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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. Of course it is! coincidence that is.

    Just like other foreigners found hanging by the neck on 5 cm ropes or with a bullet hole in the back of the head is a suicide or foreigners found dead in the room is also a suicide while the entire safe full of money is missing.

    But my favorite is foreigners falling out from their balcony's those are either suicides or they were very drunk.

    Not to mock, but a genuine question, when it comes to locals, is it the same kind of detective work or different?

    detective work ? how can money be made from that ?

  2. I'll go out on a limb here...

    You are probably young, but without much hope of her converting you into a paycheque...

    He is old(er) and has a high likelyhood of being converted into a paycheque...

    She has no need to cut you loose completely... in a few years, her English Boyfriend might dump her arse, or she might have been with him long enough that she can screw money out of him when she leaves... The cost to her of keeping you on the hook is some time on the phone, and a few crocodile tears...

    Forget the bullshit about her needing to support her family... she is just lazy, and marrying a farang is the easiest way for her not to need to get a real job... If it was about the family there are a billion jobs that she could do, give them some money, and stay with you...

    Move on, find another one... send her a photo... hope you don't get screwed around by the new model...

    I only just read the last line of your post where you say she is a bargirl.... I've been coming to Thailand since my late 20s, and stupidly thought I was something special because I was young and handsome, compared to the old and ugly... guess what... I am old and ugly now, and the girls treat me exactly the same... don't believe you own publicity... you are special just like everyone else.... it is your money that makes you special...


    Hi Daewoo..

    I know I'm gonna leave her but the problem is to pick up the courage to do so. I've made good relationships with her family back home in particular her fatherless son. I'm finding it hard to leave her even as there are no valid reasons to stay

    gee now there is a son, well there usually is a kid involved but this story gets more pathetic.

  3. I saw it coming. By tighter visa rules, drive out all the Cheap Charlies and the boozefighters and Scarecrow-Types. Next comes big advertisement in China that Thaland is the southernmost luxury holiday destination of a Chinese-like homeland ( not truly a homeland but the ones in charge think in these terms ). Next step, tighten the visa rules a bit more. Result : Asia for the Asian new wealthises. The chines middle class is by far more promising a customer than fasr, ugly, misbehaving "sex"-Bomber tourists. The ones who have sttled down in the sticks will be fairly tolerated, as they do not spoil the picture of the "tourist destination". The transforamation has just begun. The chinese Yuan will compete with the Dollar. Fact is the Thais prefer chines tourist to "white longnoses". The long term holiday motto will be " come to China's most south !"

    I long suspected they want to change the "image". This cannot be done in a sudden., but these news show that a transformation is under way. Not to mention that the formerly "poor" country girl from Eesarn now is the proud owner of rice filed re-developed to a rubber farm. Since germany recently introduced a duty to winter-tires, each car needs 8 tires. Which leads to newborn rubber baronesses , driving unpaid-for pickups and watching unpaid-for TV's and sending their kids to non-proven so called schools where they learn to sing and play football..

    Welcome to Thailand ! Am I off-topic ?? I apologize ! OP was about tourism. I apologize fro being so off topic. But the tourist thing still clings to my mind. If it ever bothered government . . what's the outcome ?? 7% of the GDP ?? Did you ever wonder why Thais don t give a fuc_k for your presence ?

    There were times when official stats were 3% on tourism. Not so long ago. It's about time some expats realize what in reality their often claimed "importance" is made of. Absolutely neglectible !

    I am happy to contribute to a family of few, have bettered their lives a littel bit. I always thought that being a tourist I am paying to touds. Now i feel i am paying to families and their spouses directly.

    The topic is TOURISM. Well, if I bogged you with this, Sorry !

    Are we feeling better now.?

  4. "Last year Thailand received 15.8 million international tourists, generating income of Bt585 million, he said."

    That averages out at a tad over 37 Baht per international visitor. Is the quoted line a typo, or are the PM's advisors/scriptwriters slacking a bit?

    Anyway, sad to say that Thailand (in common with just about every other country trying to entice tourists) can't be too picky at the moment.

    So true, it makes you wonder if they know what the fuc_k they're actually talking about.

    Nobody claimed they know what they are talking about/

  5. Of course it's possible that the man hired the girl because he likes young women? But we mustn't say that must we, because that suggests that the expat is a guilty person and it isn't a set-up!

    He clearly likes young women. I don't think that is in question! The moral question here for most of us who aren't church ladies is whether he was aware he was hiring an underaged girl or not. I realize for many high morality types an old guy who likes young legal age women and is willing to pay for it deserves any punishment he gets for that. But they are separate matters, and please don't bring up that prostitution of any kind is illegal in Thailand ...

