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Posts posted by Spoonman

  1. Prune juice, available in all the supermarkets. My wife swears by it and by the amount of times shes on the loo i believe her.

    Prune juice in Thailand is crap...no pun intended. Get a juicer from Malaysia or Singapore & clean everything as esp., from local markets, bugs are everywhere here. Go to Makro for beets.

    Mix banana, pineapple, 1 beet, 1 Garlic clove into 2-3 12 ounce drinks. Don't smoke tobacco or any nervous system "crazy" drug like crack or any speed. Exercise 'treadmill' 30 min a day.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Is a juicer bought in Thailand not good enough ?

  2. I'm going to insist on a new house rule.....cooking with no oil for a trial week and boil everything and see how we get on.

    If she hit's me with the wok then it's business as usual.

    I am going to buy a fat fryer as suggested above, one of those new cooks anything with a table spoon of oil jobs.

    I will take the horse to the water and hope it drinks the water.

    cooking with no oil for a trial week and boil everything and see how we get on.

    boiling french fries may not have good results coffee1.gif

    Fries can be cooked in the oven or under the grill though.

  3. Who is we?

    You might call us sex tourists. I prefer romantic travelers.

    More broadly, men coming to Thailand for the women.

    Some might be young and hansum enough, or wealthy enough, to attract a well-educated, world-experienced mate with good English.

    Personally that kind of partner is not of interest to me, which works out just fine, since they wouldn't give me a second look either.

    I came for work but I did buy the missus (after a few weeks rental).

    • Like 1
  4. Looks like the SR400 is going to sell for 265000 baht.

    Yamaha is saying 300k.

    I guess we'll have to wait and see. The principle at my local large Yam dealer said 265000 baht. If that's correct that's a good price. If it's 300000 baht that might be a little too much for nostalgia. It sells for the equivalent of 183000 baht in Japan.

    265k might be the promo price then jump upto 300k. this is the reason why I am not buying a Bolt. Watchara wanted 30k non refundable deposit on it but would not let me take their's for a test ride, told em I would think about and and they responded I have until the end of march at the 465k price tag as it will be jumping to 535k come the 1st of April.

    bye bye Watchara and Yamaha Bolt.

  5. The easiest way to ease traffic congestion would be to make it illegal to drive a vehicle without a full (passed driving rest) licence.

    make driving offences incur penalty points leading to licence revoking at x points.

    Revoke licence immediately for drink driving, and under influence of drugs.

    You know, us westerners must have lived in a fantasy world to come up with these ideas.

    There is a points system on Thai driver licences already. needs to be enforced.

  6. It's true that silicone has a habit of getting around surfaces you don't end it.

    It was banned from a boatyard I used to live.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    Eh?? blink.png

    Possibly the silicon spray was wafting through the air and landing on surfaces it should not. like ready prepped fiberglass molds which then creates surface imperfection in the finished product.

    • Like 1
  7. AFAIK there will not be any more development of plasma so the current 720 is the best resolution (which is fine for most material today but with 1080 and above becoming more common will eventually be overtaken). The advantage, contrast, may be a double edged sward as the poster noted getting headaches easier watching plasma.

    As for the above change of antenna lead (who uses an antenna lead these days?) yes it can make a difference but normally just change of the connector or adjustment of it does the trick. As for "mains" also at a loss to explain that but suspect he is talking A/V, HDMI cables and such. In which case I do not agree that people have to spend 1,000's of baht for name brand magic cables.

    What do you mean 720 is the best resolution ?

    All my plasma's are 1080p , and Panasonic has a 8K (7,680 x 4320 pixels) resolution.

    Would love an 8K panasonic. what size have you got ?

  8. This explains it quite well:


    I think that an LED TV has a better picture, but as was said earlier it depends on the Signal Quality going in.

    One big improvement that everyone can make, is to have good quality low signal loss leads.

    I replaced the Aerial Lead a few years back & got a much better picture. So often cheap leads don't fit the sockets tightly, which results in interference.

    Mains lead are also very important - you can pay literally 1000's for them & yup, they do make a huge, noticeable difference.

    All of the TV's I have purchased already came with a mains lead attached. should I cut it off and replace with something better ?

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