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Posts posted by Spoonman

  1. I suppose many people have had success with rebuilding RAID arrays after a disk has gone bad. It's never worked for me. I just copy one external disk to another then turn it off. Haven't lost any data since I started that. Of course, I also have Windows Home Server 2011 and Bitcasa so I have copies everywhere. I also copy important files that I will use on the road to Google Drive and One Drive. With an Office 365 subscription you get an extra 25 GB on One Drive. Bitcasa is great but the initial copy over can take days, especially if you have a lot of TB+ drives. After that, it's quick as it only copies over new files. I like it because for a set fee, I get unlimited storage.

    I have a Synology DiskStation DS413j and have had to rebuild after a drive failed. Was a very easy process.

  2. I went to Krungsri a few month ago, saying I am retired and I need a Thai bank to put the 800.000 Bahts for immigration. Yes sir no problem how much your deposit? To day 100.000 , no problem do you want a visa card? Yes of course, 5 minutes later I had my visa Krungsri, I even choose my 4 digit code which is not the case in my country, a week later I made the transfer of the 20,000 euros from my bank, more easy absolutely impossible! Yes I have shown my visa, (first year), and a certificate of residence from my owner nothing more.

    By the way it is a saving account. Why? The guy insisted??

    Yeah a visa debit card attached to a saving's account is nothing like an actuall visa credit card.....

    Anyone can get the card you have.

  3. My wife and I have been here 8 months, we are retired and have ample income, we tried many banks in Thailand, including Citi Bank Bangkok, no one would issue us a card without holding our money in a separate account. We finally chose Bangkok Bank, put down 900.00 US and got a credit card with that limit, they have raised the limit once so far to 1500 US. We only use the card to pay our bills, TOT,True Vision, Ais, and so forth. We hope in the future we will have a high enough credit limit to be able to use the card for airline tickets.

    Secure more money against the card and they will raise the limit to what ever you want.

  4. it is also a requirement to have at least as much as you want credit for or more, too easy to do a runner if you are using their money, they like insurance, you dont pay your monthly account and they will seize the money from your other account straight away. Maybe after several years banking with them they will change this but until then dont hold any expectations.

    Nah. you are talking rubbish. if what you say was correct why would they give me 3 times my monthly salary as my limit ?

    • Like 1
  5. I think you can live decent ( Thai style ) 20 to 24,000B a month. This is a Thai persons earnings for: Executive Secretary private company or Mid level government official.

    Tried it for a month included: Housing, AC - electric - 100 channel TV 24/7, 2 meals a day, 1 bottle of coke-a-cola. smokes, scooter rental and petro, some junk food and some snacks. 19000B and small change: had allowed 24,000B

    Tell me more about the housing please.

  6. Unless you have more money than sense why buy a new car, the price of cars here is extortinate I'd rather invest the money in bricks n mortar.

    Exactly my thinking.

    Cheap entry level new car - 500k.

    25% the cost of a 2m baht condo. crazy.gif

    Far too out of sync for me to put my money into all but the cheapest vehicle options.

    Looking at used car prices the Protons and Kias seem to dissolve in terms of value. 180k baht for a 3 yr old one.

    Best to stick with boring reliability. Japanese companies.

    I get a shudder up my spine just thinking what a 2m baht condo would be like.... is it bigger than a shoe box ?

    Not bigger than your shoeboxes, no. That's because you're so rich and utterly fantastic that your shoeboxes are supreme gold lined pieces of art, filled with Gucci loafers. smile.png

    Would you like a tissue to wipe the tear from your eye ?

  7. There are a lot of good suggestions and work-arounds in this thread, but getting back to my OP, why aren't garden hoses here made with threaded ends by default?  Is there some benefit to having unterminated hose-ends that I'm not seeing?


    I cant for the life of me work out how one would thread the end of a hose.

    • Like 2
  8. My two cents...I've got a 6-year-old Toyota Vigo G that I bought new. It's the 4-door with the 2.5 liter diesel. Just short of 100k on the clock, still on original (and very legal) tires and brakes - maybe because I use the gears to slow down. It goes like a bat out of hell when I ask it to, but the box can be chock-a-block full of bricks with no problem. So, from my experience, I'd highly recommend the Toyota.

    As I recall, the Isuzu is just a rebranded Chevy, made in Malaysia...but I could be wrong about that.

    6 year old tyres ?

    Up to you but I certainly would not risk the safety of myself or family rolling on them as they are past their used by date.

    • Like 2
  9. Unless you have more money than sense why buy a new car, the price of cars here is extortinate I'd rather invest the money in bricks n mortar.

    Exactly my thinking.

    Cheap entry level new car - 500k.

    25% the cost of a 2m baht condo. crazy.gif

    Far too out of sync for me to put my money into all but the cheapest vehicle options.

    Looking at used car prices the Protons and Kias seem to dissolve in terms of value. 180k baht for a 3 yr old one.

    Best to stick with boring reliability. Japanese companies.

    I get a shudder up my spine just thinking what a 2m baht condo would be like.... is it bigger than a shoe box ?

  10. 500 baht is the normal police station fine, he would have settled for 200, the normal street bribe. I got stopped and issued a ticket for 500 for immediate payment, when I went to the payment table I said no have 500, have 200. told: no problem... Need to learn to negotiate.

    So they wrote you an official ticket for Bt.500 for an actual Bt.400 fine (In Pattaya pretty much all official fines are Bt.400, obviously different to where ever you are) and you negotiated it down to Bt.200.

    Something smells fishy.

  11. I think most people buy the 4x4 just to have the badge on the back (or side), 90% will never make full use of it. Seems like a waste of cash to me !!

    This is what a 2.5, 4x2 manual pick up can do... 1 tonne piece of rock driven 1000km and handled pretty good, touch light on the front end but driven with that in mind. Upside down but you get the gist ?


    Go the Ford smile.png

    How did you weigh the rock ?

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