS write any sw which is bug-free???

    Also most people will find they need a lot better hardware then they have now and I have no use for reinstalling from scratch....

    Lastly you haven't really (normally) total control of the system... wait for the fixes to come out to see what they have forgotten..

    So what are the "bugs"........

    Really simple Question .

  7. Want to make an addition to my PC desk, but my Jigsaw is at work.

    Anyone know if they will cut to my desired dimensions, if so how do they charge per cut ??

    EDIT: wood will be purchased there.

  8. 8 till 5 aint exactly long hours mate, pretty standard actually, and how many days per week does she work 5 or 6 ??

    Anywho, back on topic, dont know how many actual public holidays there is per year but looking at an email from HR, we get 13 per year as allowed under the Thai labor laws.

    The maximum number of work hours is eight per day or 48 per week, except for work deemed by law to be hazardous, in which case employment is limited to seven hours per day and 42 hours per week. Overtime compensation must be paid at a rate of between 1.5 to three times the normal hourly rate to qualifying employees.

    Employees are entitled to 13 national holidays per year, plus a minimum of six days of vacation after one year of consecutive work. Thirty annual paid sick days is standard, and an employer may require a doctor’s certificate for sick leave of three days or more. Female employees are entitled to 90 days of maternity leave, including 45 days of paid leave. The minimum daily wage rate varies, depending upon location, from 137 baht (US$ 3.43) in some provincial areas to 175 baht (US$ 4.38) in Bangkok. Salaries for full-time office and management staff range from approximately 15,000 baht per month (US$ 375) for general office staff to 150,000 baht per month (US$ 3,750) for an IT manager.

  9. I was going to try True, but TOT are now offering 12mb for 1,500 Baht. How does that compair price wise?

    My 8mb is 1199B a month.

    True will have 12mb and 16mb available soon, i think the 16mb was 2100B so 12mb from ToT for 1500B is not too bad, i personally would not get ToT as ive read way too many horror stories concerning their bandwidth issues.

    I was with CAT, they were superb, im hoping True are somewhere on par, if they are not my CAT connection is still current for the free 13month, if true are hopeless i'll just keep the CAT going.

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