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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. Let's see what happens over the next few weeks to months before we start worrying or not worrying about how it affects expats.

    dam_n...I should have started a thread that said, "What the hel_l do you think of Healthcare, Obamba, and US foreign policy?"

    But if you took a second and read the original post (which you probably didn't), all it said was that as an expat American, you will not be required to pay into a government mandated health insurance system that you don't need here in Thailand -- and -- you won't be penalized for not having that "mandated" insurance.

    Personally, I'm pretty happy about that because I'd rather have 2.5% of my gross income (or a flat rate $625) going to pay for the health insurance that I do purchase here in Thailand. And by the way...I've never had to use the insurance because I can afford to pay for 95% of my medical expenses out-of-pocket here in the LOS. You can't do that in Amereica.

    Like most over-opinionated Americans, everyone seems to have unshakable core beliefs about everything under the sun without ever researching facts. I took the time to read the bill and cross-reference the IRS code. What did you all do??? -- Listen to some talking head on Fox News that looked more like a cheap Las Vegas hooker than a news anchor??? Give me a break...

    Now, go back to talking about whatever B***S*** you want to...I'm outta here!

    What a box of rocks.

    One foxy chick

    Easy now, I thought your post was well written..... and I never watch Fox news, but now that I know they have a Vegas hooker reporting the news.... I just may have to make time for some "Fox" watching.

  2. Health care is not "free" anyplace in the world, people pay tax and receive health care, not exactly free. Health care is a good thing but eventually Americans will have to live within their means, a lot of spending reduction is in order. In theory this might help but it's not nearly enough.

    How can people live within their means when a simple visit to the doctor can cripple you financially?

  3. This is sad really. Mental health care is almost non existent in this country. This the first time I heard that there was a Ministry of Mental health. This kind of pop psychology is something you might see in a magazine.

    It's also know as the Department of Schizophrenia.

    No it isn't.

    Yes it is.

    No it ISN'T

    YES IT IS.




    Where is Schizophrenia ?

  4. My wife is Thai and we talked over dinner tonight and we definately disagree on the RED/YELLOW situation. She likes Thaksin because she thinks he is a good businessman and that while he was PM crop prices were high which are good for the farmers. Now that they are low, she and her family blame Abhisit. I tried to explain the cycle of the world economy, the influence America has on consumption and trade and the overall concept that if you just wait a bit, the Thai economy will turn just like it will turn in every other democratic country in the world. Using her logic, we should re-elect Clinton as President since she blames GW Bush for the UD economic problems. She did not get it and continues to think Thaksin willl solve all of Thai problems.

    She said that some of the red leaders in her area have been paid huge sums of money to ralley supporters who are in turn paid to march, demonstrate and probably throw bombs. Some she said have been paid 15,000,000 Baht with lesser amounts going to lower ranking supporters. When I tossed out the notion that if that were successful then the leader of Thailand would be the guy with the most money not necessarily the guy that will best serve the country. And following that, this man would be in power again to criminally get his money back at the expense of the country, trade, exports, good roads, free education and th like. Sorry, because crops are high 'due to Thaksin, we need him back to make crops high again'.

    She also said Thai Baht is strong now for some reason and Thaksin would make it stronger. My last attempt to show how the US Dollar has weakened and thereby caused all currencies to become stronger by comparison but she thinks this is due to something Thailand has done itself. I tried to explain how and why the USD has fallen, why 65 banks have failed so far, why so many houses on in foreclosure and the commercial market is just beginning to fail and these concepts are beyond her understanding.

    This lack of a broader view of things shows how one guy can play off this ignorance, tell the farmers he will make the grass grow, the rains fall, the crop values go us and 'we'll all live a better life' so here is 500 baht so you can go to Bangkok and help get me back in power so I can help you!!

    My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

    She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

    For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.

    Cool! so now we know that ONE person attending isn't paid directly!

    Maybe she is dumber than the rest

  5. Why is it that the government seems to know all about the intentions of the bombers but can't identify those responsible?

    Why is it that security laws are being applied to achieve political objectives? Can we have some transparency here, please?

    So are you saying that the Thai Government is bombing government buildings? The government is not trying to overthrow itself. It is Thaksin and his Red Shirts that are trying to overthrow the goverment. Prime Minister Abhisit was very calm, cool and collected against the Reds. No other country in the world would have allowed protestors to throw blood on government property and at the feet of soldiers without reacting violently against an act that was clearly done to provoke violence. There needs to be security measures taken to protect the government's property and the people from Thaksin's Red Shirts that will not give up as long as Thaksin calls for the violent overthrown of the present government. The Reds lost. They made themselves and Thailand look like a Third World country throughout the world. Tourism was further harmed and many poor earn their wages working for hotels - thousands of rooms cancelled just in Bkk. Yeah, the Reds really helped Thailand's economy and standing in the world didn't they?!