    Whats wrong with liking young women? would prefer to be in bed with an 18 year old or an 80 year old ?

  6. "In order to perpetuate the occupation, Israeli forces have deprived their unwilling subjects of basic human rights. No objective person could personally observe existing conditions in the West Bank and dispute these statements."

    Former US President Jimmy Carter

    I was never a big Carter fan but I have no reason to believe he is simply anti-semetic nor do I believe he is just crazy.

    In keeping with UG's tough standards on reputable sources, I offer a US president with much history with this struggle as a reputable source.

    You do not have to be anti semetic to hate what they have done to the Palastinians, any time anyone criticises a jew or Israel they are immediatley written off as been anti semetic, they have used this tactic successfully for years.In fact if you do not view them as being perfect in every sense you are anti semetic, fact not fiction

  7. What nonsense! Marlboro are made under licence in the PIs and are exactly the same the world over.

    Most of the smokes you get here are foreign brands such as LM, B+H, Marlboro,

    I'd kill for a pack of Regal KS though....

    How little you know, Marlboro are differant in every country they are made to suit the local taste to compare a USA made M to a Thai M is like chalk and cheese, Thai M are pretty awful but tu get a really dreadful one purchase in Egypt or Turkey.

  8. suicide comes to mind.

    but they should do post mortem asap, now is at least 3 days afted they died - the sooner they know facts the sooner the police can do their job (if necessary)

    NOT sure the Thais are capable of a true forsenic post mortem and what do they have to gain by doing one ? no money in it and only money counts in this wonderful land of lovely ladies, lets face it guys if it was not for the girls this would be a second North Korea.

  9. So yet again time for baseless criticism of the driver and an appalling reason given by the police.

    THis was a long week-end there are bound to be a lot of minibuses on the road

    -Were they in a hurry? Had they encouraged the driver to make up time?Was the vehicle road worthy?Was the surface of the road up yo standard?.. almost certainly not!

    Was there an effective barrier? - to this last one , one doesn't even have to look at the scene to say NO!!

    I don't think I've seen a single piece of Armco or proper barrier set up anywhere in Thailand - basically if a vehicle leaves the road the only things to stop it are either concrete or trees - neither of which are of the remotes use to an out of control vehicle

    Get real man, its the bloody driver.

  10. How is this even news worthy? I was just on Koh Samui for a month. My classmates and I went out on different occasions to Lamai and Chawang for drinks. In Lamai there is a central square of bars around a Thai boxing ring. On any given night there are perhaps 100 girls (and ladyboys), give or take, working at these bars. All of them dressed like hookers and dancing on the poles installed in each tiny open air establishment. Many were open and fairly brazen about what they were there for. I decided to do my own research and bought a drink for the 20ish looking waitress who had been serving us a drinks and said I wanted her to join me for a while. She spoke fairly good English. She went into sales mode instantly but I calmed her anticipated action and said I want to talk for a while first. She was actually 30 and has a 12 year old son and 8 year old daughter back home in Isaan. She had been on Samui for 6 months already and claimed she was saving to go home. (Grain of salt taken) I asked how much to spend the night with her. 300 baht to the bar and 1000 baht to her. I asked how many other girls do I have to choose from. "Any one you see" was the answer. I asked how many were local girls. "Not many" was the answer. I estimate, from what I saw, that besides these 100 or so in this square, there were maybe another 200 in Lamai and the club scene in Chawang having at least that many as well. Point being, how is a bust on one tiny club involving a whopping 13 girls even worth talking about? And as we all know, this does not even represent a real bust. Perhaps the proprietors missed a payment to the local cops or to the local mafia. At any rate, there are thousands of girls across Thailand selling their wares on a daily basis without even feigning discretion due to fear of being caught let alone needing to be "freed" from their "captors". Although many girls would prefer not to be doing this kind of "work", they are certainly not being forced into it. It is relatively easy money and easy to get into. Sympathy? Sympathetic about the whole situation, but these girls are making their own choices.

    You can find girls anywhere in Thailand on the game and being controlled, this raid was an insult to the average inteligence of all who bothered to read the piece, Thailand has the reputation of having the largest sex industry of any holiday destination, if it was curtailed tourism here would dry up, TAT know this as does anyone with half a brain.

  11. ^ And why NOT put this in the Health, Body and Medicine forum of the country's best online forums?

    Does it upset you?

    Not everyone is comfortable discussing personal health issues with their regular doctor and some people have a simple fear of doctors offices. Here, the OP can remain 100% anonymous and get confirmation or otherwise on what the pharmacists have been telling him.

    Yeah maybe a bit of an overreaction. apologies. I'm just a very visual person

    Should thast read overerrection.

