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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. Hi guys first of all I am no IT expert, here is my problem. some friends download me music fro their computer onto a cd, it plays perfectly on their systems but on my hi fi nothing, in my car player nothing, on my dvd player nothing. it does indicate the cd is playing ie time elapsed . Yesterday in my local bar they gave me cd I have much admired, took it from their cd player in front of me and gave it to me. got it home same deal nothing , any ideas please.

  2. If they do decide to go in this direction, then maybe they should do a pilot for a few years first requiring all business operators to provide a thorough criminal record check, maybe through Interpol to be sure that they are clean everywhere, not just at home? (Remember how 'internationally mobile' Pattaya's farangs tend to be. That way we might have fewer rogues selling off-plan properties to gullible foreigners (e.g. a certain 91 storey tower in Jomtien that will never be built), and it may even root out some of the shadier estate agents. If it didn't succeed in cleaning up the business community then there woudl be little point in extending it to retirees and the rest.

    They'd also need to decide which criminal acts would exclude a person from Thailand. In the UK there have been numerous reports of people being fined heavily and getting a criminal record just for putting the wrong things in their recycling bins. It just shows the insanity of the UK under NuLab, but surely putting a piece of cardboard into the paper recycling box at 14 Acacia Avenue shouldn't exclude one from visiting Thailand?

    The big concern would be the cost. The British Consulate in Pattaya charges around 2000 Baht for a letter notarising your income for retirement extension purposes, something that takes just a few minutes as you have to provide the documentary proof of income and the Consul just signs a form letter once he's happy with your paperwork. If various police forces have to search their systems and provide documentary evidence of a clean record, I can imagine it is going to cost an arm and a leg.

    As a retiree I had to supply a police record check, it did not cost anything, simply write to your local police authority and ask for it.

  3. I've yet to taste a decent curry in Pattaya, so I wouldn't bother with shopping where the restaurant owners do. The best thing is to dig out a decent recipe to make your own curry powders off the internet. It's not difficult, I had an Indian mate for many years who refused to use the ready-mixed curry powders, he just blended the spices together himself each time he cooked. The component spices are reasonably cheap and readily available in Friendship, Makro, Villa, etc., especially if you buy the locally produced spices rather the much more expensive stuff imported from Europe. Villa has frozen nan breads. You can get fresh coriander in any decent vegetable market.

    i am a serious Indian cook and i can assure you anyone who knows anything about curry powder would not dream of using the stuff whilst cooking Indian dishes, there is a very good Indian supply shop near asoke in bkk. Another good idea is just google indian cooking and you will find a host of web sites including videos on step by step. All give ingrediants I would suggest you start out with one dish and just buy the ingrediants for that.

    I found the Indian supply shop via google at asoke including directions. good luck.

  4. Why do some people get involved in something that is of no concern to them, I am glad he is going and i hope others with the same view leave as well.

    In fact, it was of his concern.

    Watching how innocents, including women and children are brutally massacred only to ask the right to be respected and to eat twice a day instead once a day when they are lucky, it is a matter of concern of any human being who is not bloody selfish and who believes freedom and human rights are universal and not limited to races or borders.

    For sure this guy it has more heart than anybody of us. For the eyes or this selfish society (I mean in general, not only Thailand or expats in Thailand) he can look an intruder, a child, a reckless and naive man, but our values are different.

    He put universal human rights at the first place ,we think about ourselves,enjoying and exploiting the poverty of the people and don t care about human lifes.

    It is anybody's choice to have the kind of life we choose, but instead spitting on somebody who -maybe naive - but only dreams about better life for everybody, is not a fair behaviour.

    Very noble sentiment, however doesnt change the fact that the guy is an asshol_e, maybe even a deranged asshol_e but still an asshol_e.

  5. I don't regret getting married even though I did it twice. And, I never played around with other women when I was married. But, having raised two children to adulthood I see no need to raise another family. Having children is the prime reason for getting married. That stands true for both men and women. But, every person is different in their wants and wishes, so I'll never be the judge of others.

    a great deal of the Thai ladies looking for a farang husband have their own children they want you to raise, so dont worry about havinf anymore of your own, and if you are really lucky they will also have parents for you to look after who are fortunate enough to retire at age 55 and iff your really lucky they will have many relatives too.

  6. Hypocrites enough in this government. The only emergency decree that should be imposed is on the government and ALL Thai politicians and army generals who are stealing the country blind as we are speaking. Lifting an state of emergency is a big joke when the newspapers write anyhow what the ruling elite wants them to write. When the news on TV is no longer credible and when all internet sites which give decent information have been blocked. 

    "and ALL Thai politicians and army generals who are stealing the country blind as we are speaking."? I hope you have proof.

    Its called commomb knowledge

  7. Thanks very much but not the ones, the member stated that a form could be downloaded ans gave the link, you then filled it in, got an official translation, took it to the amphur to be signed and left a copy with your bank, the only monies being paid out was for the translation. I have searched the forum under wills and various other key words but could not turn up a thing, have you had any luck?

