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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. Bugger and i asked for NO sarcasm,,,,well nobody,,,,,,, even me can be perfect blink.gif

    Hey I am perfect I remmember my mother telling me.

    Good survey will add my pennies worth. I find Villa Mart very expensive but they do carry a decent range, i find Tesco expensive too but it could be lack of competition here in Hua Hin we only have Tesco and Villa Mart but we do have a couple of decent Thai supermarkets. However for fresh fruit and veg use the local markets you will help out the local community and prices they charge are vastly lower not just pennies but at times 50%

  2. Thanks longball,

    After I make my appointment with the Embassy, what is the least expensive/easiest way to make the trip to the embassy and back?



    Hi Guys,

    I am wondering if anyone watching has a scanned copy of the US Pension letter form?

    The form can be saved in it's original format by using the ACS website and scroll down to Income Affidavit. Click on this and the form should open in pdf format. Just save a copy of this form to you're PC.

    Pension Letter


  3. Some farangs do it but I wouldn't recommend the risk. We're talking about a market here and not an indoor exhibition.

    The old guy a Suan Lum...every evening.

    Various on KSR

    More and more Nepalese in Pratunam (not really farang though)

    Turkish guy selling kebabs at Jatujak

    you have a very broad definition of farang!

    Ok Ok, if we are talking Caucasian only, then the only regular chap at a market is the old guy at Suan Lum who sits and sells with his wife. The most visible is the "kheg khao" Turk at JJ and as it's food that he sells, as greasy and 'orrible as it might be, curious Thais buy it. If the OP wants to work with his gf selling stuff at a market he'll just be mocked a bit by other traders. Thai customers will assume what he's selling is more expensive, they may be nervous about language and will hesitate to come close.

    could be the white farang has Thai nationality, difficult as it is .

  4. I'm 26 and I live in Bangkok..

    The guys could be anywhere between 19-40 it is really random age groups lol..

    No, I don't mind it at all, I just felt a little curious because I've been told so many times it wouldn't be happening to me here haha and the fact that it didn't happen when i lived in the US just made me feel even more curious...

    its your money honey

  5. I know its hard to believe a person with money, let alone a thai and in a cash based society!

    1. Sold a car

    2. received rental payments for their properties

    3. deposit from their business

    A business can take that easy in one day, where do you propose they put it? In their mattress?

    What business is it of yours?

  6. 1) TM7 form filled and signed with pasted photo

    2) Copies of passport pertinent pages (picture page, original visa page, entry date page, stamped pages, etc)

    3) Bank letter showing minimum balance of 800,000 baht at least 90 days prior to renewal application

    4) Copies of bank passbook pages showing up-to-date entries for the last 90 days to show balance has not dropped below 800,000 baht

    5) Fee of 1900 baht payable in cash

    Also if you receive a pension you can get it paid into Thailand if 65000THB you do not need 800.000 in the bank but you will a notorised letter from your embassy to prove this, also what ever your pesion is the deposit in the bank will be pro rated, ie pension od 32, 500 you only 400.000 int the bank, all this information is available at any imm ofice,

  7. report stolen passport to police and give a copy f it to the embassy. Keep a copy for Thai immigration.

    apply for new passport or emergency travel document. The last one should be faster to obtain

    go to immirgation and report your passport stolen there with leter from embassy and polcie report. You might need to pay a fine of 500 baht per day for overstay with a maximum of 20,000 baht.

    Not sure which embassy we are talking about, but you talk about dollars. If need be the embassy does give money, which you need to repay, unless the US-embassy has changed its policy. They prefer that your family pays directly to you, might also be possible they pay the US-government to forward to you.

    That's the info I am looking for, but she said it takes a long time and not everyone qualifies. I can get enough to cover the overstay, but I asked if they could just help with a ticket and I can pay it back as soon as I can get to a US Bank.

    Do I just have to flat out tell them to help me instead of being so nice to them?

    I am sure they want to do that only as a last resort, which is where I am at now!

    As far as the sarcastic responses, since you are not aware of the current economic situation the World is in, how many family, friends could just come up with $2000-$2500 to give to you? Think a little bit before you type, if that is possible!

    Do not believe a word of your sob story, are you saying you were travelling carrying $2500 if so brain dead, if you can access this money the minute you hit stateside you should have no problem getting the money forwarded to you. If this is just a con hoping to find some idiot stupid enough to loan you money it just re enforces my opinion brain dead.

  8. Really – If people dated within their own social, economic and educational demographic and behave as they would back home there would likely be no more or no fewer issues here than there.