    My sentiments too, you hit the nail on the head

  6. I didnot know this thread was here and started one in general what has been moderated as same topic so I will simply copy and poste what i had said in other thread Thank You.

    I was reading the Nation today and an article that interested me was about the baht being strong for the short term.

    I am not sure if it will be short term.

    They gave an example . The rice in Vietnam . I will quote a short part of the article that helps explain.

    Vietnamese rice is much cheaper than Thai rice, by $80 to $100 per tonne. Vietnam's dong is 8-per-cent weaker than the baht. Thailand will definitely lose export share in many countries that unquote

    In this senario I can see the thai boughts strengh as a plus.

    If the baht is strong and the rice is cheap in Vietnam I feel the Thais can purchase the majority of Vietnam rice at a premium price.. Then resell the rice to other nations that are dependent on rice or have a market for rice Thailand if possible gets trade agreement for Vietnam rice. The competitiveness of the lower dong in the rice market is no longer a problem to Thailand but an advantage.

    There are many advantages to Vietnam in this too. Quaranteed buyer at premium price. Easy transport of goods.Dealing in Asian markets good for investments.Dealing in Asian money. Possibly quick payment for goods due to the fact delivery time is so quick.

    You are forgetting one thing the Thai government is sat on a mountain of rice it cannot sell bought under the guaranteed rice purchase scheme, Why would say the gulf states or any state buy rice from Thailand when they can buy direct from Vietnam. Are you aware of the millions of tons involved?

    And also the cost of storing rice in Thailand has just had a major price hike

  7. I didnot know this thread was here and started one in general what has been moderated as same topic so I will simply copy and poste what i had said in other thread Thank You.

    I was reading the Nation today and an article that interested me was about the baht being strong for the short term.

    I am not sure if it will be short term.

    They gave an example . The rice in Vietnam . I will quote a short part of the article that helps explain.

    Vietnamese rice is much cheaper than Thai rice, by $80 to $100 per tonne. Vietnam's dong is 8-per-cent weaker than the baht. Thailand will definitely lose export share in many countries that unquote

    In this senario I can see the thai boughts strengh as a plus.

    If the baht is strong and the rice is cheap in Vietnam I feel the Thais can purchase the majority of Vietnam rice at a premium price.. Then resell the rice to other nations that are dependent on rice or have a market for rice Thailand if possible gets trade agreement for Vietnam rice. The competitiveness of the lower dong in the rice market is no longer a problem to Thailand but an advantage.

    There are many advantages to Vietnam in this too. Quaranteed buyer at premium price. Easy transport of goods.Dealing in Asian markets good for investments.Dealing in Asian money. Possibly quick payment for goods due to the fact delivery time is so quick.

    You are forgetting one thing the Thai government is sat on a mountain of rice it cannot sell bought under the guaranteed rice purchase scheme, Why would say the gulf states or any state buy rice from Thailand when they can buy direct from Vietnam. Are you aware of the millions of tons involved?

  8. Hi, the strength of the Thai Baht is based on several indicators however the ups and downs that take place on a daily basis and what really impact your average tourist is based on the strength of the economy of the country whose currency you wish to exchange into Thai bahts.

    Example for several past years the British pound has been worth around 69 baht today you will get around 49 to 50 baht it is not that the Thai Baht has gained but rather the value of the pound has dropped due to economic problems in the UK.

    A couple of years back one pound would buy you two US dollars now it will buy you one dollar fifty.

    Ref the US dollar for many years it would buy you around thirty five Baht today its around thirty four baht it has dropped slightly but is still a strong currency.

    The only solid advice i would pass on is stay away from currency speculation.

  9. You need an International Driving Permit to get a Thai licence, the Transport Department won't accept your National licence.

    If you don't have the IDP you can sit the driving test, theory and practical.

    The test is in English.

    You don't need a work permit to get the licence, only a non-immigrant visa.

    When my wife ws doing driving lessons the English handbook they gave her was the Singapore handbook so just pick one up while you're there.

    Not true you do not need international license to get a Thai license, I got mine at Mo Chit by producing a license from my country of origin, the only test was one to ensure not color blind and a Micky Mouse braking reaction test sat at a desk.

  10. they must be taking a leaf out gordon brown/labours book in the uk,who have declared a class more against the conservation public school boys party who are out for the upper classes first and foremost..

    pretty similar to here

    and the conservative and dem leaders both went to eton

    I hope David Cameron wins the next UK election. It will mean good ties between the UK and Thailand. Eton has produced some really great leaders and I think Khun Abhisit, given the chance will do a lot for this country.

