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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. Brian,

    In 11 years of living in the Land of Smiles, I would suggest the following reasons for such crazy road death & injury stats:

    1) Cultural indifference to the risk of death....Buddhist influence of reincarnation?

    2) Little or no law-enforcement

    3) Rampant bribery at all levels of society

    4) Variations of the above



    The vice minister said that 2,501 checkpoints have been set up across the country, with 65,494 personnel being deployed. Over half a million vehicles -- 526,610 -- have so far have passed through the inspection process at the checkpoints.

    Legal action has been taken against 60,497 people for violating traffic rules -- 19,260 for riding motorcycle without helmets and 18,916 for driving without licences, stated Mr Sorayut.

    WOW, Those are overwhelming numbers :o

    11.5% of drivers passing thru the check point got a blister. (assuming no driver got more than one).

    For nearly every rider that was booked not wearing a helmet there was a rider or driver without a licence :o . If those statistics ring through at that same ratio, everytime you see a rider without a helmet, very close by is a driver without a licence.

    Amazing Thailand.

    On a side note, I wonder how many of those rider/drivers that were booked for not having a licence were allowed to ride/drive away after being booked? :blink:


    can someone explain to a thick scotsman. why is there so much accidents and fatalities ?? i am baffled..


    Because they cannot drive ?

  2. Rest in peace. Horrific accident also in Korat Saturday. Sympathy to the families. In God we trust.

    Yes of course, "Sympathy to the families" and to the survivors for the lifelong burden of horror they must endure.

    "In God we trust" .. this is about burry your head in the sand, and relieve yourself of responsibility.

    With great trepedation I have used those vans between Nakhon Sawan and Bkk. I am horrified by the speeds they fly at, and knew that I would see an accicident soon. An so it has come to pass.


    When will the $hit-for-brains 'authorities' do something about it, and the shit-for-brains drivers take heed?

    When I am asked how far North of Bkk my village is, I say "Approx 3 hours drive" .. or ... " 2 hours 'pod racing' in the vans". So what price do we pay for saving that hour? Today's news is the answer. But for as long as there is vested interest in speeding, with only the risk of death when something goes horribly wrong, the hazzard will remain. You need to hit Thais where it hurts most in this land of superficial Buddhism, > the wallet. And for the foreigner who speeds > the wallet and the Visa, with expulsion for serious offences and repeated minor offenses. And I mean expulsion with no chance of return.

    "In God we trust"? .. no thanks. I'd rather see something real, like tightly controlled speed limits.

    Don't agree, it isn't speed that kills.

    As for telling the Thai's how to run their affairs, let us not forget that it is us (the ex-pats) that elected to embrace their way of life.

    Are the roads dangerous, for sure and I hate to see meaningless loss of life, it is down to everyone to take care...Merry Christmas

    Speed does not kill eh ? wow I am glad to know that just curious to know where you picked this theory from, if you got this info at a plce of education suggest you ask for your money back.

  3. Two things:

    Seat belts


    Also a third , avoid useing these death traps , I live in Hua Hin and when ever freinds visit I refuse to let them use these vans, I drive to the airport and pick them up a 6 hour round trip but at least I know I will get to see them walking and not in a shroud, all you recent residents be aware they are death traps, also I have no faith in the big buses as on a recent trip to the airport going we passed a bus on its side the cab had been minced all the windows gone, lo and behold on the trip back home passed another one in the same state, avoid them like the plague.

  4. And how many police officers were arrested?

    The police in Thailand is very successful arresting drug dealers - because any other time of the year, they're taking their money.

    Now they arrest them all, some will get out, some will get locked up, and new ones will come in, and everything starts over. Spring cleaning!

    Yes it really is amazing how all these arrests were made so quickly anybody with half a brain would question it, ref the hemet crackdown the police were out in force every day for a week collecting thousands in fines in my town, now everything is back to normal, guess it was designed for a Christmas bonus.

