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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. From what you say you seem to have covered the requirements, as long as you have sufficient funds, plus acccommodation to meet the settlement visa requirements. You may have gone slightly over the top with your statements ( 5 pages, plus 2 pages, etc) as the ECOs prefer to have concise statements to read ( from my experience). That said, you would probably have covered most, if not all, of the points the ECO wants to see.

    The waiting period seems to be between 8 - 12 weeks at the moment. Good luck. If it does go to appeal, send me a PM and I will be happy to have a look at it.

    UK government statistics show that 80% of Thai UK marriages end in divorce this is the real reason why they make it so difficult for people like you, I got this information from a lawyer buddy of mine who represented the government on appeal cases. all the same best wishes for success

  2. Thank you for all the reply's.

    First a couple of words to hhgz and jayinoz. You are more assuming and panicking than me I think. I come here, and post, as part of my research. Do I panic? - sure. It's a normal part of the process of dealing with new potentially complicated situations. If you don't understand this, then open up and do your own research.

    'Shape up or ship out- it not your world, do not abuse them' - you know nothing about me. Don't judge me by with whom you associate, perhaps. I have probably been in Asia more years than you, and that includes being quite fluent in one of the languages here. I haven't been to 'my country' for more than 25 years now. Please think before you say something.

    I am asking a bunch of questions, some silly, anything, searching for answers. I do this because I want to hear constructive advise and opinion from intelligent people who know more than me on this subject. It's called learning, and that's a process where no question is stupid and without merit. If I am wrong or unnecessarily worried - I am glad to hear it. That's why I came here, to hear opinions. Not being judged by opinionated, especially ill opinionated, people who think who are it. It might be very shocking to you to hear this, but you too don't own Asia.

    Do I think a lot, too much, ask too much? Yes. It's because I am a thoughtful person.

    So thank you for whatever positive input you had, and thank you not for the useless negativity. And thank you Sheryl for weeding out the unhelpful comments.

    Back to the subject. The first test, which turned out to be negative, didn't give make me do the 'back flips' because it has to do only with my past and not the present possible infection. I had no HIV before, and it confirmed, and it didn't indicate anything about my current status because it's way too early.

    Reading, digesting the information and my emotions, I am feeling much better now. The panic is gone, and if I am infected I will just deal with it. And it will be all right.

    I will test again in three months and go from there. In the meantime, I will check for any possible other STD's. I understand that all the other tests are not necessary at the moment. I just need patience. The one thing that I have noticed is jumps in my body temperature and profound sweating, but this, as you pointed it out, could mean anything, including just being tired (these are not night sweats, it happens in daytime).

    Thank you very much for all the good input, and great thanks to you Sheryl.

    I will keep you posted re: the followup, so please don't close this topic.

    PS. One of the reasons many farangs stay here is because they can afford here what they can't afford in whatever expensive Western country they came from. And that's why tourists come here too.

    Have you considered that the sweats may be caused by your avoidence of alcohol? ref the comments about go home and let your government take care of you, if youare from the UK and are out of the country for more than two years you will be struck off the NHS. When you now enter any hospital in the UK your national insurance number is required on the admitance form and checked to see if you are covered under NHS rules not covered no admitance. Also as you have been gone so long I believe you said 25 years I assume you do not have a GP so you would have to register again you would be refused, am not familiar with EU laws so not qualified to give advice here. All you readers who will no doubt comment on this I can assure you it happned recently to a freind of mine. So to close hope your fears are misfounded and the rest of your life is a happy one.

  3. I truly believe that Thaksin looks upon Kim Jong-il with envy and jealousy of the first degree. I am sure wherever he was watching the recent military parades in North Korea, he was sat dreaming of himself in the same situation passing on some form of dynastic power to his offspring.

    This man will bring great great trouble to Thailand before he is done, and will make his move when a certain event occurs that sadly cannot be to much further in the future.

    maybe they could use some of that money that was seized off taksin to help efforts. If taksin gets back into thailand by throwing money of his own into the thai economy then Thailand really is for sale and it might come down to who has more cash.

    If Taksin can finance a war then i guess he will can finance a aid releif.

    YEAH where is all that MONEY they confiscated from Thaksin ????????????????

    Just another reason why the Thaksin supporters hate the BKK elite they robbed thaksin and are now enjoying his money instead of putting it to good use which might breed some good will with the reds but no better to buy a new Mercedes or 2

    At least Mr Thaksin has donated and its showing concern and had put his money where his mouth is and for those that scoff a the amount when you put 5 mil up then you can comment.