    Two most important countries in this world.Both drive on the left side.The rest of world on the right.Oh forgot that makes them so special.

    Not sure you have done much travelling.

  11. When Petrol prices rose in the uk. There were protests outside the petrochem works , which stopped petrol gas and oil being delivered all over the country , crippling the u.k. Bringing it to a stand still after a few days there were no cars busses or trains . No one could get to work it was great

    If there serious why dont the Thais follow suit bring Bangkok to its knees .

    They will have to listen then ???? wont they ..

    I LOVE ANARCHY 2010 :)

    when did this happen?

    Trains in london use electric

    he tube yes, never hear of diesel trains Jeeeeez

  12. By the time I'd been in Thailand three years, I was aghast because of the cultural and civilizational deficits and deficiencies some 75% to 80% or so Western Europeans I met or worked with suffered relative to the society, culture and civilization of the United States. It's even worse among those 'Westerns' I met from the down under regions of the South West Pacific, this time to the tune of 85% to 90% of them. The ignorance, prejudices, biases towards the United States and its people was outdone only by their complete disconnect from life in the US. I simply was speechless and mortified by the willful and systematic contempt these people have towards the US.

    It's really a frightening and pathetic deficit disorder of a serious cultural and civilizational magnitude over in those places. I of course got used to it and since simply dismiss their blissful world of the surreal and bizarre when it comes to the United States. We have more Nobel Prize winners in every category, usually by a huge difference, except for literature in which the US is 2 winners behind the leader France. We have the world's best and leading universities etc etc.

    Yet the cultural deficits of the Western Europeans and of the Down Unders I've met are appalling. Worse, they are beyond repair or recovery. One Belgian idiotically said to me that Pres Kennedy's statement in German during his visit to Berlin, "I am a Berliner" was spoken in erroneous German.....this wild and malicious claim was made by the guy despite the German language statement having come from the West German Embassy in the US and from German language experts at the State Department and leading universities of the US. That's willful malevolence towards the United States, which must be dismissed immediately and out of hand as not credible or reasonable - as simply irrational and mean spirited.

    Tsk tsk.

    I'm sure you could apply some of these generalizations to 99% of people in the US who think that kangaroos hop up the main street of Sydney.

    There are stupid people everywhere.

    Could not agree more, most of the USA bashers I have met have never been to the USA have no intention of going could never find the funds if they changed their minds. Ask a few simple questions who leads the world in space, business, democracy, who rescued Europe and rebuilt it 1940s, Secondly who are these USA people, answer immigrants who had the sense to get the hel_l out of of the poxy little countries these fools still inhabit. USA USA YEEEES.

  13. One Belgian idiotically said to me that Pres Kennedy's statement in German during his visit to Berlin, "I am a Berliner" was spoken in erroneous German.....this wild and malicious claim was made by the guy despite the German language statement having come from the West German Embassy in the US and from German language experts at the State Department and leading universities of the US. That's willful malevolence towards the United States, which must be dismissed immediately and out of hand as not credible or reasonable - as simply irrational and mean spirited.

    5555 can't tell Eton from a University. but wanna impress with their nobel price winner. (which takes an different turn if you check the Laureates per capita proportion for the respective Nations and/or filter out the immigrants.

    anyway you should not only cherry-pick the best things don't forget or ignore the worst things too. you should also consider that your opinion don't have to be the only valid opinion.

    seems you don't understand a joke when it not comes with canned laughter. that is what the "ich bin ein berliner" story is about. the Belgian bloke was trolling you and you fell for it.

    is it really that easy to pull a leg of an US-American? i hope for them that is not true.

    i would only argue that you can't really compare a Berliner, the pastry, with a doughnut. it is a different thing, Polish paczki are coming closer too it for my taste, and Berliner, the pastry,Berliner, the residents, call Pfannkuchenand not Berliner. anyway, that is an another regional in-joke that you can't get Berliner, the pastry, in Berlin, and it is kinda a shibboleth, a social code, Berliner, the residents, like to distinct them selves from people that are not born there but came recently to town, the New-Berliner usually from other regions of Germany where the pastry in fact is called Berliner. New-Berliner try hard to blend in and hide the fact that they are new in town, various jokes are poked on them by the real Berliner. and when it comes to the pastry New-Berliner can involuntary expose themselves by calling it Berliner a word that never would slip over the tongue of an Old-Berliner. btw. their word Pfannkuchen stands in other parts of Germany for something totally different.

