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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. Hi Guys have a serious question, my gf is 31 years old and very bright, left school aged 13, my question is regarding getting her educated to degree levei, Is there any government sponsered education available in Thailand such as night school ? how would she go about getting her high school diploma ( if such a things exists) any info would be greatly appreciated, by the way we are living in Hua Hin but could move.

  2. I think for most, it is less expensive to pay the additional fee -or close enough. Tat is why it is B400 and not B800 (B1200) :-)

    If you take the cost of transport into consideration, I am sure MRT/BTS + taxi will come out to roughly 400rt. You have done this cheaply so you can tell us perhaps better. I'm pretty much a cheap charlie, but I think I'd expedite. Also...its done. Not sitting on someones desk for them to contemplate or screw up the visa.

    MRT/BTS 80 bhat return from anywhere in Bangkok half that with a pass. Van from Chatuchak $50 bhat return. I costs me with BTS pass $46 Bhat plus Van $50 bhat.

    That is 96 bhat and less than an hour travel each way. So I still save one hour and $300 bhat. You can take a bus from Chatuchak and back and save even a few more pennies. This is Ministry of Foreign Affaris.

    Are you sure you can afford to marry?

  3. The most important thing is to show compelling reasons why she would return to Thailand.

    If you can do that + write a nice letter of guarantee as to her air fare, medical insurance...lodgings etc so she presents no burden to the USA then there is always the chance. small yes but a chance.

    I am one of the few I know that did take my girl friend... now my wife to the US on a tourist visa. But I did show compelling reason for her return along with my letter, tax returns, business info etc.

    How will you present yourselves? Meaning as friends engaged etc? Purpose of trip?

    I was clear with mine that it was for her to see the US & decide if living there after marriage was viable & to meet my family.

    In our case it went well & she was granted the visa.

    appreciate your reply, really I just want to spend Christmas with my family and girl friend and show her the USA.

  4. Going off on a slight tangent with this subject, I wonder why the Thais seem to love to ruin so many food products with ridiculously high amounts of sugar, e.g. bread, pizza, 'natural' yoghurt, baked beans, and so many of their snacks etc? I can understand it's use in Thai cookery to counter balance the overuse of ingredients with such high salt content, e.g. soy, fish, oyster sauce etc., but I suspect there is a cultural/religious 'genetic' element too in the Thai psyche which was imported with the Indian religious beliefs of Hinduism and Buddhism (which of course, grew out of Hinduism). Hinduism classifies food and many other things in life as either sattvic, rajastic, or tamasic. which basically refer to whether what you eat accelerates your spiritual progress or slows it down. It teaches that eating sweet tasting food is sattvic, which means you are somehow imbibing good spiritual/moral qualities like vitimins or nutrients. Total bunkum I believe, as it has resulted in India having one of the highest rates of diabetes in the World!!!

    Also my Thai lady, despite eating pork & chicken, seems to have an inbuilt revulsion to eating beef. A friend says his Thai wife is the same. This too could come from the Hindu reverence of the cow as sacred.

    Please forgive my idle ramblings :wacko:................but interesting I think !

    I suspect the revulsion for beef is really something else, I know many Thais who make a promise to Buddha in exchange for good luck in thier life, what do they promise? to give up eating beef, lets face it beef has not been on the menu in Thailand for any length of time so it gets around the problem of denying yourself something you will really miss. As for the shortage in sugar I suspect it all goes into soda pop, the only diet soda I have ever come across is the odd can of coke, so the amount of sugar consumed by drinking soda must be vast. Knowing Thailand as I do there must be graft involved in this problem some where, check out supermarkets in the West ref diet soft drinks avaiable to that of Thailand.

  5. Hi Guys would appreciate advise. Am retired lived her eighteen months am living with a younger girlfriend and wish to visit USA for a months holiday, my gf does not work as I maintain her anybody been in a similar situation can give advise? by the way I am a US citizen, thanks

  6. Is the 72 year old man guilty or not? At this point nobody can really say but for sure there is something amiss here, be it the 10 year old, her mother or the man, one or more of them is guilty of something for sure. Another thing for sure, if any of this is true the 10 year old is a victim no matter how you look at it. In any event it is truly a sad case and the truth needs to be sorted out and treatment for the victim needs to start now. OK I'm probably going to regret responding to this thread but sometimes when I read post from people who act as if they know it all, blasting others without really trying to verify it on their own I get the urge to have my say.

    I'm talking about people blasting the police volunteers. First, my position is neutral; I don't know any of the volunteers and have never (in spite of my bad driving) ever had the opportunity to meet a Thai policeman.

    In spite of some misinformation posted here, there are volunteer police programs in many other countries. Canada for one in deed has such a program and to confirm it all you have to do is Google volunteer police Canada and you will find dozens of hits. Here is one of many examples:

    [email protected].