    It sounds like you would like to shake his hand (or grovel at his feet) for stealing your money...

    Like the magic show, watch what he does, not what he says...

    DK you are a joke.

  4. Woohooo, congratulations. Yes you are right...the being "American" could be a huge problem as they are scum of the earth...However those that choose to leave ain't so bad. ;)

    As I have said before to you European twits if it was not for the USA winning your last war for you ( the big one ) most of you would not be here now and if you were you would no be speaking German come to think of it you sound like a nazi

  5. I think the Black Man logo is rather cute. What's the problem?

    If it was called 'Gay Man' and had a logo of... (ok lets not go there....)...... :whistling:

    Well, you're wrong. If it was a cute gay man, a positive image, no problem. If it was some kind of negative stereotype, not so good. Do you really see anything nefarious about that pleasant image of a friendly happy black man?

    Only if he is with my daughter.

  6. Had it twice in seven years both times in hospital for six days and felt like I was dying, I was in bumrumgrad hospital BKK and thr care was superb, except for the time when a nurse approached me and said " you not have pee pee for three days if you not go now we put a cathater up your willie and it hurt very very much " worked a treat three minutes later went like a race horse.

  7. The calculator thing - it is only a matter of quality of the education system. Abstract thinking - a thing like calculating 190 minus 70 out of your head - is something you have to learn. Thai people I am working with are often amazed I do a lot adding, multiplying and so on without a calculator - but it is just that I was trained to do this at primary school, they were not so lucky.

    What bothers me more personally, is that most Thai people have never learned to read a map - and if you cannot read a map, street names do not make much sense. Easy to explain which street you are talking about if this street has a clear landmark ( a big hotel for instance), but if anything sticking out is lacking, it can be difficult.

    Maps do not mean much in Thailand never found one worth a dam_n so street names are irrelvaent.

  8. Tesco check out tellers counting the change ten times before giving it to you, and when they do if any coins involved they balance them on the till roll receipt before handing them to you. The record for me which involved two notes and two coins was eleven times, mind you she was chatting on her mobile.

  9. This is the sort of "done to death" topic that invites trolls.

    If you had half a brain and gave more thought to your question you would understand the obvious, being that few people can just get up and go. Many have found themselves committed financially and in the current worldwide climate selling up and just leaving somewhere is far from easy. On top of that there are too many other reasons that i just can't be bothered to go into as its been dicussed so many times already.

    This "why don't you just leave" line sounds more and more moronic the more i waste my time thinking about it.

    WOW, mellow out man

  10. I subscribe to this forum by email, I get daily updates. I have commented 11 times in about 5 years, mostly I cannot be bothered and for the following two reasons. Firstly I cannot comment directly but have to log in, secondly the members are so bigoted and biased in their comments on anything to do with the Red shirts. To most members here they view the Red shirts as illiterate morons full of deception, lies and violence.

    Now I know many intelligent sincere Red shirts, I also participated in the early PAD rallies in Bangkok where I met many illiterate PAD morons, so I wonder why so many forum members have such rigidly biased views regarding the Reds and Yellows? Is it a case of "birds of a feather"?

    If I did not live in Thailand and my sources of information were just the Nation and the BP plus this forum I would have a very distorted view of events, is this the intention of the Thaivisa management or the moderators, or a conspiracy by the members?

    I have realised that the more you treat people with contempt the more they tend to behave in a contemptible manner, it becomes a self fullfilling prophecy. Further the longer this mental attitude persists the longer Thailand will stay a divided nation.

    I was present during the Aldermarston marches in England, yes I am old, they were intended to be peaceful protests yet they had their share of malcontents, trouble makers and violent incidents against the authorities. I am sure if guns were as readily available in England then as they are presently in Thailand there would have been deaths.

    Go and have your ovaltine.

  11. here's one high-functioning Red who didn't attend the mass rally:

    Police Arrest Suspect Who Left Black Bag at Privy Council President's Residence

    Samsen police have arrested a man, suspected of leaving a black trash bag filled with feces and curses against the Privy Council president, at his residence yesterday.

    They used CCTV footage to identify the man, who confesses to being a red-shirt supporter and to having done this 5 times already.


    He confessed, was fined THB 5000, paid and released. Probably also told not to do this again (,you naughty boy). Almost like a children's prank.