    Berliner, the residents might be not go the nearest baker's shop to buy some Pfannkuchen, but would be prepared to take a detour to get their Pfannkuchen from their favorite baker's shop where they taste slightly different. one reason that makes it so difficult to compare them with something like doughnut. Berliner, the residents are serious about being a real Berliner and not a new comer, you have that in all big cities, and the are serious about their Pfannkuchen and they make jokes about US-Americans who can't speak a single word in a second language and trying to make a big show of it. Berliner aren't much impressed by politicans, Celebs, leaders or awestrucked by Presidents of the United States or anybody else with a hubris.

    Kennedy's words 'Ich bin ein Berliner' had some forced cultural impact in Germany and are part of the cultural memory of the Germans. Another US President hold also a speech in Berlin. Ronald Reagan, where he spoke his "famous" words: "please mister Gorbachev open this wall".

    Now many years later it can come to the following curios situation. person A comes from that cold region behind the iron curtain. person B comes from the US of A and like to boast about his dead and living presidents. B will tell A how important the speech was, that they made history and maybe he will delude himself to the point where he he declares that Reagan's speech actually helped to tear down this wall. Person B will look in disbelief and say: nope, not a tiny bit. it didn't make any impacted or changed anything in theway the things that happend and when the wall was teared down, none of the people who did it kept hearing Reagan words. believe me my American friend, that must be a totally forced meme by the US & Reagan historiography. in Berlin nobody cares or cared about it. person B will still insist on the importance and declares A to one of these European with cultural and civilizational deficits and deficiencies. person A keeps his impression of that rude and overweening US american in memory.

    you should be more open minded, most europeans and i guess any other foreigners you might come across too aren't the way you wanna paint them. and even if they have some grudge on the US foreign policy or whatever, they can distinct between a Country and an individual citizen. respect could be in your case the issue. what goes around comes around .


  14. I wonder how much money Thaksin is throwing Montenegro's way...it is after all a potless former communist country.

    What is not mine, no one will get it!

    Can't people see Thailand is destroying from now on? BIllions of billions he has now still not enough for his egos. Some millions buying The Red shirt leader. The protesters baths 2000 x 100,000 persons = 2 millions baths. Those millions is the price of the immage '' Siam Land of smile ''. Tourism stop, draw the whole Thai economic down. Let' Apisit do his jobb !!.

    Hi Somebody.

    Clearly English is not your first language, but you have made your point.

    Let' Apisit do his job !!. Exactly what the country needs to happen.

    Clearly no high up on mathematics too, try twenty million but still a good point

  15. I do not believe one second that there would be an assassination attempt on the PM. Desperate elements within the government are simply looking for sympathy. This is not uncommon in dictatorships. It would not hold any substance as murdering this man would not change a thing. There are others that really hold power and would make more sense to get rid of. The fact that the red shirts have not resorted to destructive action says enough. The yellow shirts had no trouble shooting on people from under a portrait on passerby. They had no trouble to hide hundreds of kilo's of explosives in the government house compound, they were the ones who paralyzed the country by making "fun", according FM Kasit on the airport by screwing hundreds of people out of a job both foreign and local.

    If anyone has visited the government house during their occupation they know that their guards were under the influence of drugs and heavily armed. If there is an attempt it will come from his owns ranks not from the reds. The reds are always associated with Thaksin maybe it is time to read the latest article of Giles Ungpakorn, another man screwed out of his job for speaking out.

    what a crock of bullshit

  16. I don't think this is bunk at all. Taksin seems very desperate at this point. His followers are using pathetic techniques here, and I don't believe a man educated in the west is going to fall for or be intimidated by some witchcraft BS. I think the blood should be considered a bio hazard, i would find it hard to believe there is no law about body parts not being dealt with properly, or even used as a weapon. I think legal action should be taken and embarrassment to the country needs to end. The assassination plot is more than likely real and probably has been in the planning stage for two years now. I say end it, send a message, sanctions against any country that harbors this fugitive trash, and charge him with treason and prosecute to the full extent of the law and be done with it. enough is enough, just do it by the books, it certainly can be done. :)

    Well said

  17. would they be the same people, who tried to "assassinate" him a year ago, around songkran, in an empty car?

    or those who missed sondhi with 180 bullets?

    all looks like a cheap set up to make martyrs from themselves and to boost own popularity

    "The minister also said the society will not support the claim by fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra that the red-shirt protest is a class struggle."

    ups minister, don't mention a class struggle - when it really starts, you won't be able to stop it. A large part military and police will be against you, defending their own class interestes, which contradict yours and the rulling elite

    Get real man

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