  5. The Thai Police need to quickly build a case around this guy, so he can perhaps rot in the very worst Thai prison rather than head back to mother england & be given the treats of free public defence & an endless waste of taxpayers pounds whilst he exhausts ever legal avenue in the british system :annoyed: .

    The british could throw the Thai govt a few hundred baht each year to house this disgusting grub. I mean if the Thai police suspect he continued to abuse whilst here, whats going on with that?

    I reckon the best way to deal with this guy is go through the courts here and if guilty a hefty time in the monkey house and then proceed with the extradition where hopefully he will get a few more years, and going by his age hopefully he will spend the rest of his days off the streets, of course I could suggest things much more severe but its not allowed on this forum but I guess most of you will know what I mean.

  6. Has there ever been a war anywhere with no civilian casualties? It is regrettable, but war is sometimes a necessary evil.

    This is not an excuse. It is murder committed by USAmerican military.

    Why is there a war anyway?

    It's not murder, and I guess you don't watch the news much do you.

    Which news ?

    If it's not murder, suppose neither was the accidental drone attack on a wedding party..........

    What do you call suicide bomb attacks that kill and maim, what do you call IED that kill and maim, what do you call ragheads who plan and carry out these attacks in the name of god ? freinds , innocent until proved guilty in a court of law? get real there is no law there, and if you do not understand this suggest you start following the news, please dont come back with Western law is manipulated and prove even more ignorance.

  7. People should not kill people.

    Agreed. Even though drug dealers certainly kill people.

    However, what would I do if someone raped my daughter? Killed my mother? Etc.?

    Guess where you stand depends on where you sit.

    The state should definitely not be killing people.

    But, can you expand on your claim? "drug dealers certainly kill people". Yes, of course. Tax accountants certainly kill people. Flight attendants certainly kill people. Can you be more specific?

    Do all drug dealers kill? What is their choice of weapons, I assume you mean with their drugs?

    Who has Ms Orton killed, specifically? Or are you saying "chances are, she has"...can we get a % on those chances?

    Long time since I read such a crock of sh.........

  8. See what I mean?

    Ta22. Thanks for the suggestion. Those are wonderful devices. I have used a number of them over the years. Alas, I cannot agree that MY wrists are as limber as yours. With stiff wrists, I can turn an egg beater fast enough to create what I like. With a whisk I cannot.

    See, the way I see it, the OP kind of knows better, having ALL the facts in hand that pertain to the OP, what is needed. Sometimes I have been tempted to wonder. But in this case, I believe I can say that I am asking to find a manual egg beater - not a whisk and not a fork. And not something else electric. What I had hoped to find was a manual egg beater. Frail hope, I gather.:(

    Looking for a manual egg beater try your gf or wife ?

  9. Advice to Konakrat is get the UK taxpayer to pay for the shortcomings of their public servants and take the cheap Scottish git for all you can get.

    Keep in mind that until a court decides otherwise, half of everything he's trying to hang on belongs to his wife.

    I can't see that having Immigration lock her up and send her back to Thailand will help his case when the time comes for the court to decide.

    Not true that half of every thing he owns belongs to her, ask any UK lawyer, the court will decide what she owned when married, what she contributed financially and what she will take out on a financial settlement, also how much time did they spend together, there are many facts pertaining to the marriage that will be part of the settlement, the main one being how long were they married, This lady is dreaming, that pot of gold is a long way off, I doubt she would qualify for legal aid in the UK and divorce cases are not based on a no win no fee.

  10. never try and get the wifes attention while the thai soap opera movie is on the t.v. between 8.30 p.m. and 10.30 p.m.. it will never happen!

    and for gods sake dont even try explaining to the misses that they are all the same story, the actors are <deleted>, western movies are better and actually have a plot with a good story line, the fake blood isnt real, the person didnt really die, ask why does the person have to say the same thing about twenty times, why do they have to shout and scream so much, why cant the people that make these things condense 4 months of crap into 2 hours.

    because all you will get is either a blank expression with their gob wide open, one of those looks as if you have committed high treason or even worse said something that will get you banged up in the bangkok hilton for breaking the les majeste rule of law.