    I also know there are many volunteer police programs in America. They go by various names but the most common one is COPs or Citizens on Patrol. Google it if you must.

    Try driving up and down Sukhumvit in Bangkok you will get to meet many Thai policemen.

  7. I have no idea if he is guilty or not, which is for the Thai Courts to decide.

    Not referring necessarily to this particular case, does anyone know if the Thai Authorities do background checks upon persons like retirees/long stayers to discover if anyone applying to be in Thailand long time has a criminal record in their home country?

    And if not, why not?

    If a check is done and it is discovered a person has a record such as for child abuse, then surely that person should not be allowed to be here?

    If he is allowed to be in Thailand despite having such a known record, the Thai authorities ought to bear some responsibility if he commits a crime whilst here.

    Yes to get a retirement visa you have to produce a police back ground report from youe home country, but am not sure how this is affected by statute of limitations, probably varies from country to country.

  8. By the way the reason why I highlited the fact that the stick was wet is that I could noteven lit it up to keep the monkes off..! In the end and finally my inital longtail boat which I started the tour with turned up at 19.00 As I was already thinking of how to prepare myself for the night and prepare myself to face further fears and possible animal's attacks..Again..respect the nature and the nature will respect you back..

    Cheers, Ramdas..

    What a fascinating life you lead with such newsworthy advetures, surely there is a movie here or at the very least a series of adveture travel books.

  9. Was he freed because there was not an "R" in the month ??

    Or maybe he wasn't breast fed as a baby ?

    That makes the same sort of nonsense

    There are too many do gooders that release these brain dead morons back into normal society so he can kill again

    A killer is a killer and should have done life in a Thai jail.

    Perhaps he was molested as a child?

  10. What a waste of police resources but then again why not, people burn down the city, and the police turn a blind eye.

    Why is clamping down on illegal activities a waste of resources. If they didn't do anything you'd probably complain as well. What would you like the police to do? Ignore crime or catch the criminals?

    The police do ignore crime esspecially if against a farang, I have experienced this to my great cost. They are nothing but well entreched parasites, get real man open your eyes.

  11. n arrest warrant for Khun Sutirar is being prepared and is expected to be issued on 18th June

    Just to give Khun Sutirar the time to make the money and himself disappear.

    Legal and police system without hope.

    that's pretty amazing that it takes 4 days to prepare an arrest warrant! and advertising the fact to boot, amazing Thailand indeed

    At least the police are better than in the UK, where they don't bother turning up at all if you you report a crime.

    You are dreaming what are you on? or perhaps you are new here.

  12. I like how it's the weather department warning of an earthquake.

    They would be a more logical dept that, say, the Ministry of Culture. Weather is part of meteorology, which is part of Earth Sciences. So a geological section would be under their wing and not something like Child Services Dept..

    I say a Child Services Dept, as this is more likely a rumour started by Feminists to drive tourists away from Pattaya, thinking the only reason we stay here is due to one of their blinkered thoughts that controls their life.

    oh hum zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  13. Rightist and ultra-conservative icons such as Samak Sundharavej blasted the students, instigating violent mean to suppress the movement of the students, culminating in the October 6, 1976. The army unleashed the paramilitaries, and used the resultant mobs of violence, in which hundreds of students were tortured and killed, to suspend the constitution and resume power. Immediately after the incident, an amnesty was issued to prevent any of those responsible for the massacre from coming to justice.

    Same old same old


    Shoot and kill and torture college students--thousands--and no one goes to jail for it.

    Captain does a coup not long ago.

    What a joke.

    No one goes to jail for it.

    Likely no one in the North believes a thing this current government is saying and they are right not to believe this government.

    After all, this government is a puppet.

    Yeap and look what happened to Samark! He became a powerful man, the proxy right hand of Thaksin and for a short time, ruled Thailand with Thaksin whispering in his ear!

    That's Thailand for you. It's all about compromise. But you don't speak for everyone in the North so your statement is moot. I still believe PM Abhisit is sincere in wanting to help the poor. However, if you don't want to see that, you're entitled to your opinion. I however see you as a very naive person with your 'free elections' and 'justice for all'. The only way this will ever happen in Thailand will be after a civil war and I for one don't ever want that. But a lefty like you, I bet for 'justice' you wouldn't mind seeing Bangkok burn would you?

    I am not a violent man.

    Change need not be violent.

    When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

    He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

    He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

    He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

    He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

    He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

    He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

    He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands.

    He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers.

    He has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

    He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.

    He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies without the consent of our legislature.

    He has affected to render the military independent of and superior to civil power.

    He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation:

    For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:

    Thomas Jefferson


  14. Can't see the red leaders getting Amnesty the PM has been firm on this he wants people charged and investigations to continue.