    That said – Anything can happen anywhere at any time. It seems that inhumanity is now a normal part of humanity.

    RIP Mr Johan Winlöf


    inhumanity has always been a part of humanity throughout history

  9. Well to be honest i could have there or there abouts on that imahinary list.. We had just moved into s amall room, brand new inside, around 4500bht a month. Nice room, for one, not that it was small, but simply me and the mrs needs lots of room away from each other.

    well weve just had a row, i hsdnt even raised voice at her and BOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM she charges me with me 2 knives, one very large the other around 6 inch spud oeeler,, so i shoted in sgression OIIIIIIIIII stop it now, you cant kill me. She stopped in her tracks and asked me why ( very comicsl looking back). I ripped open my t-shirt and shown her a tattoo on my chest and said " have you forgotton already" lol, superman tatt.

    So she dropped the knives into the knife tray and then went into the shower room to carry on washing clothes.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,now if theres 1 thing i hate its when a woman is talking about you in a bad way in another room, when all the time its going through my mind that shes attacked me with 2 knifes and we had only been together s few months.

    So i picks up the smallest knife, walks in the shower/wash room and shes crouched down doing the washing, so what i ment to do was say " Nobody threatens me with a fkn knife, bitch" and towards the end of saying it, thow the knife against the tiles on the wall and then for it to drop hsrmlessly 0n the floor or bucket.

    Sadly even superman messes up, as her hand was the rased it to hang up an item of clothing the knife was in flight and went right inbrtween her index finger snd thumb and into the vien.

    Sorry for swearing but there was so much blood and the more blood she seen the more and more she screamed and she wouldnt let me anywhere near her to sort it. This was with the tap running awell , yet there still blood rivers flowing.

    It made me think if she had of turned around at the time, it could of gone into eye ball, throat.

    Anyhow were still together knocking on a year now. She stopped using knives around 2 months ago ( yup she would still use them ) as she went into the flesh of my knee and wanted more, i recon when she came out of her physcotic state she was more scared than me, especially as i left her once she went back to work.

    Glad I dont have your life, why the hel_l are you still with her ?

  10. Terrible.

    At 04:00 am in a baht bus, they were certainly going to work , or working already for the driver... What a terrible thing.

    Condolences to families and friends.

    I wish for the drunk driver to face maximum penalty and compensation, and a long life with the weight of what he's done.

    Since the Pattaya police force is first and foremost a business organization, their main focus is going to be extorting money out of the Canadian for the injured and families of the deceased with a substantial commission for themselves, plus money for bail and quite possibly money for enhancing evidence in his favour. Whether he is guilty or not will not be important to them, as he is a windfall lode of gold to be mined as quickly as possible and being in his 40s they will assume he can wire substantial funds out. Any non-financial punishment will be a secondary consideration.

    100% correct my learned friend, however we must pass our deepesr sympathy to the relatives of the dead, not that this will be taken well, wonder what will happen if the canook has no funds

    which may well be the case so many scum bags make Pattaya their choice of residence, and I apologise to all you decent people who live there, but surely you know this is a fact, regards to all you decent people BIB not included.

  11. Did I miss something ?

    Every time I transfer an amount of about 5000 THB to another bank, the bkkbank ATM will charge me 35 THB, which is more than my bank in Europe would charge.

    So whats all the fuss about the 12 THB fee ?

    My pension is paid into head office BKK of Bangkok Bank from USA,( I have no choice ) every month I go into my local branch where I have an account and transfer around 30000 THB into my account ( Bangkok Bank ) so I can draw from ATM. So transfer from branch to another fee ia always above THB 50, really very little work involved, this to me is a rip off.

  12. Perhaps we should suggest to the printed media that they change the color of the ink from black to red. It would seem plausabile that some certain uninformed or misinformed posters would have a better knowledge of current events.

    Would make much more common sense that getting current events of the back/front of a T-Shirt

    As to the police finding and defusing these bombs, would you feel it better that they ignore the call ins or tips?

    I would suggest that when you want to criticise a poster for not reading news reports you do so after reading that persons posts. It seems a little ironic that you miss my post about supporting neither side (if I did I would have no hesitation in saying so) while criticising me for missing news reports. That said however I have not missed the news reports, I just choose to take them with the massive pinch of salt that they richly deserve.

    1. Gonzo is NOT critisizing, that's your interpretation.

    2. Your posts suggest you support the side which asks seemingly interested questions, only to jump on any type of response. Not only not wanting to believe the response, but also questioning 'how on earth can you believe this'.