    Do you think your wife is reading this topic? :D

    What makes you think she can read ?

  11. If you are going to fart, sit down in the toilet.

    Golden rule for sure. And remember, wear easily accessible trousers and underwear for those toilet moments. Do not. I repeat. Do not wear garments that require a lot of fumbling with (as I found out to my eternal shame one day). In LOS a feeling of "fine and dandy" changing to "Where's the loo the bomb bay is open/The tortoise is sticking his head from the shell/Mr Brown is at the door" can often be measured in seconds.

    Seems to me there are an awful lot of members on this site who shit them selves, why do you feel the need to report this?

  12. Many problems that are not being addressed

    1/ How many of those motorcycles have no working headlight or taillight?

    (Have you ever noticed how many people's headlights and taillights are burned out?)

    2/ Children most certainly should have a helmet. There are very small children helmets made, but have never seen them in this country.

    (There should at least be a mandatory helmet rule up to the age of 18 or 21.

    3/ Why are motorcycles resticted to the most dangerous lane on the streets of Thailand?

    (All motorcycle are supposed to ride only in the far left hand lane? This by far is THE most dangerous lane, every taxi and every bus will stop or has to stop in the right hand lane, but they don't have to stay in that lane. If you ride a motorcycle here (and I do), try going around buses, even if briefly,,as soon as a policemen sees you you are automatically pulled over for not staying in the right hand lane. I was told that MOTORCYCLE are the slower moving vehicles, thus must stay in the right hand lane. I think a bus is much slower than a motorcycle, maybe the buses should stay in the right hand lane?.)

    4/ Why are motorcycles not allowed on the motorway? Perhaps motorcycles that are 150cc and up should be allowed on teh motorway, helmets would be mandatory and motorcycles would have to purchase some special sticker that shows it's allowed on the motorway and pay some small fee each year to assist the motorways that are very under used right now. just these tings would reduce deaths of motorcycle riders and children drastically.

    Just suggestions ,


    For God sake man the last thing we neede is bikes on the motor ways, and I assumed lights on bikes here was opptional ?

  13. What a joke, compulsory helmet zones!!!!! When a helmet is actually worn, it's one made of plastic. If the government is really serious about the issue, make it compulsory to wear helmets all the time by everyone on the bike. Setup a minimum standard for helmet quality, and educate Thai's that a motorbike was designed for a capacity of 2 max. Not an entire family of 5.

    This can be done, I was recently in Vietnam for ten days and in the whole ten days I only once saw a guy on a bike not wearing a helmet, if they can do it why not Thais. for myself I would prefer they concentrate on getting school kids driving bikes with three freinds crammed on all with no helmets off the road, there is a school here in Hua Hin where at home time the police show up to stop the traffic so dozzens of 10 year olds with no helmets can drive out of the school gates safely, I will never understand this country,

  14. International database? With all the local riff-raff running around town, they should start with a local database.


    Everyone is missing the point here , first they need a real police force in Pattaya.

  15. See Starting a business in Thailand The document is in PDF format.

    A number of occupations are also forbidden for foreigners, details as follows:

    Restricted occupations

    A Royal Decree in 1973 listed 39 occupations that were then closed to aliens. This list has been amended on several occasions by subsequent Royal Decrees, the latest one in 1979. Prohibited occupations are:

    • Labour

    • Work in agriculture, animal breeding, forestry, fishery or general farm supervision

    • Masonry, carpentry, or other construction work

    • Wood carving

    • Driving motor vehicles or non-motorised carriers, except for piloting international aircraft

    • Shop attendant

    • Auctioning

    • Supervising, auditing or giving services in accounting, except occasional international auditing

