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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. Thank you both very much, the cycling looks very good especially the backup

    of shops, I am 70 but was competing up to 5 years ago and have cycled before

    when I lived in Pattaya 15 years ago ( first visited 30 years ago )

    where my life was in the hands of everyone else except myself.

    Best time to cycle in hot climates is early morning when the previous days

    heat has gone and before the new days heat has revved up.

    We will be spending some time in HH in January to suss the place out with a view to taking a lease out on a shop preferably with living quarters above.

    To retire to Thailand, I firmly believe you need something to do and stay occupied, just have a walk down beach road in Patts and you will see the same faces, on the same seat discussing what they did the day before ...



    Hi Pewter bit late with this but hope you read it, there ia a snooker hall in Hua Hin two doors down from the Mini Mart restraunt at the top of Soy 88, cross the railroad track and turn right about 50 yards down on left hand side, they have about 12 full size tables but no pool tables, cost was 50 baht per hour.

  2. I have just learned of the murder of Mr Allen Quicke who was editor in chief of Asia Times On Line. Mr Quicke was brutally murdered at his home on Tuesday 17th of August in Hua Hin. He was slain during a robbery at his house. On Saturday 21st of August a 24 year old Thai man Mr Ekopod Gaoeng was arrested for the crime and reenacted the crime for police and reporters. His cremation ceremony took place at Hua Hin temple on Saturday 38th of August at 3 pm.

    Mr Quicke confronted the burgler when he broke into his house at 9.45pm August 17th with the intention of theft, Mr Quicke was stabbed 7 times and beaten with a baseball bat. The accused stole 2517 Baht and a mobile phone.

    Myself I have seen nothing in the media be it in print, TV or any other form about this crime. Generally the police in Hua Hin treat us ex pats pretty well, I have heard that they are under orders to do so as we are a very imortant part of the economy here in Hua Hin but I do wonder if this story has been hushed up as I have seen nothing on this forum about this murder and lets face it muders or deaths of ex pats get coverage here, or is it only in Pattaya.I would be interested if any members of this forum can add to this news

  3. Top Ten as follows:

    1. Nigeria : 863 +/- 2000

    2. Iran : 233 (but rising fast, could take the number 1 spot in less than a year at current pace)

    3. Burmese: 232

    4. Cambodian: 231

    5. Laos: 230

    6: Vietnam : 229

    7: Malay: 228

    8: Indonesian: 227

    9: British: 41,458

    10: French: Data not available at this time but our estimates say it has to be less than the Brits.


    So Nigerians, Laotians , Cambodians, Vitnamese, Indonesians, Malays are now all Farang?

    Farang (faraŋ or falaŋ Thai: ฝรั่ง) is the generic Thai word for a Westerner. A general term for foreigners is "khon tahng prateht (Thai: คนต่างประเทศ)" ('people from other countries'). There is no negative implication in the word itself. However when it is used along with other words, it can bring a negative meaning depending on the context. For instance, "farang keenok (Thai: ฝรั่งขี้นก)" could mean a Westerner who is not trustworthy or reliable. The expression farang ta nam khao (11px-Loudspeaker.svg.png listen (help·info); Thai: ฝรั่งตาน้ำข้าว literally means "farang with a rice-milk-colored iris"). It is common in Thai to just say "farang" to point out the presence of one, without making a whole sentence. People of African descent from the Western hemisphere have been occasionally referred to as farang dam Thai: ฝรั่งดำ (black farang).[1] Although, Thai people who have not been in Westerner countries nor exposed to their cultures may still refer to all African descents as Negro (Thai: นิโกร) without negative meanings.

    Jesus another brain box

  4. While I am not going to argue the facts of your experience as you relate them, I can assure everyone that it is certainly an exception. I have eaten basically 2-3 meals a day out in Thailand for over a decade (so we're talking around 10,000 restaurant meals) and have never come across a scam such as you relate. However, there are many such scams in business that cater to sex-tourists and sexpats (which this place appears to be one judging by the fact that they have those kind of "hostesses" on staff at a RESTAURANT. I would suggest that maybe you upgrade the class of establishments in which you fill your hunger and therefore avoid such unpleasantness at the end of your meal.

    what a snotty post.

  5. Cousins crashed his house for two days then she said thanks by giving him 10000. That's what I think.

    The story makes no sense :unsure:

    OK the wife's parents gave you 2 months of the monthly amount you'd been giving them for 18 years, without ever feeling the need to give you a 'rebate' previously :whistling:

    I've no doubt this makes them FAR better than the average in-laws, but its not exactly incredibly generous behaviour.


  6. four years in prison OR a 40,000-baht (1,280-dollar) fine. Something ridiculously stupid with the Thai fine rates.

    The cub would have died in the -40C in the cargo hold, if not of asphyxiation. She deserve the 4 years IMO.

    Or adjust the exchange rates to the dollar so that 40,000 represents the "value" of 4 years prison.

    How many animals died today just to supply you with food?

    I suspect the 40000 fine is a typo error.