    He also runs a chain of restaurants. I hope he washed his hands afterwards each time.

    Given the repetitious nature of the Red <deleted> stirrer and the ramifications of the criteria, he's one kinky Red:

    Coprophilia is the paraphilia involving sexual pleasure from feces. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-IV-TR), it is classified under 302.9 Paraphilia Not Otherwise Specified and has no diagnostic criteria other than a general statement about paraphilias that says "the diagnosis is made if the behavior, sexual urges, or fantasies cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning".

    Furthermore, the DSM-IV-TR notes, "Fantasies, behaviors, or objects are paraphilic only when they lead to clinically significant distress or impairment, eg. are obligatory, result in sexual dysfunction, require participation of nonconsenting individuals, lead to legal complications."

    Bloody hel_l who needs this ?

  12. I employed an MBA grad on arrival in 2000 at a good salary and after a month things were fine until I asked her to set up a chart of accounts! The response was 'What's that?"

    I do not think any MBA graduate would understand the request. Do you mean a spread sheet listing? What info did you want in the chart? Providing clear and comprehensible instructions to personnel is a key part of getting things done.

    I wouldn't get too carried away there. I chart of accounts is a pretty simple request. I would expect anyone who has been to a business school of any kind to understand the term. How you want it set up is secondary. Use a computer or do it long hand in any event a chart of accounts is something available in any business. If an MBA didn't understand the term they are not an MBA in any normal sense of the word.

    I have an MBA.

    I do not understand what a chart of accounts is supposed to mean.

    Based upon my employment criteria, employer and peer reviews I am judged competent to perform my job and receive a large salary with performance bonuses. And yet, I had no idea what was meant by the reference to a chart of accounts. Sorry,

    I find that very surprising since it's a fundamental accounting and business element, when did you do your MBA and if you wish to share, where? Perhaps the year of the MBA is the issue here?


  13. I have met 5 people, 2 of which I know personally, who have Masters in English, and not a single one of them can sit down a write a simple paragraph describing what they did today.

    I teach English in my home for free to those who truly want to learn. I currently have 8 "students". A successful business man, his wife and their two teen daughters from 9-10, a woman lawyer and her niece from 4-5, and another business woman and her daughter from 5-6. I have developed work books that start with very basic conversational English, which are written using English, phonetic Thai and actual Thai script. All of the children, aged 13, 12, 9, tell me they learn better, and faster, with the way I teach than they do in school.

    When my wife's boss at New York Life Insurance saw a copy of one of my work books, he asked her if I could do the same to teach their agents, so now I'm working on one geared more towards helping them in that particular field, and will have it completed by the end of the month.

    While memorization is part of the learning process, after the first week, the last 10 minutes of each lesson are devoted to talking to them in English, and getting them to reply to my question, also in English, from the things they have learned. This makes them actually THINK about their answers, and the correct way to reply.

    I try to make it fun, with lots of laughter and joking, and as far away from the "Thai education system" as possible, and you know what? It's working great.

    I strongly encourage others to do the same thing with those around them. Do it for fun and do it for free. Trust me, you'll feel good about it at the end of the day.

    If anyone is interested, and wants to see what I use as an example to start their own teaching, pm me with email address.

    All of the children, aged 13, 12, 9, tell you that they learn better, and faster, with the way I teach than they do in school. You missing one point there are (my childrens school) 30 students a classroom while you teaching almost one on one, can't compair.

    Second your students who get this English lessons from you for free, never going to tell you (The teacher) that they learn F*&^CK all with you, big change that your students say the same to there English teacher at school.

    Your students are not a reliable source.


  14. I've been a couple times. Nothing to do. Very boring.

    It's weird that a city that was recently listed the second best city in the world has nothing to do and is very boring.

    The Saturday market, the Sunday market, the night bazaar, dozens and dozens of beautiful temples all over the city, Doi Suthep, a zoo, museums. Aerobics, ballooning, bird watching, bungy jumping, cinema, cooking classes, cricket, cycling, elephant riding, fishing, flying, golf, go-karts, hill-tribe treks, horse riding, karaoke, line-dancing, massage schools, pool, rafting, river boat trips, swimming, tennis, walking, water sports. Day trips around the city, festivals, etc. Considering the average tourist spend around 3 or 4 days in Chiang Mai, you're right, there's clearly nothing to do.

    Rather than all the above 24 hours in the sack with a good looking chick.

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