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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. All the American Global Warming deniers are out today, The Al Gore haters,. the gas guzzlers in their pick ups in Thailand who complain about 4 dollars a gallon in their old country, You know what , global warmer means all manner of climate changes , The scientific facts are clear. Now go and watch your fox news on TV or online to re enforce your denial.

    Yep sure brings the bozoes out of the woodwork.

  2. Hi live in Hua Hin and need to get a blood sample to CA USA, anyone of express services located in the airport as I can drive it up there if it saves time, have tried UPS and FED EX web sites but they were not helpful, by the way I will have the blood drawn after I figur out how to ship it . thanks for any info

  3. Hi Guys am living in Hua Hin and need to get a my blood sample to lab in CA USA, I could drive to Swampy if need be but am not having any luck with UPS or Fed Ex web sites, the sample will be in a package sent to me from the USA based lab, I cannot answer most of the questions asked on these sites ie... value, size, weight etc so keep getting bounced back, any help would be appreciated in advice on how to get a small package to USA asap, many thanks.

  4. To be perfectly frank and upfront, except for the very few that are close to me, it would not bother me if I never saw another farang again.

    I would much prefer to live a among the Thais. They are a most polite, inviting people and providing we respect them, in most cases they will respect us.

    Many of the farangs in Thailand are the complete opposite and with some having such low opinions of the Thais; I often wonder why these farangs are here at all?

    My question is: if you are a farang and consider yourself far superior to the Thais, dislike the Thais and Thailand for whatever reasons, why are you here?

    Maybe the girls have something to do with it.

  5. Not interested in getting into a tit for tat but let the truth be told I offered 1000 bht for something that he was asking 1500 bht for and when he said no I said ok to the full asking price and his response was that his wife just informed him it was not for sale now even though she was not to be seen.

    Excellent. :) Thanks for following up Junglechef.

    Thanks everybody for your input,just about everything is sold now by using Thai Visa and City Life classifieds.

    We were not prepared to sell things for less than a third of their new price as someone who posted thought we should-The words timewaster and cheapskate come to mind.Some people have nothing else to do but drive around on Sunday having a look at what people are selling and offering stupid low prices.We were not that desperate and we would rather give things away to needy people if we could not get close to half the new price on the things we sold.We have been paid the full asking price for the table and chairs.Just be wary if you are selling things and try to be more selective of the people you allow to visit your house.On the whole we have got very close to 50% of the new price for all the items we have sold.

    Again thanks for all the positive comments.


    You will love Hua Hin. but hard to find unfurnished rentals if you are after renting a house.

  6. Open up a liquor store in your wife's name is always a hit.

    Although not in Issan, we live in rural Thailand and my wife makes a good bit of change loaning money to gamblers, and such.

    Underground casinos always make money.

    Some people will run numbers and such, especially on pay days.

    Lots of easy money to be made out there.

    Learn the vices and form a business plan.

    And you are the debt collector ?

    :) Not me. She has a off-duty cop who does that.

    Oddly most Thais are pretty good about paying the money back. It is what makes it so lucrative. They will borrow even more money to pay back the principal.

    What a scunbag.

  7. Richb2004v2

    What kind of parents are you....? :blink:

    ....He's been like it probably on and off for 6 months....


    It all got to do with what you fed your little pitiful boy.... man....

    Like several already suggested....

    Change his diet immediately.... if you were feeding him Formulae 4, lower it to Formulae 3 to soften up his stool....

    and pls do consult with someone in the pediatrics for the best interests of your little boy....

    Or else, I'll tell on you both.... when he grows up.... LOL :rolleyes:

    Wishing you the best and hope when he matures, he would run for PM.... to help you both becoming better educated parents.... and to help out many farang like so many of us....:D

    Change diet for sure, there is also medication avaiable which is not a laxative but simply softens the stool I had surgery and had to take co codomol for pain which binds one up, the stool softner works a treat however not sure if good for a toddler, all the best hope you sort it.

  8. The time I ate there when they first opened, I thought it was English style Indian, and it was nice. Maybe its my age and memory failing me. :-)


    I think it might be your age or memory :D I've never tasted anything close to a decent English style Indian in Chiang Mai unless I cook it myself ;)

    Give me your recipe please, I cook a lot but there is something missing and dont know what it is, I roast my spices and use ghee etc.

  9. I feel quite comfortable that 99% of prison inmates are in the right place and I can accept anything up to 5% error............such is the lottery of life.

    I vehemently disagree and especially here. There are a lot of innocent people in prison and a lot of criminals in authority walking free.

    I agree most of them are in the army, police or government.

  10. I imagine if you were to ask the inmates you would find that 90% are innocent, but in reality it’s probably more like 1%. The answer you will never know because of the system of justice here.

    ?!? I don't think so.