    I think Abhisit is the one that will be looking for amnesty. Remember the Democrats face dissolution and by the time the next election comes in November, Abhisit will likely be banned from politics for 5 years for election fraud.

    He did not commit election fraud it is alleged the democrat party did,and to date that is only an allegation, you armchair politicians are a joke.

  15. Gen Khattiya, now temporarily suspended from duty following his attacks on the army chief,

    Temporarily suspended? What a complete and utter joke. Is he still pulling a salary i wonder? What is it that makes sacking a person from the army or the police such an impossibility?

    So very true, how about the cop found with all the grenades? he may be in detention but I doubt he will do hard time after all he is one of the boys, I would also like to know if he is still getting paid.

  16. Truly amazing to keep reading of bombs being thrown and detonated and such minimal injuries. Same goes for the government soldiers "exchanging hundreds of rounds" with Khmer soldiers at the border areas and not one being hit on either side. Is it the reporting being done that is incorrect or are the police and soldiers and demonstrators that inept with firearms and explosives? Makes one wonder just what is transpiring in the Land of Smiles........

    I believe the best shootouts are the ones whitout wounded or dead. It sets a good example, a true show of good human nature. Why should a soldier, policeman shoot to kill because of being order by a general sitting in the safe heaven of the officers club? Soldiers shooting to kill are brain washed to do so. Lets this be an example for mankind. The only ones upset are the ones wishing a carnage, or the ones brainwashed to see death by bullets a natural thing. Think about the A TEam, they were no inepts, but higly trained and skillfull unit, yet no deads on their shootouts.

    Which all armies and police where like the Thai's and Khmer. Peace and Love. A big Ohmmmmmm for my disappointed friend's, this is no Afganistan or Irak battlefield... Thank God for that!

    You wish all police forces were like the Thai cops,not enough money in the world to bribe them with.

  17. WOW that is almost a declaration of war against the U.S. Bombing thier national icon and thier main source of food. I guess the American tourists will be cancelling trips and others heading home after this, what are they going to do without thier burgers and fries? They would perish in a foriegn land. :)

    What a bigot, get stuffed.

  18. I am always amazed at the number of ignorant people who are members of this site!

    They have no ability to read a thread and follow it in any sensible manner....

    Many of you also think it is a mark of your intelligence to bad mouth USA without having any idea of what the USA does to help people around the world.

    As far as USA's effort in Africa just google the amount of money that the Bush administration initiated with efforts still continuing to provide medical care to literally MILLIONS of people living living in Africa.

    And as far as Thailand is concerned not only does USA support the military financially, but also provides MILLIONS of dollars for the education, prevention and treatment of AIDS.

    Is USA perfect? NO not by any means but it certainly doesnt deserve to be dragged in the mud by a bunch of uneducated farangs!

    Agrred I am tired of USA bashing, truth is most of you Brits would not be here had the US not won the second war for you and ever here of the marshal plan? When the USA rebuilt the rubble of Europe, get a life

  19. I am in Australia, and I am due to fly out tomorrow, 1 night in Bangkok and 9 nights in Pattaya, havent cancelled yet, but am considering it. Any thoughts??

    Pattaya should be safe enough, shouldnt it?


    Life goes on as normal in Pattaya :)

    Why u not fly ANGELES ? Pattaya is BULLSHIT, girls EXPENSIVE, STREETS FULL . And Pattaya is dangerous, I send you some real names from the death toll :

    Osborne Paul Royal, USA, 79, , Pattaya 23.4.2010

    Al Jahdhami, 48, Oman,, Pattaya 15.4.2010

    Andrew Oake, 28 Prasat/ Surin, 15.4.2010

    Boldermo Viktor, , Pattaya 7.4.2010

    Cassmer Erich, 49, Pattaya, 27.3.2010

    Anne Marie pederson, Jomtien, 11.3.2010

    Nathan Edwards, , Phuket, 25.2.2010

    Lars Ruter Johansson, 57, , Pattaya, 24.2.2010

    Jomtien, 9.2.2010

    Ernst Joachim Otto Pape, Jomtien, 8.2.2010

    Alexander Aristov, Russe, Ambassador Hotel Jomtien, 6.2.2010

    Richard Johnson, USA, 67, Selbstmord, Tourist Police, Phuket , 6.2.2010

    Kenneth Bjorn, Pattaya, 28.1.2010

    Wolf Kesselheim, Phuket, 28.1.2010

    <a href="http://<URL Automatically Removed>/thailand-and-asia-news/64298-pattaya-suspicious-death-british-national-pattaya.html" target="_blank">Garbutt</a> John, British, Pattaya, 27.1.2010

    i suspect most will be classified as suicide, usually tossed out of a seventh or eighth floor window, happens a lot.

    ALL DEAD !

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