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Posts posted by Spoonman

  1. No iam not scared as I will not be murdering anyone to place me into that predicament to start with.

    Do the crime, do the time.

    Spoonman your powers of comprehension are extremely limited.

    So what did I miss then ?

    The posting is about being scared in Thailand. Its aimed at Farangs in particular. It is my impression that Farangs that chose to settle in Thailand have no real protection under Thai law. Nobody murdered anyone and no crimes where committed. However and I'm now learning about a lot of cases; people (Farangs) have ended up in jail, on charges that were dreamed up by a Thai national or maybe another Farang, who just doesn't like them for what ever reason.

    It could be something very very petty and one could still be locked away for a lengthy period, because you don't get out, until you've won the case against you. That could be forever for some of us.

    I'm not overly concerned, but it does niggle at the back of my mind. And yes I know there are thousands of more heinous deeds, in other countries all over the world. I don't live all over the world, I live here. It would be comforting to know, if for what ever reason, I got into trouble, the law would protect me fairly. That's all. No more no less. I don't believe the law does, that's why I'm a little scared.

    Meh. I have lived here for 8 years in Pattaya. I don't flaunt the law hence the law does not throw me in jail.

  2. terrible situation,

    kinda thinking she needed to be blocked in,

    lesson learned I suppose,

    good thing no one hurt

    may have some stiff necks tommorow

    Oh please....."She needed to be blocked in"?

    Your naivety never ceases to amaze me!

    Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    well it surely would have made it harder for her to pull away,

    assuming it was a busy turn lane, and it being thailand, there couldnt have been a lot of room behind her, so giving her 2 car lengths to pull away, was a no brainer for her

    So the cars behind her are going to sit and wait?

    They would been around her in a second.

    I was picking a US guy up of the road a few weeks ago where the cars were driving around him on the highway while he was dead/injured on the road.

    Thankfully, he was not badly hurt.

    He was lucky not to have been driven over and yes have seen that before!

    Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Wow. he went from dead/injured on the road to not badly hurt. kinda covering all bases with your little tale there aren't you.

  3. Congrats to the Pattaya Police for this major arrest. This guy is probably the boss of an international crime ring or a major international terrorism organization. If not, he is Russian, so he is guilty.

    Congrats also to the Buri Rum girlfriend...

    Congrats also to the Media for this very well taken picture. Sharp, plenty of drama and finger pointing

    The best of Thailand in this news.

    By the way, what is done to reduce the carnage on the roads? I just would like to take the opportunity of this brilliant, superb victory to remind that 150+ people died on the Thailand roads in 12+ bus accidents for the last 6 months.

    150 in 6 months. less than average. good to hear.

  4. I don't think anything needs to be changed. If you don't like the place warts and all you know where the airport is.

    I knew I'd get the 'don't let the airport hit you in the arse' comment, but you forgot to mention if you are Thai or not. Thanks for your positive contribution. smile.png

    Iam not Thai.

  5. Not in the slightest AOP. I don't comment on things I have no knowledge on.

    Yet You comment on everything T.A. Posts from an Older Generations Findings. With a rather arrogant "PUP" way devoid of any Humour whatsoever. Up to You.

    Just because the information/method was relevant in the 40's does not mean it is today.

  6. Some interesting points to consider:

    If the auto trans that are fitted on your cars are the same for each model worldwide,

    wouldn't the countries that have higher ambient temps make the trans run a lot hotter than

    in a country with a cooler climate?

    Should you trust the manufacturer's service schedule for replacing the trans oil as i've noticed

    that some don't reccomend replacing the oil at all and some at very high mileage intervals?

    What are the mileage intervals recommended to replace the trans oil in your vehicles?

    Trans fluid is very robust if temps are kept in check. Most rides have coolers of some sort. My street/race car had a 25 row cooler, cooled by the engine fan, never had a problem with the fluid. Looked and smelt like new even after racing.

    If you use any ride in extreme heat conditions you can fit an additional cooler, but it seems in LOS the manufacturers have done their homework with their cooling system for the climate and usage.

    Do my test and you won't go far wrong.

    Must add. I bought a temperature strip. It had degrees marked on it and was self adhesive. Stuck one on the trans and engine sumps. The colour on the strips changed to reveal the highest temps. Great piece of kit to suss stuff out.

    lol the race car again.

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