  8. Watching the video - the Thai fighter had enormous courage against such a well built guy. Hat's off and he put him down many times but brute strength combined with a touch of insanity - hard combination to beat. Let's hope the BiB get their man and put this guy in shackles. I doubt he will see freedom in this life time once incarcerated as he will not be a model prisoner. Time will sort him out and also the diet inside will reduce his size substantially.

    "a touch of insanity," So are you a psychiatrist?....

    "Let's hope the BiB get their man and put this guy in shackles." Why? Have you judged him guilty before a trial?

    "I doubt he will see freedom in this life time" Why, again you seem to be prejudging, you know nothing about the circumstances.

    "as he will not be a model prisoner." So you are a socioligist too!

    "Time will sort him out" A Prophet as well!

    "the diet inside will reduce his size substantially." And even a Dietician!

    I love Thai Visa, we have so many experts,

    Should you wish him to be burned at the stake too?

    Jesus man mellow out , thank god you are not a censor otherwise this forum would not exist, a straight forward question, why do you get so bent out of shape ? perhaps everyone should be perfect like you ?

  9. Watching the video - the Thai fighter had enormous courage against such a well built guy. Hat's off and he put him down many times but brute strength combined with a touch of insanity - hard combination to beat. Let's hope the BiB get their man and put this guy in shackles. I doubt he will see freedom in this life time once incarcerated as he will not be a model prisoner. Time will sort him out and also the diet inside will reduce his size substantially.

    "a touch of insanity," So are you a psychiatrist?....

    "Let's hope the BiB get their man and put this guy in shackles." Why? Have you judged him guilty before a trial?

    "I doubt he will see freedom in this life time" Why, again you seem to be prejudging, you know nothing about the circumstances.

    "as he will not be a model prisoner." So you are a socioligist too!

    "Time will sort him out" A Prophet as well!

    "the diet inside will reduce his size substantially." And even a Dietician!

    I love Thai Visa, we have so many experts,

    Should you wish him to be burned at the stake too?

  10. Hi Guys, a couple of weeks back I read a thread on making a will in Thailand , it was about the procedures to write one so that the Thai government or the bank do not get our assets should we snuff it, ie monies in bank account. Cannot locate this thread , it also had a download of forms required. Help me find have tried the search but no luck, help will be much appreiated tjans.

  11. It use to take about 5 years from non payment to court ruling in favor of bank. Sounds like the process has been put in fast forward. Nice to have such a nice neighbor, has he approached you to help him out in some way, after a sob story of how someone is out to get him? When the final phase of the bank proceeding start he may get kind of testy with all of the neighbors, as they know what is going on. One morning you will look over and notice the windows, fixtures, etc have been stripped and a empty shell which remains, will belong to the bank.

    interesting thread, compared to some of my neighbours this guy is a light weight.

  12. These type of threads are usually started with the intention of poking fun at Thai People and Thailand as a whole, a chance for Farangs to feel superior.

    Generally started by people who are very unhappy in Thailand, yet somehow cannot leave.

    These people make a total hash of their lives through very poor decision making and bad planning, then blame all things Thai when it goes pear shaped.

    I don't know any financially secure people here who do nothing but complain and find fault in everything Thai, but the guys who are here living on a shoestring budget seem to complain a lot. The financially secure people can leave and they know it, the shoestring budget crowd can't just pack up and go elsewhere because they have invested just about everything they have into the dream they once had and are now stuck in a nightmare.

    Don't Blame Thailand for your poor decision making, blame yourselves, you made the decisions. smile.gif

    Bit heavy bro

  13. tried to google some inventions.

    are a silk bullet proof vest: Sujira Khojimate of the Bangkok-based Rajamangala Institute of Technology

    a lightweight sampling loom: Sathit Putachaiyong, deputy-director for research and training at the Rajamangala Institute of Technology at Bangkok

    Royally-granted Chaipattana Aerator": His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej

    see aerator

    Thai Automated Inspection and Punching Machine:Dr.Korntham Sathirakul, Mr.Bantoon Srisuwan and Mr.Singha Leeraphan, an MTEC's researcher: Dr. Wannee Chinsirikul

    text related to :

    Foreigners often think that because Thai people, like many other Southeast Asian people, tend to keep silent, smile and act politely in the presence of foreigners, that they do not have any ideas of their own and the lack of inventions fits this stereotype.

    This is a little bit unfair since as David Wyatt points out in his book, Siam in Mind, poor Thai people have been creative in using bamboo and their own bodies to create traps and martial arts to find ways to protect themselves against armed invaders. People in Thailand also accurately calculated the calendar at an early date, before many European peoples, so that they would know when the monsoon was due to arrive. However, the long-tail boat is considered to be the last such invention that is internationally known.

