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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. Yep remmember all of the above with the exception ov Pizza I had never heard of it, ref the Corona pop I worked for them for many years they started out as a private company in Wales and were bought out by Beechams of the infamous Beechams powder, later when Beechams was bought out or merged I forget which, they sold the company off in bits, Tango orange for instance was bought out by Schweppes, happy memories, we did not have a TV but a radio which ran off some kind of liquid filled battery, in winter an extra coat on the bed and a hot water bottle, frost on the inside of the window every morning, I was six years old before I saw my first sweet due to rationing but all of the hardships ( which were normal to me at the time ) never did me any harm.

  2. Many thanks to all of you for replying it has been a big help, not sure about the comments on immigration officials stateside as I am US citizen however I have noticed customs check me out without fail whenever I return, still that is their job.

  3. <br />
    <br />I think Israel's weapons go a long way towards discouraging war.  This is part of the peace process<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Well with thinking like that we the US citizens should buy everyone a Nuke.<br />It should then be one he11 of a peaceful existence.<br /><br /><br />Try to remember there are only 3 who have not signed the Nuke Treaty<br />India, Israel and Pakistan<br /><br />All 3 have nukes 4 if you count N Korea who pulled out of the treaty<br /><br />Lastly look up the Samson Option<br /><br /><br />If the US wants to arm others in little side wars then they should not be upset if Russia or China does the same. Yet we know how that would be seen....Why? Because we have decided Israel is good & the others bad?<br /><br />We also bought weapons for Saudi ....Yet was not the majority 15 of the 19 of the supposed 9/11 terrorist from Saudi?<br /><br />Lastly how can a country USA ...that is virtually bankrupt be buying these things for countries like Israel when citizens here in the USA have no jobs & in many case now no homes?<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    because of the strong Jewish lobby in DC

  4. It's always possible he has ulterior motives but unless you know him & get some kind of dodgy read off of him then you'll never know. He might be exactly as she think he is, a bloke who wants to be with her for no other reason than most people want to be together. If she is an intelligent women then you should just trust her judgment & let her get on with it. If she gets burned, then she wont be the first & she wont be the last.

    When I met my husband (thai) he was a penniless musician, 10 years & one gorgeous son later & he is still quite penniless but he is also a devoted husband & father, a good friend & the prefect partner for me. I'm sure some people around me at the time could have thought him to be after something but he has proven to be nothing worse than a decent man from a good & loving family, who looks out for his wife & son as #1 priority.

    Trust your friends judgment but don't be shy in letting her know if you hear or feel things about their relationship from her that ring alarm bells.

    lovely post, congrats

  5. I rented my house through an agent and nothing but problems, sold half my furniture TV fridges etc, the rest I shipped here as I have some pretty expensive stuff and did not want to leave in storage, only to find when I got here finding an unfurnished house with a pool was very difficult, finally found one where the owner was will ing to move most of the stuff out. Would love to sell the house I rent out but with the market dead no chance of that just now. Happy living here and as they say they can burn my bones here.

  6. Would the example of the dive boat that just caught fire in Phuket and was damaged to the extent of 10 million baht be an example of qualified tradesmen? One guy welding while another guy carrying fuel on board, Poof!

    From the posts I read on this forum all Thais in Phuket are swindlers, cut throats and any thing else you can come up with so no shock to me about the fire, oh yes its also full of half dead and broke retired farangs.

    PS who smell

  7. I am all for a bit more variety, but am afraid it will be more of the same Euro Fizz, what we want is some real ale but its too much trouble for these big outfits, if they could get their heads round it the first one in would make a killing. Anybody fancy setting up a micro brewery? First one in makes a killing.:)

    There's already a few around Bangkok, and I think 1 in Pattaya.

    Heinekin is crap beer, and anything else they make I'm guessing will be just as bad and even more expensive so I'll stick with Chang.

    Agree crap beer add to that overpriced, they can keep it.

  8. I agree with everything you say about the Chinese, they seem to have all the good qualities that your average Thai seems to lack, so could be jealousy, I have heard my Thai family comment that Chinese are tight fisted when I point out they are probably saving for the future and to enhance the family they give me their dumb farang look. food for thought?

  9. Seems from hearing from many of people here and in the US that there has been something bad in the air, something ral negative for many of people. I can say I have felt it, and others have said the same, but not to the extent to that she went or is assumed to have done.

    Could you please explain more about what you mean with the above?

    To put it in the easiest form I can explain, like a dark cloud that has been hanging over for a small period that seems to be affecting lots of people in a vast area. And if it does not affect you, one can still feel the negativity, gloom or oddness in the air and know something is just not right. But by all means not a warm surrounding feeling. Sort of like giving one a sense that they need to protect themselves or watch out more from an unseen thing by walking a perfect straight line without been wishy washy or having the slightest of even a negative thought for feeling that if they do, something not so good or bad will be subjected upon or come to them..