    • Gem cutting and polishing

    • Hair cutting, hair dressing and beautician work

    • Hand weaving

    • Mat weaving or making of wares from reed, rattan, kenaf, straw or bamboo pulp

    • Manufacture of manual fibrous paper

    • Manufacture of lacquerware

    • Thai musical instrument production

    • Manufacture of nielloware

    • Goldsmith, silversmith and other precious metal work

    • Manufacture of bronzeware

    • Thai doll making

    • Manufacture of mattresses and padded blankets

    • Alms bowl making

    • Manual silk product making

    • Buddha image making

    • Manufacture of knives

    • Paper and cloth umbrella fabrication

    • Shoemaking

    • Hat making

    • Brokerage or agency work, except in international business

    • Dressmaking

    • Pottery or ceramics

    • Manual cigarette rolling

    • Legal or litigation service

    • Clerical or secretarial work

    • Manual silk reeling and weaving

    • Thai character type-setting

    • Hawking business

    • Tourist guide or tour organising agency

    • Architectural work

    • Civil engineering work

    Understand where you are coming from wanting to live here, however if you have no funds and no house to sell on in the uk one must suspect you do not have wanted and needed proffesional qualifications, so forget your dream for now, not what you want to hear bur solid advice.

  16. reason1 asked, 'Anyone know what the motivation is behind kiddy porn? Beats me! Is it a sickness caused by upbringing or abuse?''

    It's a sickness. Kiddy porn lovers are driven to view this filth - even if part of their mind knows it is evil

    Not sure if viewers of kiddy porn are quite the same as child molesters, but the latter often start out as victims of predatory relatives or 'friends'. Perhaps they grow up believing this is 'normal' sexual behaviour, or perhaps they are taking 'revenge' on the next generation for the way they were abused as children

    Whatever, I hope Ryder's kharma catches up with him in a Thai jail.

    Paedophilia is not always a sickness.

    Children are innocents that have not yet been corrupted. What they do, they do in naivety. The predators are those who enjoy having power over someone else. A child is the perfect victim, naive, gullible and vulnerable. These men have lack of confidence in themselves and at forming relationships with adult women, similar to rapists, so they go for the most vulnerable that out of innocence will fall into they're confidence and control without having actually realising they have fallen into the desires of a beast.

    In fact this is why it`s classified as rape even if the child has consented, it is a crime of stolen innocent, physically and mentally which will cause long term damage to a child right into adulthood.

    Child molestation or rape (same thing) is one of the worst kinds of crimes and should carry a mandatory sentence of a life sentence or death penalty.

    I agree.

  17. Well done DSI

    Funny there seems to be none of the regular Thai bashers here. I suppose that facts that don't agree with there limited knowledge are ignored there by allowing them to maintain a limited knowledge.B)

    What does "Thai bashing" have to do with the story at hand?:blink:

    As for this statement "I suppose that facts that don't agree with there limited knowledge are ignored there by allowing them to maintain a limited knowledge" To me it seems only you know what you are talking about because it does not make any sense at all

    my thought also , well said

  18. Talking recently to an Iranain refugee here in Thailand, he also confirmed the demos were actually misanalysed in the west. Still that doesnt suit the agenda od propaganda operations like the NY Times

    You are basing your "analysis" on one guy that you met from Iran? That New York Times "propaganda" is looking more and more realistic. :whistling:

    guess who is the lady in that picture below:


  19. The agents said after two hours they had heard enough. They gave the signal and Thai police and DEA agents swept into the room. As Bout put his hands up, according to Milione, he muttered: "The game is over."

    Quote of the Day as, indeed, his game is over.

    The game has only just begun. How many people is Bout willing to rat out to save his own skin?

    He can rat all he wnats but he is going away until he dies.

  20. Tsk tsk tsk - The name calling's started a bit early tonight.

    I know it's off topic, but why oh why when ever an American, English, Scottish, Thai or other nationality does soemthing which offends, do we get these petty, narrowmided comments that invariably degenerates into a slanging match along the lines of 'my nationalities better than yours

    .' It is so boring to read and smacks of the poster having a complete inferiority complex. Most expats here are discriminated against through anitquated laws, but we live with them as we choose to live here. Lets not throw sh*t at each other on an expat based forum, we get enough of that when we deal with officaldom here :jap:

    P.S. It was stupid thing to do i do agree with that part!!

    good post

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