    I must agree that Thais are very creative at useing their bodies, lots of BG are sat on a fortune.

  14. It is hypocritical that after he has made his riches be comes out and bangs the everyone should respect the law drum. The problem is these politicians are so deep into their mansions and mercedes, they have no other choice but to keep going. WIthout money there is no power, so the never ending quest to make as much money as possible, anyway possible will always overrule any moral conscious in this country.

    I don't recall anyone ever accusing Chuan of any corruption. He is considered to be one of the most honest PM's Thailand has ever had. Back up your statement with a fact or two.

    Yes, Chuan is one of the good ones

    Or he has never been caught

  15. What Farang don't understand is that Thai people would rather die in war then to loose 1 square inch to Cambodia, AGAIN. Isn't 3 provinces and Angkor Wat enough? Someone have to stand up and say enough is enough.

    What is it that makes Thai think they know their borders (boundaries)?

    What Thai seem to forget is that an International court of Justice decision in 1962 awarded to Preah Vihear temple to Cambodia. A French map of 1907 was used in the argumentation. This map may have been incorrect, but was accepted by the Siam authorities and even used by them for a long time. As Thailand has never been colonialized, don't blame farang.

    Was The Kingdom of Thailand/Siam not colonised by the Empire of Japan/Nippon during the Second World War ?

    No, it was occupied not the same thing.

  16. Of course if we cast our minds back we can recall how benevolent and compassionate Thaksin was with his opponents and detractors .

    Indeed a model of a compassionate caring politician as Tak Bai , the war on Drugs, missing Muslim Lawyers so vividly demonstrated that care and compassion and sympathetic frame of mind so beloved by Thaksin and his cronies.

    Thaksin supporters parking gas tankers near residential buildings in an earlier protest, the arson attacks the murder by the Red Shirts of an old man in Chang Mai who disagreed with Thaksins agenda,the incitement to riot, loot, kill by the red Shirts was indeed a benevolent utterance. The multitude of caring loving actions and the accompanying rhetoric is indeed worthy of a chapter in Thai history as a lesson to us all concerning Thaksin and his acolytes.

    Ah, indeed the flow of the milk of human kindness and compassion that comes from the udders of the Thaksin and his Red Shirt supporter is indeed a heady brew.

    There you go again.Yellow shirt no doubt. It looks like you need the rehab program ourself.. You do not understand anything. The issue is has nothing to do with Thaksin. It has to do with the inhumanity of the so called yellow shirts and the elitists that they kiss up to.

    These people (the detained Red Shirts) have not been formally charged of any crime. They therefore have not been tried for anything. Most did no more than give their names in exchange for a bus ride home after spending weeks sitting in protest in search of their rights. You guys just oppress them so that you can enjoy cheap food and cheap labor.

    And in respect to the yellow shirt kind. They (the yellow shirts) accept no responsibility for their hooligan behavior and at times their murderous intent. (Taking Government House, Throwing grenades and occupying the airport). The yellow shirts never get detained and are seldom prosecuted. You call the Red Shirts Terrorists, what do you imagine taking over Thailand's most prestigious and economically important asset make you and yours.

    Yellow and the Red Shirts are both anti establishment and destructive of the quality of life in Thailand. Quite simply put both side are a blight on Thai society. What the situation needs is and amnesty to which all leaders of both side sign up too in agreement to promising not to engage in anti social behavior and not to do anything to damage Thailand in the future.

    A little education will help you to understand the privilege to which you were beneficially endowed by being born in Thailand.

    Wrong, what the leaders need is some serious jail time.

  17. Of course if we cast our minds back we can recall how benevolent and compassionate Thaksin was with his opponents and detractors .

    Indeed a model of a compassionate caring politician as Tak Bai , the war on Drugs, missing Muslim Lawyers so vividly demonstrated that care and compassion and sympathetic frame of mind so beloved by Thaksin and his cronies.

    Thaksins supporters parking gas tankers near residential buildings in an earlier protest, the arson attacks the murder by the Red Shirts of an old man in Chang Mai who disagreed with Thaksins agenda,the incitement to riot, loot, kill by the red Shirts was indeed a benevolent utterance. The multitude of caring loving actions and the accompanying rhetoric is indeed worthy of a chapter in Thai history as a lesson to us all concerning Thaksin and his acolytes.

    Ah, indeed the flow of the milk of human kindness and compassion that comes from the udders of the Thaksin and his Red Shirt supporter is indeed a heady brew.

    When I read something like this I cannot see any balance in it why don't you also talk about all the lives he has saved by getting rid of drug dealers. Heroin was readily available in Thailand before Thaksins war on drugs now its almost non existant. Free hospitals didn't exist before Thaksin how many lives has his 30baht treatment scheme saved.? I am not a supporter of Thaksin but I hate reading biased propoganda as it smaks of unintelligence.

    How sadly mis informed you are on his drug war.

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