    3. If you do not care to believe any newsreport you read, why do you bother to read them. More over why do you annoy us ? As I said before 'government conspiracy theories' seem to come natural to some, but unproven.

    Keep up the good work ;)

    mmm interesting, so anything that does not fall in line with your beliefs annoys you, seems pretty closed minded of you. As for my posts suggesting something, I thought the words were pretty clear that I take no sides, however at the moment it is the reds to the fore so we are discussing them. One thing is however certain that i have no time for this government and whichever side is against them then that side I would listen to, evaluate and and then decide whether to support them based on their actions.

    so to clarify my stance, do i beleive that the currents bombs are placed by reds? No I don't. Do I think this government deserves to be in the post? No i dont, two reasons, number one is that they were not elected to be government, and number two I think they are responsible for the wholseale murder of Thai people in central Bangkok. These thoughts do not make me a red shirt, it is possible to have these beliefs and not be pigeon holed.

    mmmmmm must have been the government that torched all the store, robbed the ATMS, set up the barricades, closed down half of the commercial district blah blah blah, get a life.

  13. Are you new in Thailand ? many of us on TV have been robbed by the BIB , its happening in BKK as I speak, I got took so many times I had to have the windows on my car tinted so they could not see it was a farang driving, I myself have needed serious help twice from the cops what a joke that turned out to be. may as well as gone looking for mickey mouse.The corruption is in print and on the news every day of the week do you think that is all BS if you do your living in cuckoo land, I fear that one day when the truth hits you about these guys it will be at your expense.

  14. Seems to be a lot here on TV who have a real hate thing going with the Thai cops.

    Wonder in this is from personal experience or are they just parroting what others have said or written?

    Me I have no problem with the cops here always found them to be very helpfull.

    But then I've never broken any law, unless you count riding my pushbike on the footpath.

    Wouldnt like to be part of a bomb disposal squad, hats off to the POLICE who do that job.

    Great that they are being detected and defused before they can kill or injure someone.

    Without looking for justification the mentality of those who would plant these bombs has to be called into question.

  15. Police were alerted to the explosive devices - one found at a parking lot of the Mall shopping centre on Ngamwongwan Road and another at the parking lot of the Public Health Ministry.

    It seems some passerby saw it and phoned it in, I would think most people would if they found a bomb.

    So a passer-by in the car park in The Mall saw a fire extinguisher and called the police? The police came and discovered it was a bomb. have you ever tried to get the police here to do something?

    Clearly finding 3 bombs in such a short space of time, one of which appeared to be a fire extinguisher, and knowing how inept the police are here, added to the general lack of observation from the normal Joe Bloggs in the street, added to the fact that even the bombs that do explode tend to do so with little or no injury and tend to explode in the middle of the night when there is nobody around save for a bin scavenger and a security guard. Don't get me worng, even one death or injury is too much, but clearly the aim here is to not maim people, it is to frighten the people into accepting the continuation of a unneeded state of emergency.

    A person is smart but the public are panicky, keep the masses in fear with these alleged bombs and that way keep the State of emergency, and that way keep the opposition down. It is so clear and I am amazed that other people do not see this.


  16. Police were alerted to the explosive devices - one found at a parking lot of the Mall shopping centre on Ngamwongwan Road and another at the parking lot of the Public Health Ministry.

    It seems some passerby saw it and phoned it in, I would think most people would if they found a bomb.

    So a passer-by in the car park in The Mall saw a fire extinguisher and called the police? The police came and discovered it was a bomb. have you ever tried to get the police here to do something?

    Clearly finding 3 bombs in such a short space of time, one of which appeared to be a fire extinguisher, and knowing how inept the police are here, added to the general lack of observation from the normal Joe Bloggs in the street, added to the fact that even the bombs that do explode tend to do so with little or no injury and tend to explode in the middle of the night when there is nobody around save for a bin scavenger and a security guard. Don't get me worng, even one death or injury is too much, but clearly the aim here is to not maim people, it is to frighten the people into accepting the continuation of a unneeded state of emergency.

    A person is smart but the public are panicky, keep the masses in fear with these alleged bombs and that way keep the State of emergency, and that way keep the opposition down. It is so clear and I am amazed that other people do not see this.

  17. You used to be able to get a really good Indian-style curry at lunch time at the central mosque in District 1. It was really popular with expats, but not sure if they do it anymore.

    Many thanks will check it out and let you know if still in operation upon return

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