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Posts posted by Spoonman

  1. Why can't your mate take it to a Hyundai dealer and have the key reset ?

    Is there something dodgy with the car that needs the ECU sent offshore to have the anti-theft stuff de-activated ?

    EDIT; beaten by Crossy.

    also that "in the bush" pic looks like someones actual property.

    • Like 1
  2. Most NAS run under some implementaion of Linux to safe on licenses to Microsoft, those filesystem can handle harddisk sizes of which I'm not sure we'll see in our lifetime (EB=Exabyte). The 2.2 TB limit is for 32bit OS, such as MS Windows XP and NAS32 formatting (as the name implies).

    If you're about to shell out that amount of money have a look a the manufacturer's website as to compatibility of HDs first anyway.

    You're right, the price is an issue

    Yesterday I found the Synology DS413J for THB 16,500 without disks.

    Seagate, 2 bays including 4TB : THB 12,500

    WD EX2 including 4TB : THB 12,900

    Now compared to a WD Caviar Green 2 TB at THB 2,800

    I wonder if the best option is then to add the disks to the computer that is going to run XBMC

    Your opinion ?

    BTW, as I'm running Win7 64, do I have still to worry about the 2.2 TB limit ?

    I have the Synology DS413j and it performs well. I have used 2tb green HDD's I had laying around here. I had one die and it was a painless operation to replace and rebuild the array.

    The remote access is great for when Iam travelling as I can stream my content.

  3. The black smoke comes from inadequate combustion in the engine. Full combustion usually burns the carbon into a lighter invisible gas which is expelled from the engine nevertheless.

    Inadequate combustion comes from dirty engines and dirty filters and combustion adjustments that are wrong for the fuel used. In sum, poor maintenance.


    I could get my brand new Ranger to belch black smoke easily, are you saying it was sold new with a dirty engine and filters and poor maintenance ?

    I would suggest you take it back and get the "mechanic" to set it up properly or change your diesel to a better grade--- ie-change your supply garagecoffee1.gif

    Send it back to the Ford production line ?

    What grade diesel should I use ? I only fill at PTT. should I move over to Green Lemon ?

    • Like 1
  4. Yep I know that company and have been on that run a couple of times myself

    There's no scam.

    They just go to a different Cambodian border which is less busy.

    You clearly didn't understand

    He said he was paying to go to Myanmar, and they changed it to Cambodia. Some folks enjoy going someplace new. Plus, from what the OP wrote, they were less than honest about why they had changed it.

    You pay for ham, why would you take beef?

    See for there to be a scam he would have already paid.... paying would suggest that no money had changed hands.

  5. If you cant throw 500k a month away out here you a looser!

    Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    i tend to agree assuming you mean 500,000 sterling, not those worthless dollars

    55555. What is a dollar?

    Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I think in westernland it is toilet paper.

    • Like 1
  6. he gave you a price you were happy with. what is the problem ?

    Dont agree with your summation, he gouged because she was with a farang. Dont know where you come from originally, but it would not be tolerated in my country Australia. Nor is it practiced.

    His wife sounds like a great credit to her country and he is proud of her and rightly so.

    Gouged, really ?

    Australia does engage the practices of two teir pricing. the real estate industry is rife with it... but I guess the home owners that are selling have no issue with an asian person person paying a premium over an aussie......

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Farang prices? My Thai wife and I received each a package this last week from the USA hers was $260 value and had to pay 1400 Baht

    when she complained never had to pay before she was told NEW LAW .Mine was $180 value she had to pay 1100 Baht . I have my medication coming next month wondering how much they hit me for.

    Isnt it just great, to get charged TAX for the freight charges as well as the item???..... alt=blink.png>

    Item cost 100 USD...airfreight $70USD....total charges this end,TAX on the $170USD............... alt=w00t.gif>

    Weegee, I think you should know that it is worldwide the same. Import duties are everywhere calculated on the fob price + freight + insurance.

    Been here for 10+ years never got charge a penny until last week.Send stuff from here to the Usa and Germany ,they never paid for anything either.Have no Idea where your Info.?

    Import taxes and duties have been with us for many years. more than 10 infact.

  8. I went to Krungsri a few month ago, saying I am retired and I need a Thai bank to put the 800.000 Bahts for immigration. Yes sir no problem how much your deposit? To day 100.000 , no problem do you want a visa card? Yes of course, 5 minutes later I had my visa Krungsri, I even choose my 4 digit code which is not the case in my country, a week later I made the transfer of the 20,000 euros from my bank, more easy absolutely impossible! Yes I have shown my visa, (first year), and a certificate of residence from my owner nothing more.

    By the way it is a saving account. Why? The guy insisted??

    Yeah a visa debit card attached to a saving's account is nothing like an actuall visa credit card.....

    Anyone can get the card you have.

    I do no understand your answer anyone can get the card I have, very well so what, where is the problem? I do not give a damn if it is not an "actual" (?) Visa I just need it to withdraw my money in Bahts from Krungsri ATM, anyhow I keep my HSBC premier for anything like planes hotels and so on, this one sure not anyone could get it!

    The OP is asking about a credit card.

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    he gave you a price you were happy with. what is the problem ?

    The problem is that it is not right to rip people off whether farang or Thai. Often my wife won't let me come near a vendor saying "no, you stay here if he/she sees you the price will be higher". Sorry, I understand the system but I do not have to grin and bear it.

    Who was being ripped off though. the vendor stated his price that the OP was happy with and proceeded to shop.

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