    That sounds like a stereotype based on a belief that the police are almost always right, the police are almost never corrupt and sometimes don't just arrest any loser to solve a case to look like they are doing their job, that the poor get good lawyers (or that there aren't many corrupt incompetent lawyers even to those that pay lots for them), that the trial system is usually efficient and just. Come on! This is Thailand! A country with a lot of similarities to Mexico in the corruption department, but obviously a lot of differences. I didn't say the percentage I read from the Thaksin quote, because I don't have a link as I read it in a book so I can't provide a link. But I do remember something like 20 to 30 percent stuck in prison being innocent (also of course many die due to poor prison conditions/violence/brutality or are killed by the death penalty), and really horrible prisons at that.

    OF COURSE, in every country in the world there are innocents in prison. OF COURSE, convicts often claim innocence to outsiders (they are often more honest with each other). But numbers DO matter in issues with this kind of thing. Each innocent person there is a tragedy but if it's a pervasive thing effecting a large percentage, it is only logical that there is something terribly wrong with the entire process of the JUSTICE SYSTEM in any country where that has happened.

    While I am no expert on Thai justice, just casual reading about the processes here tell me something is not quite Kosher here in that regard. But like I said, I am no expert, and can't even answer if the accused are legally presumed guilty here, or not.

    I am hoping that some people who have more knowledge (rather than reactionary guff assuming anyone in prison MUST be guilty) about this can comment.

    There are many things here not quite kosher and the police are a good example I could list them but dont have a few hours to spare, I think you are still linked in with a Western mind set, still we all love it here.

  11. Bang Saen (Quiet Thai Beach resort) 1 hours drive from Bangkok. Not a fantastic beach, but quiet, cheap and close. Good Thai food and aircon rooms close to beach 3-400bt per night.

    Kanchanaburi. Not a beach place but up into the hills and lakes. Very mellow place with lots to explore. 2 hours drive from Bangkok.


  12. I can also recommend Hua Hin. Go to Victory Monuement, take a mini-bus to Hua Hin (approx. 2 hrs 30 min.). The bus drops you off in the town centre - alternatively take a taxi (I don't know the cost from BKK).

    Yes but a dagerous way to travel, I live here and see the way they drive often, a taxi can be had for 1500 bhat .

  13. Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Jackers,

    Welcome to Chiang Mai !

    If you give us a hint about what you'd like to find here (or what you imagined you'd find), and share with us where you went, and what you did on your first day: You just might get some useful reactions, and ideas, from the many of us here on this forum who've lived here for years, found "home," here, and love Chiang Mai.


    best, ~o:37;

    "Spot on"as we say where I come from....Don't come here and criticise until you have done the whole thing in CM and outlying areas.. Do not know where you come from ...but do not criticise...what you do not understand, based upon your western ideals of life!!!

    If the town does not impress the guy so what ? mellow out and get on enjoying your life.

  14. Have an ask! I've had them at the Pig and Whistle, the Lobby, and countless other places.

    They only cost 21B a can at most super markets! Take your own and make them cook them just in case!!

    Never ever seen canned toms at 21 bhat, I use them in cooking a lot never found any under 50 bhat.

  15. What is it with swimming pools ? I've lived in places with pools over the last few years and I can say that I've never been in the one in my current apartment after being here for about a year and the previous place I was staying at had one too, I was there for about two and a half years, I never went near it.

    Very much a Vanity item I suspect. Visitors on holiday from back in 'the west' always use the pools.

    maybe you cannot swim :D

  16. The only place I got poisoned in 8 years of living here was at a 5 star hotel buffet!

    Street food has never given me problems.

    Try the fresh squeezed oranges selling from street carts, that always gets me everytime.

    Did me in Patong once as well.....great weight loss program...:)

    Had it twice each time 6 days in Bumrumgrad hospital BKK, both times from Hotel Burgers first one Nana Hotel BKK, second time Hotel on Soi19 Sukhumvit forgotten name ( never went back ) stick to noodles now,

  17. OK. Think I will ship it it my wifes name and hope for the best at customs. Is there any particular shipping agent you would recommend?

    Thanks again.

    shouldnt be any problem shipping it all in your wifes name, as long as only one of each item. One dishwasher, one washingmachine, one computer etc

    I shipped a 30 foot container 7-8 years ago from Scandinavia, 3 weeks to bkk and one day to Phuket

    When I moved here first i shipped 4 decent sized boxes by sea cost 100 pounds, no problem at customs no money to pay, after getting settled went back to move all my things in a 20 container from Hull, inc coming to my house and loading total cost 1100 pounds, took 4 weeks when it arrived here Thai agent total cost was 30,000 baht inc delivery to my second floor condo, bring everything you can however be aware not too easy to rent unfurnished decent condo in BKK, good luck

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