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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. I saw a movie the other day and it had a great part about airport security. The guy said, if people are so concerned about their privacy and the rights of terrorists, we will have 2 lines in the future. One where we use every possible source of information to help secure our flights. Questioning of terrorists, CIA intelligence, full body scanners, etc. Then, we will have another line where we use nothing, don't scan, don't x-ray, don't check luggage...nothing. Which line will you use? I think the unsecure line will be pretty empty...except for terrorists.

    I don't see the big deal. If it helps to keep just one plane from being bombed, then it's a great idea...especially if I am on that plane!

    Does this mean when you go in for a prostate exam, you tell the doc you are not interested? They are seeing WAY more of you than that scanner.

    I travel back to the US 2 or 3 times a year. I've always been treated with respect. Never had a problem. Sure, they are working hard. Don't smile that much. But I don't think I would either having to deal with all the crazy travelers...most who are stressed out and jet lagged due to their trips.

    Hi Craig I will be going back shortly and have not been for some time can you pass on info about carriers and routes you find the best ? I will be going to West coast

  2. @Pacificperson

    Exactly. And if you've ever experienced not going through, or have read others' stories about not going through the scanner, they try to make a big deal out of you being one of the few in line choosing not to go through. Like I said in my first post when I told them no, they intimidated and harassed me for it. I was literally threatened with 'Do you ever wanna fly again?' while I was waiting for my pat down. It's nothing to do with terrorism. It's about conditioning and making everyone submit.

    What utter rubbish gues you are a conspiracy freak

  3. I cant help you with your request for headgear, but would like to wish you all the best during your Chemo, remember to stay strong and eat well, good luck.

    I would have thought the hospital itself would be the first place try, many differant jobs in a hospital require head gear surgeons etc, give it a try

  4. Well... most 7-11's seem to have an abundance of staff, so maybe this could work.


    Except I reemember a thread on here where some member was complaining bitterly about 7/11 staff not being able to speake English, the general consensus was what do you expect from minimum wage workers, so lets assume the majoriy will not understand much when some hysreical female pops in at 2am complaqining of a bag snatch or worse. It will be about as much use as actually going to the police station and I speak from experiance.

  5. The thing that really gets me worked up here in Hua Hin. There are a couple of really busy shopping streets in the middle of town near Soi 57 each street on both sides has parking for the public with clearly marked white boxes yet most of them will have a plastic chair in the middle of the box or some other object ranging from a lump of concrete to a wooden saw horse, these objects are placed here by the shopkeepr whose store is opposite the parking spot to tell the public this parking spot belongs to me, I have checked at the police station and this is not the case at least that is what they say but who can take the word of these guys ? Try moving the object and parking there at your own peril or having your car trashed when your back is turned. Some street vendors do this too on parking boxes not opposite a shop, they will block off the spot all day so it is free when they come to set up there noodle stall at 5pm. I have been threatned so many times I now park else where. Having lived here several years I put it down to the fact we live in a lawless society here, there is no law people make their own laws, and take the law into their own hands to extract revenge for the smallest slight.

    The next thing that winds me up is members of this forum who assume all retirees here are whining pennyless old farts who do nothing but drink 40 baht beers and whine about how their money is worthless whilst living with a stunning 20 year old.

  6. None of those things really bother me. The only thing that annoyed me for years, and was the hardest thing to come to terms with was the atrocious standard of driving. I used to look at it logically, and tell myself that just 30 years ago this was a tiny fishing village with dirt roads. To change so much in such a short time, it's stupid to think that the people would keep up. That coupled with people coming from other rural places, driving among so many cars for the first time, is always going to cause problems.

    Never the less it still took a long time before I could accept that other people could do something so badly that I find so easy. Now just a little shake of my head, a little mutter under my breath, and I move on happily to the next near miss half a mile down the road.

    These days the only thing I find tedious are threads like these. :whistling:

    Strange, and yet you take the time to pen a lengthy answer ?

  7. Some advice : - maybe what you have probably heard before.

    Wouldn't want to drive in Bangkok all the time, when l go l get a motorbike taxi or take a tuk-tuk's which is better or get the train.