    Call it strange if you like, but my wife and neighbors have been talking about it without me even mentioning it, and no, the sky is not falling and Armageddon is not here either.

    Hope that sort of makes sense without sounding strange, or mystic or like a nutcase..

    So, I just bought a bunch of tin foil and have wrapped me and my house in it. No, just kidding about the tin foil.

    Ok, I am just plain crazy!, and so sorry, this is off topic....


    I think you have to lay off the juice.

  10. Nobody gives a hoot about these people when they're alive, but suddenly everybody is concerned when they're dead.

    Yep, truer words were never spoken....I might add though instead of "concerned" when they're dead I'd use the term suddenly compassionate...

    I'd even go a step further and say that if he had for example come on here and sought out help I can just imagine the lambasting he'd a gotten about his being a loser, tosser in life etc. he'd just have off'd himself a bit sooner is all :( ...

    If he was living rough for three years I wonder how the BIB never picked him up or imigration ?

  11. Know a guy here in Hua Hin was being treared at one of the hospitals for chest pains with a variety of anti biotics and liquid cough formula, whilst visiting UK he went to see locak doctor, was ex rayed only to find double lung cancer and given 10 months to live, scary stuff

  12. I fly united, connecting through Japan, it is not bad flight as the layover is usually less than 2 hours. The cheaper fares are the ones that usually end up something like this Bangkok>Narita>honalulu>san fran>chicago.

    Im from chicago and you can get for a few dollars more Bangkok>Narita>insert your city here. Total travel time around 18 hours.

    Thanks I should have added I will be going to West Coast LA or San Diego.

  13. Hi guys have to return to USA in May for a couple of weeks, have done the trip before going via UK , spent a week there but the trip back was awful layovers etc and jet lag, you guys who go to US on a regular basis can you give advice on route, cost and what you consider helpful advice

  14. Last year I was living in a condo north of Pattaya that was about thirty yards from the "beach" / mudflats... Daily people would come and drink whiskey and fish and ALWAYS left the garbage everywhere possible. One day while about 5 Thai whiskey men were sitting there so I took my bag of garbage over and started spreading it out all over the beach as the drunks looked on with amazement. When finished emptying the bag, I walked over to the drunks and said that "Thailand was very beautiful ". The next day the area was spotless...for about two days.


  15. Media can be influential if the Producer has the intelligence to portray assistance required rather than an ego trip for a reporter to sensationalise the issue at hand or continue to promote 'their name' on location. But as an associate to media professionals, it could also be concluded there are ways for the public to appeal to the media presence to assist and once the directive is given from the Producer the ground crews will be more than willing. Just setting the pecking order in place to make things work.

    Which ever way you look at the relief effort from the media, the public and the army it is wonderful to see Thai people helping their neighbours and fellow countrymen, we read so many negative comments on this forum about Thais and yes I have posted negative thinga about corruption etc, but lets take our hats off to the many unsung heroes. They deserve our admiration. And please no negative comments about the scumbags who come around asking for denotions I had them at my house and gave them short thrift. This kind of behaviour goes on all over the world and is not just a Thai problem.

  16. There is clearly severe discrimination faced by Thai sexual minorities. However, one thing the Nation fails to mention is that Thai sexual minorities THEMSELVES must face some of the blame for the lack of national progress on this issue. Thai sexual minorities should not wait timidly to be gifted equal rights and treatment under Thai law (for example, equal marriage and immigration rights). Rather, they need to advocate for themselves and work at it. If they are mocked and viciously disrespected in Thai entertainment and news media, and they are, is a Nation editorial going to change that? I think not. Thai sexual minorities if they hope to make real progress need to look to the west for examples of long term strategies to organize politically that over time can and do create social change and progress for sexual minorities.

    Jingthing, I am not saying things don't need improving but what country do you hail from? I really believe homosexuals in Thailand as well as transgender folks have much more equal opportunity as straights in Thailand than many other places. I don't believe you will find many ladyboys working as a salesperson at the local mall in most western countries. This is the same for gays who openly display their sexuality. Certainly in the US you will not find many outwardly gay acting people being hired by many companies outside very liberal areas.

    As for the media making fun ... I don't see it that often but honestly don't watch that much Thai TV. Even though the USA has tried hard to go politically correct, it is still OK to do satire on people who act openly gay UNLESS you infer that all gays act this way. Again, being gay doesn't mean you need to project your gayness to every person you run across.

    Until the medical industry can truly make a man into a women (or vice versa) and we cannot so easily tell a person has gone through a transformation there will always be a large portion of folks who feel uncomfortable dealing in a business sense with these folks. Bottom line is a radical thing to do that most of us cannot relate to.

    Do you know there a number of people who have surgeries to make themselves have cat or dog features because they feel they relate more to these animals?

