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Posts posted by Spoonman

  1. I thought I had signed out, but on going to Thai visa I noticed I hadn'tt, and was happy to see more supportive comments. I only posted this to potentially be of help.My recording was not very good as I could not properly balance the ipad ( cheap case, and I was rather nervous), it shows a sweeping image of the police station, the officers and my asking if they would mind if I recorded the search, they agreed. My ipad wouldn't stand properly, I tried to balance it on a book, but if failed. They assured me the station cameras worked, and in addition used their phone to record it. Thai visa have my email address and my number (I assume), if you want it posted agree to mute my voice and I am happy to forward it for you to show it, on the condition the doubters full names are revealed. Put your money were you mouth is doubters. If you agree to my conditions I will forward it. Make it legal Thai visa and show these people for what they are.

    What is the purpose of having someones full name revealed ?

  2. I only use the "Data" brand ones from the 7/11. nothing can kill them.

    The one pictured below is from my FishPond. it lives in a sealed container however one afternoon cleaning my pond (i had to turn off the pumps) I accidentally left the top off the container and as it happens it rained over night.

    Next morning whilst out in the garden I could hear water boiling...... yep the lidless "sealed" container was full off water.

    All pumps still working and fish happily swimming around thumbsup.gif.


  3. How will this benefit the people that live in the area ? surely the same amount of vehicles will be trying to use the same roads and overpass U turns (what ever they are) will only aid those who are using the bypass to avoid sukhumvit road.

    First thing they need to do is police the buses and trucks that are not supposed to be on the bypass to start with.

    If this goes ahead I'll be looking to move as the clusterfcuk will be 10fold worse whilst construction is happening.

  4. I give up. I have nothing to prove I just tried to give a little advice.

    Show me a bts station near ko lanta pizza banglampoo.

    Excuse me for trying to offer a little help and insight into what happened to me. If it was 2 in the morning I would understand your deluded offensive comments as alcohol induced, but as it's 3pm then ???

    I have nothing to prove, and certainly nothing to gain and no interest in responding to pathetic challenges and accusations. Over and out.

    Don't give up mate. give it to all the naysayers by simply putting up the video.

    Go on, prove them wrong. you have the video to do so.

    • Like 1
  5. I bought a cd player in Carrefour Pattaya years ago. it was on special for Bt3800 reduced from Bt6300.

    Got to the check out and it scanned at the higher price. I got it for free as per Carrefour policy that was printed on the wall in large text at the customer service counter.

    The manager very extremely pissed.

    That's not pinned on any walls anymore.... Maybe they had a rethink on it.....

    Carrefour is no longer here.

  6. This is why we live here. <deleted>. You would be complaining if its snowing and your freezing your ass off. If you don't like it, you know where to go. BACK HOME.

    back home is just as hot and 10 times more expensive, why would I want to go back there ?

  7. Yep roasting hot here in Chonburi.

    I have been starting work 3 hours early so we can get some cutting time on our laser machine before it shuts down due to over heating (machine cuts @ 50degC).

    On the upside Iam getting home at 2.30pm which is just awesome !!!

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