  7. if he is tried in the uk the only way he will get sent down is if the americans girlfriend attends as a witness ,i cant really see thatr happaening all lee has to do is plead manslaughter /self defense and with a good lawyer could easily just get suspended sentence real trajedy if this happens.

    as it stands the girlfriend is the only real witness here.

    I understand the UK embassy do not give travel visas to girl friends, read it on here many times.

  8. I wonder what happens if Thailand would ask for extradition and guarantee the UK in the same time that this badass not get executed but life in prison? To be honest, I not believe he will be extradited anyways. Just wonder whether it would be possible at all.

    I think we must consider the fact that he is not a Thai and neither was his victim, which leads me to believe the Thai authorities will not be too keen to bring him back and stand the cost of a trial and face the cost of him taking a place in a grossly overcrowded prison system here. I am sure many will agree farangs are treated as second class citizens here especially when it comes to crime, I myself have been the victim of a horrific crime, any help from the police? nada. However I should add I hope he pays dearly for this crime where ever that may be and for all you armchair lawyers yes first he must be convicted.

  9. Do we as people turn a blind eye to genocide merely because we care who they killed or why? Shame on you! I don't care who his enemies are or what someone has on him; wholesale murder is wrong no matter who the target is. Do you suggest otherwise????????????????

    Certainly dont however if you want to go that way......................

    You have to consider the quantity of arms the US has sold around the world, in some cases that have been used against the populations of the countries they have been sold to.

    Someone commented on the amount the weapons the US is at present selling to TL in proportion to what Russia sells as some sort of praise of the US, however the red shirts would claim these same weapons were used against them and like to call it mass murder.

    If you want to talk about the US and mass murder in the same sentence then you should consider Afganastan both past and present, Iraq, Vietnam.

    If I sell someone a car and they use it as a car bomb does that make me a mass murdrer?

    Bout may have sold weapons (unproven in court as yet) but I dont see anywhere that he used them against anyone, so mass murderer mmmmmmmmmmmm?

    Sorry but I'm not a fan of the US for what they're doing, have done, past and present.

    Particularly after their recent financial destruction of themselves and much of the world, a crumbling empire.

    Havent they recently passed a law preventing their own citizens from being extradited be another country?

    Whether Bout has been selling weapons is not for me to say but if he has he certainly hasnt sold as many as the US nor has he used them himself as has the US.


  10. My guess is that, if he really is guilty of supplying arms on the scale he's been accused of, then he would have to have some very strong connections in the Russian government, which means they don't want him talking because of the possible implications to their officials. I agree with daboyz1 in that they don't want him talking.

    With that in mind, I wouldn't be surprised to see a spectacular, Hollywood-style escape on the way to the airport, whenever that happens, where the Russians make the Thai "commandos" look like idiots (probably not hard to do), and then wisk him away to Russia, or some other country. Or, there's the possibility of a assassination of the man, also backed by the Russians.

    This might turn out to be better than the movie. :rolleyes:


  11. Let us hope he goes free. it would teach the USA a lesson. The US wanted to look smart by adding new charges (at least it shows that they have a judicial system on par with that of Thailand, which is only working for very rich Nationals). Now we may hope that it takes more than 90 days to run those charges it means he goes free.

    What a stupid and pathetic post this, another USA hater with less than half a brain.It really is difficult to figure out your rationality for such warped thinking.

    • Like 1
  12. Let's not delude ourselves, Thailand DOES have a bad reputation. That's not something that can be changed overnight. Thais can change things by first dealing with corruption. It is one of the most corrupt countries on the planet, and polls have said most Thais just accept that. That basically means it is hopeless. So the answer isn't on an expat board, now is it?

    i agree about the corruption but i am sure the average tourist does not get to see it as we expats do, in our face every day, also the tourist may get stung when buying gifts or things on the beach,however as long as they are happy with the price thats fine too, but we expats every day face Thais trying to rip us beacause of a white face, I love the country but it can be trying and I think it is this frustration that gets people on here bitching about Thailand. Finally I feel it is the rampant prostitution memory that tourists go home remmembering most and talk about after all its in your face every day.

  13. OP says: Going to move into a high-rise condo shortly, ... while certainly not fool-proof, of all the remedies, this one seems the best ... good luck.

    dont fall out the window with hands tied behind your back, it will be classed as suicide.

  14. Hi living in Hua Hin and was robbed in May this year, cleaned out, police arrived stayed 2 minutes and said go police station and make a report.

    Here is the kicker, i had an alarm system installed as i like to travel at a cost of 24,000 baht. Have since been told by police they will only respond to the alarm going off if i am in the house when it goes and it has to be me who phones the cops. So if I am away from the house and the alarm is triggered saY 1am in the morning and my neighbour calls the cops, they will not turn out, Dont know if I am more pissed off with the cops or the guy that sold me the system and by the way I installed the system after the break in.

  15. These insurance companies are a fraud for not helping a war hero in his hour of need. I hope the Insurance company loses a lot of business over this as other tourists may be worried about what they do cover under the terms of the policy. The Danish newspare should be congraulated for stepping in to help

    you could have ended your post at most insurance compaies are a fraud, total waste of money, trying to claim is like trying to lock pick a locked toilet door with a cotton bud whilst suffering the trots.

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