    Should a business owner be forced to hire the person in this photo as salesperson when clearly they will make many potential customers uncomfortable and create an image of that company the company doesn't wish to have?


    It is in a way sad we choose to make jokes about people who are different but many of these jokes are funny and why they are told ... these people choose to advertise they are different.

    To be clear, I fully support people being gay and actually believe it is an evolutionary path to control population but I am also realistic in knowing that advertising your differences from mainstream society is generally going to decrease your opportunities. The same would also be true for somebody who tattoos the words "I hate gays" on their forehead. In fact, they would be discriminated against more and would be doing little different than those who are gay and want everyone to know when it is simply not relevant in terms of the business world or even walking down the street.

    Who is the cute chick ?

  17. I'd like to know too! :whistling:

    Me too. :unsure:

    Only in practise will you understand how it works, trying to put into words my thoughts but l cannot cos nothing is 100% correct with Thai driving, it's pot luck and hope for the best. :)

    In my humble opinion there is only one rule whilst driving in Thailand and that is THERE ARE NO RULES, but hey we love it here so what the hel_l, just drive very caefully and remmember.

  18. LOL..u really have taken that slating of harley riders to heart havent u?..,u have to understand that if u ride a harley u are fair game because of the image that goes with them of the leather clad, stars and stripes bandana wearing blindly patriotic guy thats watched "Easy Rider" over 200 times and pretends to himself that the piece of junk between his legs is the best thing since sliced bread.............while we are at it heres some more harley jokes.

    Harley-Davidson: The most efficient way to convert gasoline into noise without the adverse side effect of horsepower.

    Did you know 95% of all Harleys are still on the road?

    The other 5% actually made it home.

    Is it true that Harleys are chick magnets?

    Yes, but only if the chick has a steel plate in her head.

    What's the cheapest way to get another 50hp from your Harley?

    Trade it in on a Kawasaki.

    Why don't Harley riders sit on their bikes when the sidestands are down?

    They're afraid to lean over that far.

    What's the difference between a Harley and a Harley owner's home?

    The Harley costs more and has fewer wheels.

    How do you now you're riding a Harley?

    While coming off an exit-ramp you get passed by a Vespa.

    Why don't Harley riders wave at sportbike riders?

    Because they don't want to drop their tools.

    How do you know all the aftermarket parts you bought for your Harley are worth the money?

    You finally break into the 15′s in the quarter mile.

    Where can you find the world's largest collection of Harley jokes?

    At Sturgis

    What do you call a group of Harley Owners with a collective IQ of 120?


    How do Harley engineers tell if a bike is worthy of the Harley name?

    They check to make sure the exhaust noise in decibels exceeds the horsepower rating.

    Why don't Harley owners smile?

    Once you realized you got conned into paying ,000 for an outdated piece of $#!+ would YOU be smiling?

    What's the difference between a Harley Davidson and a vacuum cleaner?

    The location of the dirtbags.

    Why do Harleys have fringe?

    So you can tell if they're moving.

    How do you know your Harley is handling great?

    You can almost keep up with the logging trucks when you're riding in the


    How is a Harley Davidson like an old dog?

    They both like to ride in the back of pickup trucks.

    What is the difference between a Harley Davidson and an old dog?

    The dog can get in the back of the pickup by itself.

    Why couldn't the Harley mechanic repair the doorknob?

    Some things just can't be fixed with only a hammer and a rope.

    What's the difference between a Harley taken to Daytona on a trailer and one that's being ridden there?

    The one on the trailer is going about 30mph faster.

    Why do all Harley owners have trailers??

    So they can go around corners faster!

    You know you're a Harley rider if…

    ….you're unable to let your bike simply IDLE at a stop light.

    ….you confuse the word "character" with the more accurate term

    "engineering flaws."

    …."water cooled" means standing on the side of the road, in the rain, waiting for a your buddy to come in his pickup truck.

    I am not a bike rider BUT, differant strokes for differant folks chill out.

  19. !.5 million US$, is 45,000,000 THB. If you spent 30,000 baht a month to live( you can live decently on that, many teachers do). 1 year is 360,000 THB, 3 years is 1,200,000 THB. so if you have 45,000,000 baht you have enough money to live a modest live for the next 35-37 years. If you doubled your montly spending to 60,000 baht(that would be a great life). You would have enough money to live for another 20-22 years and never have to work. Do the math it's a no brainer. You said your in your early fifties. Your life expectancy is another 20 - 25 years. You got enough money now to just get a retirement visa here in Thailand and just chill. I wouldn't consider this a mid life crisis. This is something to celebrate.

    Good post I could not agree more, I cannot imagine how having assets of 1.5 mill is a crisis at his age, perhaps like many of us retiring after working all ones life does take some adjusting to but once adjusted who would go back to a life of toil.

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