    1. This is assuming you have a license.

    2. If you have not driven in THAILAND and your not sure, at first go slowly.

    3. The best place to be is on the lefthand side of the road, although not all foreigners on bicycles know this.

    4. As No.3. but be careful because most people on mopeds what they call motorbikes here do not know this either.

    5. Adjust your mirrors so you can see all around you but be prepared to look all around you too. Yoga is recommended.

    6. As No.5. but don't trust your mirrors too much ! They come from bleeden everywhere, cars, trucks and motorbikes.

    7. Once you have experiance as in No.2. Auto motors are best because unless your on motorway type roads, your be lucky to get into forth.

    8. If you think people are using their horn to honk at you, you are probably passing near a Temple or Shrine.

    9. At traffic lights be patience because green is not always a colour they like, especially if their on the phone.

    10. As No.8. but be prepared for snail type pull aways. i.e. you press an accelerator pedal and it using more fuel.

    11. When turning left from a junction look every which way and everywhere as No.6. but go slowly.

    12. When turning right as No.11.

    13. When turning and facing oncoming traffic when they flash there lights it means " They are coming through and not going to stop ".

    14. No.13. is NOT a joke, I do not know about other countries but in the " UK " it means " I'm here ".

    15. Many like to drive fast and sometimes overtake you but then slow down.

    16. If you have an accident don't automatically think it not your fault even if it wasn't.

    17. Ref :- No16. It is best to have an insurance that covers the cost of repairs to your vehicle even if it wasn't your fault.

    18. If the car, truck. whatever is in your name don't assume that you own 100% of it if your married.

    19. Pump tyres up yourself to the correct p.s.i. otherwise you will be riding on wheels like solid rock. ( Dangerous ).

    20. Never assume your car has been serviced correctly, check it yourself or get someone competent to do so if you can find such a person.

    Can't think of anything else but Im sure there is.:jap:

    If driving in BKK carry a few one hundred bhat notes for your friendly police wage collecter.

  8. When all have gotlost

    True Friendship comes to help us out



    How irresponsible - promoting a killer drug in a thread trying to warn people of the dangers of alcohol.

    I like a few drinks myself(ok a lot) but we all know(if you've taken heroin) that heroin would be MUCH safer than alcohol, if legal and pure.

    Calm down... if somebody's going to pick up a drink on the back of a facetious post of an ad for Singha then they'll not be living in Thailand very long...

    Now, if they'd posted saying dried banana-skins can get you high - that would have been irresponsible; or promoting sniffing petrol or lighter fluid as a safe alternative.

    But a little off-colour and facetious wit?

    Don't go off the deep end over trivia - it makes you look like a presbyterian...


    Goodness ma a presbyterian, is that the same as a lesbian, if so please go wash your mouth out

  9. "..there are bribes being exchanged for police positions.."

    Is there anyone in this country who didn't know this?

    Indeed! The best well known secret in Thailand. Then again, all is well in the Kingdom and only Farangs are the bad apples in the barrel.

    I have spoken to many Thais on bribery and corruption the majority are jealous and wish they were in a position to do the same, ie recieve money through bribery and corruption, its a national disease and will not change in our lifetime, every facet of society is involved so you none believers get used to it.

  10. "..there are bribes being exchanged for police positions.."

    Is there anyone in this country who didn't know this?

    Seeing as so many people have strongly suspected this, I hope this policeman has the evidence and courage to name and shame those involved, to substantiate his claims and our suspicions. The PM and Police Chief need to show they are men of principles and support and / or protect this man. I for one don't give a monkeys arse whether the politicians are Dem or PT i'm just getting sick and tired of my tax money propping up a corrupt system and the Mia Nois of fat, aging, viagra popping politicians, whilst so many people live in abject poverty.

    Even if he names and shames it will not change anything, too many big snouts in the trough also how long has this guy been a cop, and are hhis hands lily white clean ?

  11. Interesting, when people have discussions on the bike and auto threads, nobody ever says just take the bus! But almost always on baht bus threads, eventually someone suggests public transport riders buy a private vehicle. It's really bizarre.

