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Posts posted by JoePai

  1. I filled mine out yesterday online. But I saw the census ladies come around and talk to the landlady too, but they didn't talk with me... Some interesting questions! I had to say no to the two wheeled push cart and 4 wheel tractor though. ;-)

    Do hope the Burmese are not using Firefox - as I hear it's their favorite browser :P

    Quote : A senate panel that met in Phuket recently was told there could be as many as 200,000 Burmese living on the island, and 1.2 million in Thailand.

  2. 1 year registration and full insurance on standard 110cc motorcy is around 750 Baht. Go back to the dealer that you bought it from with your green book and they will handle it for you. Takes about 2-3 weeks to get your book back.

    Car Insurance should never cost you 150,000 Baht. (30.000 Baht on a 2m baht vehicle is what I last paid)

    They have seen a farang (you) and will try to make the most of it. But TIT. :rolleyes:

    Fact - you will not get full insurance for 750 Baht - you may get just the basic Government insurance (which is not worth the paper it is written on).

    Fact - when you buy insurance you do not leave your green book - you keep it with you at all times.

    Fact: With registration you do leave the book

    Registration has nothing to do with insurance - that is what you green book is, a Registration Book ! We are talking insurance here.

  3. 1 year registration and full insurance on standard 110cc motorcy is around 750 Baht. Go back to the dealer that you bought it from with your green book and they will handle it for you. Takes about 2-3 weeks to get your book back.

    Car Insurance should never cost you 150,000 Baht. (30.000 Baht on a 2m baht vehicle is what I last paid)

    They have seen a farang (you) and will try to make the most of it. But TIT. :rolleyes:

    Fact - you will not get full insurance for 750 Baht - you may get just the basic Government insurance (which is not worth the paper it is written on).

    Fact - when you buy insurance you do not leave your green book - you keep it with you at all times.

  4. The beer is placed inside a pocket of salty, pretzel-like dough and then dunked in oil at 375 degrees for about 20 seconds, a short enough time for the confection to remain alcoholic.

    When diners take a bite the hot beer mixes with the dough in what is claimed to be a delicious taste sensation.

    Inventor Mark Zable said it had taken him three years to come up with the cooking method and a patent for the process is pending. He declined to say whether any special ingredients were involved.

    His deep-fried beer will be officially unveiled in a fried food competition at the Texas state fair later this month.

    Five ravioli-like pieces will sell for $5 (£3) and the Texas Alcoholic Commission has already ruled that people must be aged over 21 to try it.

    Mr Zable has so far been deep frying Guinness but said he may switch to a pale ale in future.

    He said: "Nobody has been able to fry a liquid before. It tastes like you took a bite of hot pretzel dough and then took a drink of beer." Mr Zable previously invented dishes including chocolate-covered strawberry waffle balls and jalapeño corndog shrimps

  5. Not a dream, 3G is working in Chiang Mai with AIS, I have a usb stick for my laptop that uses it, My BB still shows EDGE, will try a battery pull. You must be in an area where there is no AIS 900mhz coverage as 3G won't work on 900mhz, you might be on their 1800mhz band where 3G is available.

    Well still on the so called 3G this evening - am living the bottom end of Wualai Road if that helps.

  6. Strange thing happened to my BB 9700 this morning. I woke up to find the EDGE had been replaced by 3G with max 'signal strength bars' !! However before we all get too excited I tried to check the speed and it seemed the same as yesterdays EDGE :(

    Anyone else had this happen - or even know why it has happened ?

  7. To get the best deal can you book through agents? or only on-line. I read there is an office in Central Pattaya, True?

    There is an office in Tuk.Com in South Pattaya.

    Underneath the escalator as you go in.

    WARNING : This is NOT an Air Asia office - just a regular travel agent who charges way more than booking on line. If you have to use a travel agent check with others for best price.

  8. There are no good Indian restaurants in Chang Mai period.

    When a business man in CMX imports a real Indian chef from (say) Bradford and opens a restaurant then that will be the one to frequent - not the present silly imitations.

    There's an Indian chef at New Delhi, saw him....but the waiter is Burmese.

    “There's an Indian chef at New Delhi” and that’s the problem – as I said before you have to get a real Bangladeshi chef (from Bradford/Birmingham etc) and before anyone asks there are none in CM.

    Also there is a small difference between a biryanni and a “sweet tasting muslim thai massaman curry with potatoes” if you understand Indian food :rolleyes:

  9. There are no good Indian restaurants in Chang Mai period.

    When a business man in CMX imports a real Indian chef from (say) Bradford and opens a restaurant then that will be the one to frequent - not the present silly imitations.

    You can be fairly sure that the Indian Chef from Bradford will be Pakistani

    Hope not as the real Indian chefs come from Bangladesh :P

  10. There are no good Indian restaurants in Chang Mai period.

    When a business man in CMX imports a real Indian chef from (say) Bradford and opens a restaurant then that will be the one to frequent - not the present silly imitations.

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