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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. 7 hours ago, Docno said:

    Only just over a week ago there was another instance of an older farang driver being involved in an accident in which a Thai (being on a motorbike) lost his life. Also in the Pattaya area: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/940572-80-year-old-british-driver-crashes-into-lighthouse-chef/


    My 70 year old American friend gave up driving because he said his eyesight and reflexes were not what they used to be and he'd had too many close calls (plus backing up into a bus that he'd somehow failed to notice). I know everyone is different, but age takes its toll on all of us, so perhaps this plays a factor. I wonder if in Thailand there's some sort of compulsory regular testing of driving skills once you get past a certain age (I doubt it); they had this in Canada and my father dreaded it, but could see the reason for it also.


    p.s. I'm not saying that the Brit drivers were responsible in either of these two cases, but it is a possibility, and age-as-a-factor is also a possibility

    Compulsory driving test for the aged, are you joking ? Half the people on the road don't even have a license let alone insurance, there is no law on Thai roads it's a do as you please situation, not Thai bashing stating fact.

  2. 12 hours ago, xineohp said:

    One thing is certain, with the return to democracy Jatuporn will have accumulated a whole lot of material and evidence to give him a very strong case for wrongful arrest and detention etc.  Given that a new democratic government will replace the current political/military judiciary with fresh faces, Jatuporn has plenty to look forward to.   

    You live in a dream world.

  3. 16 hours ago, The stuttering parrot said:

    Why wouldn't he be unfazed he speaks the truth about the yellows trying to seize power unlawfully opening up the opportunity for a military coup.

    Unfortunatley Sutep and his cronies are unfazed to and hid away in a temple until  it was deemed safe that enough time had passed.

    Some monks and pollies are Teflon coated and get a free pass to bring down a democratically elected government.

    Utter rubbish nonsense.

  4. On 31 สิงหาคม 2559 at 4:41 AM, The stuttering parrot said:

    Another scumbag caught. Well at least social media worked this time PM.

    Why would he kill the poor girl and dump her? Surely driving on that route for a bus co he must have been on the roster so he was sure to be caught.

    Most of these scumbags have no power of reasoning, just uneducated animals only fit for maggot food.

  5. On 30 สิงหาคม 2559 at 4:58 PM, Merylhighground said:






    OP, If by 'Thai gals' you mean sex workers, then they are merely protecting their meal ticket and making sure no one else is getting a slice of their action. Don't delude yourself that there may be any other motive for their visit. There isn't.


    Most 'respectable' thai 'gals' wouldn't set foot within 100 yards of your place alone, invited or not....


    I once had a colleague for a few months who rather enjoyed having women (hookers) turning up at his place unannounced at all hours of the night and day as in his own mind it made him feel like some sort of 'playboy' 'livin' the Bangkok life' until he  1) realised he had blown a huge stack of cash*, and 2) got caught out and bought a whole heap of shyt on himself in spite of repeated warnings from the more experienced that he was playing with fire.

    Every morning we would dread his dreary tales of how XY or Z he'd met at the Novotel (yep! I'm going back to that era) turned up at 4am and shagged him silly 'for free' etc......but he wasn't too suave when we found him half asleep in the foyer of the office building in a state of fear after one of his 'free Girl friends' had turned up asking for cash and upon his refusal had returned with a few of her motor cycle taxi driving 'brothers' to aid her request. If you're going to 'play' in Thailand and don't want to pay, do as Holmes says above....but the only snag is they'd just stake out the shagging pad which could have worse consequences if you arrive with 'company'. 


    Who is Holmes above.

  6. On 30 สิงหาคม 2559 at 10:11 AM, BigBadGeordie said:

    There is just so much wrong with this story I don't know where to begin.


    They "claim" she was arrested on drugs charges.


    Whilst under arrest, she was approached for 35,000 by "Singha".


    She contacted "one" of her boyfiends.


    He handed over 5,000 deposit.


    On the 23 August she was sent to trial and bailed.


    She immediately went to the front desk to complain , on the 29 August.


    Officers said that they had never heard of "Singha".


    And finally, she is 33 and Mr Peter is 60, I have never seen a couple with such a massive age difference in Pattaya.




    Then you have never been to Pattaya.