    To be fair tho JT it is with out doubt the easiest way to travel in the land of smiles.

    yes bikes ok but some bikes are naughty--------------------mine stopped in the middle of a big mud puddle in front of viewtalay residence at the start of the new / old jontiem 2nd road

    as a result i fell sideways and lay in the mud and water laughing. i blame the bike 100%. certain friends have blamed it on the 8 pints in 5 hours in maggie mays chaiyapruek but i resent that as a slurr on my character------------8 in 5 hours is an insult --------------anyway after mollyp had finished with me i gave the bike a dam_n good thrashing with a branch from a tree and it hasnt happened since --------------------funny thing havnt been to maggie mays since then either--------------weird innit no wot i mean gurcha

    Suggest you come off what ever you are on

  12. It's all very simple. The terrorists can cease and desist their activities, or the Pakistanis can stop the activity. If not, then little bombs shall fall from the sky, and prevent these people from attacking others.

    These bombs kill a lot of civilians too. Wanna one for Christmas? On your house? For the sake of global peace?

    I do not believe the drone referenced here attacked on Christmas day. Nor do I believe any religious event was taking place.

    Were there civilian casualties in this event? Please provide a link to a reputable information source that indicates there were "innocent" civilians killed.

    I do note that the region where the drones delivered their payload is a warzone. Unfortunately, in a warzone, when terrorists hideunder the burqas of women and use children for shields, there will be some lives lost. Again, it is quite simple, the terrorists need to stop using their wives and children as public shields. The terrorists should should show the same care to their friends and families as you expect those that are targeted by these maniacs to demonstrate.

    Just curious, since when did these guys celebrate Christmas, so who cares if an attack took place on Christmas day ?

  13. It's all very simple. The terrorists can cease and desist their activities, or the Pakistanis can stop the activity. If not, then little bombs shall fall from the sky, and prevent these people from attacking others.

    These bombs kill a lot of civilians too. Wanna one for Christmas? On your house? For the sake of global peace?

    I am sure terrorist's bombs, IEDs, suicide bombers and car bombs have killed many more innocent people than missiles from drones!

    You are sure?

    And gives that anybody the right to kill civilians?

    So do you take a missile attack on your house on Christmas for the sake of global peace?

    sergeiy you talk rubbish

  14. Thanks for your reply, Sounds promising.

    this should not be a problem for you, you can rent a lovely two bed house fro around 2 thousand amonth slightly more with a pool. I live in a large three bed house all bedrooms en suite with a large private swimming pool for 23.000 a month. Just go go visit a real estate agent. I found this house simply by driving around all the small streets most houses for rent have a sign on the gate. Ref a condo for between 20 and 30 grand with a pool very easy to find.

    Try the Hua HIn forum, ggogle night life Hua Hin and you will find the rental section, good luck

    should read from around 10,000 a month for a rwo bed.

    Hi Newbie, you might want to contact thi e mail to help you out [email protected]

  15. Thanks for your reply, Sounds promising.

    this should not be a problem for you, you can rent a lovely two bed house fro around 2 thousand amonth slightly more with a pool. I live in a large three bed house all bedrooms en suite with a large private swimming pool for 23.000 a month. Just go go visit a real estate agent. I found this house simply by driving around all the small streets most houses for rent have a sign on the gate. Ref a condo for between 20 and 30 grand with a pool very easy to find.

    Try the Hua HIn forum, ggogle night life Hua Hin and you will find the rental section, good luck

    should read from around 10,000 a month for a rwo bed.

  16. I live in Hua Hin and a couple of stires and a local butcher sell Thai French Beef which is French cattle raised in Thailand, great for steaks roasts and casseroles, not sure if you can buy in sin city

  17. If it's true, well nothing would surprise me here. Money talks, full stop. :unsure:

    I would like nto hear from someone on this forum who bought their way out of prison, what was the crime , how much time they get, how much time did they serve, how much did it cost to buy freedem, otherwise for me its all hot air.

    Cost me 25,000 baht to get off a 6 month sentence.

    Before you went to prison ? or did you serve part of your sentance?

  18. this should not be a problem for you, you can rent a lovely two bed house fro around 2 thousand amonth slightly more with a pool. I live in a large three bed house all bedrooms en suite with a large private swimming pool for 23.000 a month. Just go go visit a real estate agent. I found this house simply by driving around all the small streets most houses for rent have a sign on the gate. Ref a condo for between 20 and 30 grand with a pool very easy to find.

    Try the Hua HIn forum, ggogle night life Hua Hin and you will find the rental section, good luck

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