  12. It would be nice to get a version of this story from a real news source. Unfortunately, Pattaya One News seems nothing more than a mouthpiece for the police. Its staff appear to go where the police tell them to go and write what they're told to write. There's apparently NO investigative journalism presented by them -- simply echoing what the police want the public to hear. Along with that, it is so poorly written that we have to assume its facts must be questioned as well.

    But (cautiously) assuming that the basic facts presented are true, the disturbing aspect should be that Thai Immigration has acted this way based purely on suspicion and/or information from outside sources without the person actually having a chance to defend himself. At the same time, it is their country and if they feel that a person's conduct or character is of questionable integrity, they should have the right ask one to leave. Just like if a person came into my home and did or said things to make me suspicious or worry about my safety, I would feel entitled to ask him or her to leave.

    It's a tough one, but when the dust settles, it's their country and their rules, just like the USA, where the ironically named Patriot Act was enforced stripping basic constitutional freedoms from all its citizens. Many people in other countries shuttered when the Patriot Act was was passed into law, and prayed (to whoever they pray to) that the same thing would never happen in their country. My fear is that any "legal" process like the Patriot Act or one that gives people "special powers" to circumvent legal process and therefore remove the ability of one to defend themselves before being punished is extremely scary. We must be vigilant about how much freedom we are constantly losing, so whether or not you like this guy, and however you feel about the action taken by the immigration department, take some time to see and think about the bigger picture -- one that shows that we are being subjected to living more and more in what are police states where freedoms are lost.

    Chid abusers have zero rights.

  13. This guy hasn't actually been found guilty of anything.

    He does not have to be, under the new law if it is considered he could be a danger to Thai society then they ( immigration ) can revoke his visa, better to be safe than sorry I say. after all this guy has a track record otherwise the Brits would not have got involved it is my understanding the Brits gave the Thai police the lowdown on this serial offender. All you bone heads who disagree with this should probably have your backgrounds checked.

  14. You can get a chicken or pork burger at 7-11 for 20 baht. Why pay more for something that ain't much better? I only go to a specific Mr Mikes because I can flirt with a certain girl. Other than that I'll stick with my 30 baht Kow Padt or Padt Thai.

    Oh, I'm sorry, it was at the AIRPORT Burger King. The airports ALWAYS add another 100 baht onto EVERYTHING. That is why I mostly fly Thai air or Bangkok air. They have a lounge where you can eat for free and rest in comfort while waiting for your flight. It's either that or I pack a sandwich BEFORE I leave for the airport if I'm flying on one of the cheaper, no frills flights.

    But I am sure you appreciate Ian, not everyone wants khao pad or pad tThai - it is why they look for BK, McD or KFC signage (and menus in English).

    Always personal choice but I think pulling out your own sandwich on a flight makes you look a bit of a ............

    Smart arse? I would think that for a second until I see what the airline offered me....then the only feeling would be one of envy....the Bangkok Airways lounges are good although if you pile your plate too high and listen carefully you can hear a low murmur of pumpui from the lovely young ladies.....:o:D

    One can affordn to fly but cannot afford a sandwich ? interesting.

  15. Having worked in the Middle East for the last 4 years straight and many other times off and on during the past 2 decades I would not advise anyone from any Southeast Asian country to work in the middle east unless they really like to be treated like a whore or a slave and may be get paid once in a while. Big problem in the UAE is employers not paying their staff for months at a time. The government is "trying" to fix this but even then their methods seem questionable. Even now I am very discouraged that one of my friends is in the USA on an internship program which sounded pretty shady to me. She is have a rough time making ends meet as the promised weekly working hours was "guaranteed" to be a minimum 40 hours...she has been there for several months and is yet to break 30 hours a week.

    The phrase buyer beware applies to the job market too apparently.

    Try the UK , Work Agency's are the pits . they really teat you like slaves, pay you little, and when they want and how much they want. My wife works through an Agency because thats the way it has gone in the UK , she gets up to go to work at 5am , by her own choice, because she is not lazy and not a dole scrounger. She has to get a taxi to work because no busses run,£7 for taxi to work, then gets sent home because no work , or she gets work for say 4 hours,about £28, If i cannot collect her because i am at work she has to pay £7 there and back.£14 thats £14 from a wage of £28, Welcome to Britain, Now can you see why so many people do not want to go to work and just claim subsistence from the government.

    The don't have phones in the UK yet?

    good point, seems to me she should get another job as there is always work available for honest industrious people.

  16. It happens when you get older. You go upstairs to get something and spot something along the way that needs taking care of. Then, when you return down stairs you remember what you originally went upstairs to get. It happens all the time. :lol:

    move into a single storied house.problem solved

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