  7. On 30 สิงหาคม 2559 at 4:47 PM, Michael8511 said:

    No I don't disregard the people here, I personally think that the junta have done a great job to clean up after taksin X 2, this is the second time the military with approval from the royal household have cleaned up. This time they even swept some royals with that had connection with taksin. I have been in Thailand frequently for 20+ years and don't think the people have suffered except street wendors and people that paid the police to open shops that have been demolished. I enjoy the fact that you now can walk on the street in BKK and Pattaya without having to step on merchandise. Also the cabs in BKK are better today, that's an issue that many tourists have complaint about. In Pattaya for example the beach road is walkable now since some illegal constructions have been moved and the beach is clean, yes the chair vendors have had too tighten up and have a little bir smaller area but all in all its better. The biggest complaint before was that there was no space for people that didn't want to pay around 3000 baht per month so sit on the beach, they can now bring their own chair and refreshment and they are happy. We enjoy our chairs as before and I don't think it's better not worse on the beach now. I don't really know what fundamental freedom you are talking about that are removed. When it comes to the free election just for your information the last taksin paid 500 baht to people outside buriram to vote for her, my partner went to collect his money and a lot of elderly people in that village don't know how to write and read so they took the money as a blessing and woted. I guess you also think what her goverment did with the rice farmers was fair, they were scammed of a lot of money from the goverment that they got paid back by the kingdom and junta. Her goverment are in line with the republicans in Texas that love for the Mexicans to work on their farm as long as they are illegal so they can't complain, if those Mexicans got legal status the farmers have to pay more. We see things different and I guess that's the beauty of a free world

    Seems far removed from the topic.

  8. On 30 สิงหาคม 2559 at 6:04 AM, colinneil said:

    Four top officers suspended.Why only suspension?????

    If there s proof they accepted money JAIL them, charge them, take them to court, if found guilty jail them.

    I am tired of seeing inactive posts, they do wrong then get moved to a cushy, easy job, doing sweet f.a.


    Long past time for a good clear out of all the corrupt police here.

    You will die still fed up of reading about inactive posts, the RTP are viewed by the uk government as a corrupt organization , also by every ex pat in Thailand but not me ref defamation laws, they play by their own rules and will continue to do so in our life times.

  9. On 29 สิงหาคม 2559 at 10:23 AM, Pdaz said:

    I'd like to suggest that he, "Foxtrot Oscar"

    A bunch of illegal migrants who wish to freeload in the UK but are stuck in France because of the English channel simply isn't a British problem. BTW we voted to leave the EU.

    Second that, you guys allowed these into France you keep them, seems most of these free loaders are African not genuine war refugees why the hell would we want them. They can foxtrot alpha.

  10. 13 hours ago, fanc said:

    I'm pretty new to this forum, my wife and I are considering moving to Thailand next year - depending on life factors - but we'll end up there for a year or two at some point.


    Anyway, to get to the point I notice a lot of the guys in this forum basically talk about their girlfriends and wives as if they're property.  It's kinda shocking to read, and really not all that surprising that a lot of you guys are pretty miserable.  Like how do you expect to have a halfway decent relationship with a person you don't even really consider to be a person?


    i'm not sure if OP is trolling, but it doesn't really seem all that out of line with a lot of the other posts in here.

    Best you stay at home , your knowledge of this country is nil , zero, nada.

  11. 5 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    This has to be a lengthy and complex investigation. (probably far beyond the competence of the Thai Police).


    Why therefore is it necessary for senior investigators to burble unrelated facts to the press and leak out disjointed bits of the story in order to big themselves up. It is unprofessional, pointless (did you learn anything from this story) and harmful to any investigation.


    At the end of the day, the Thai police will relay on forces in other countries to conduct any meaningful investigation and if any accomplices remain in Thailand, the foreign authorities will tell them who they are.

    Yes everyone knows this but one is not supposed to say it, two class of people thieves and working class..

  12. On 26 สิงหาคม 2559 at 6:53 AM, ezzra said:

    Feeding Soi/stray dogs in Thailand considered to be a merit making and some kind

    of atonements for your sins of which Thai people not short of, never thinking that

    by doing that they only create a menace and health problems to the neighborhood

    and the city as a whole, but go and tell it to those people who still believes in ghosts

    and apparitions of supernatural beings in their daily lives......

    And monks selling lottery winning numbers.

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