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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. This woman committed a criminal offense.

    I do not understand why posters are making jokes about the Thai immigration department for apprehending her and charging her for it. This has nothing to do with red shirts, yellow shirts or whatever shirts are worn, or indeed, any corruption allegations against Thai officials.

    There is simply a criminal British National who has broken the law and should be punished according to the law. I hope to the full.

    There seems to be some element around here who haven't quite caught on to the idea that there are laws in Thailand and if you break them it is a criminal offense and not some sort of joke. Try forging a UK immigrant visa and see how you are dealt with in the UK. Although thinking about it there would probably some plea for political asylum and under the current Labour government they would doubtless bend over backwards to provide a large house and support for all the brats; and make the tax payers bend over forwards to take it up the arse paying for the benefits.

    They also have a penchant for stopping Farangs and telling them they have broken a law which they have not and fining on the spot, a good example you were talking on the phone whilst driving 1000 baht, with no phone in the car.

    Seems to me you have a lot of pent up anger, chill out.

  2. A disappointing but unsurprising response from the biggest stubborn mule PM the world has ever seen.

    You must be drunk, it is the brave and right thing to do. One can not give in to mob rule at any time more so when it is very small minority the comprises the mob. You need a few lessons in common sense.

    The mob, as you call it has become as such, because of the "stubborn and illegitimate" PM that sits behind armed guards and closed doors; a british-indoctrinated-pylon. One who is so puffed-up with himself that he believes that he can rule without the consent of the populace. I for one join in with the protesters, all the power to them. Anyone who seems to be against them, it is primarily because he/she is afraid that his/her little world will burst like a bubble; loss of money being a factor as well. YOU need to realize that many people around the world are tired of despotic/socialistic/satanic-capitalistic dogs of war and oppression are leading the way. That is coming to an end, one way or another.

    You have been reading the little red book, pathetic!

  3. Oh well, thank you to the Reds and Thaksin for destroying Thailand.

    Abhisit will go down as the most educated Thai Prime Minister who (as often is the case with intelligent people) had no common sense whatsoever. He has already lost so why not just go for a good old British compromise where noone loses face. Where the buffalo smiley when you need it?

    So what would you have him do.....give in to these thugs :)

    This situation could be resolved by negotiating and compromise on all sides, the Reds have offered a compromise, the Army is telling Abhisit to negotiate the yellows are not happy with his handling of the situation, doing nothing is not an option for him. Trying to end it by force will leave a huge body count so is not an option, it has to be done by negotiation and fresh elections. He would not be giving in to anyone just trying to do the best for Thai people which, after all is his job.

    So you would give in to the thugs?

  4. When you think about it, with all the derisiveness that foreigners, including myself, say about Thailand, this really says:

    1. Amazing Thailand

    2. Someone has thought this out rationally and probably thought, this may bring these tourists back next time with better thoughts about the LOS.

    I congratulate the Immigration Department on their forethought. It truly is a good decision and shows that someone is thinking.

    Do nor understand why you are so carried away, any government with half a brain would do this, perhaps you are amazed that they did not take the opportunity to rip farangs off, if that is the case so am I.

  5. I was disgusted with USers beguiled by the Flaming Bush who lured them into Bewilderness; by those panting after Palin; by the wingnuts nuttier than Thai Yellow & Red Shirts; and now by the Tea Party movement. Trouble is, this morning I stumbled across the Journal of Democracy article by Robert Putnam, "Bowling Alone." "Bowling Alone" is a metaphor for the civil disengagement of people of my ilk, which Putnam fingers as the real problem. Not that I'm going to change my ways – I am so set in them you could say I'm wearing cement shoes. As for those who are civilly engaged, hug a Red Shirt or Tea Partier for me.

    wearing cement shoes I urge you not to go swimming.

  6. How can you have a mean average .... hihihihihihi

    Average covers 3 statistical items, mean, median, mode.

    When talking about averages, the person can be talking about either of the 3, mean average is being more specific than usual.

    I thought all the govenment men were on holiday during sonkran .... who will do the random inspections?

    How interesting, go back to sleep.

  7. Said the same thing last year. Fat lot of good that did. The government has no authority and the people do not respect the government. (Applies whether its red, yellow, blue or whatever)

    Agree seems to me that all they are interested in is self enrichment along with the other two large organisations

  8. The tide is turning. The police aren't following orders by Abhisit to arrest protesters. The courts are declining as well.

    Keep on fighting, Abhisit. For your own good, not for the good of the Thai people.

    Seems to me rainman your full of sh........t since when did the police follow any orders except their own, sorry forgot the order from Thaksin to murder anyone suspected of involvement in the drug trade.

  9. You have no reason to fear, the Reds are a civilised bunch, not hurting anyone and will party with you if you want. You are free to access any area of Bangkok, the Reds are not blocking any access by foot or BTS.

    I have walked among the Reds, talked to them, been with them and they really are nice people and the majority (whether they like Thaksin or not) want Democracy back for their country.

    The sooner the Yellows and their "its all about Thaksin" rhetoric becomes ignored, the better. Its not only about Thaksin, its about Democracy now and the way the elite screw the normal people all the time.

    If it's not all about Thaksin, why aren't the red leaders (Thaksin's puppets) accepting a compromise of election 12 months before they are due?

    If it's not all about Thaksin, why aren't the red leaders (Thaksin's puppets) discussing with the government about projects to help the poor?

    If it's not all about Thaksin, why are the red leaders even mentioning Thaksin in their speeches? Why are the red leaders saying "When Thaksin is back, you will all get more money"?

    It's all about Thaksin. It's all about Thaksin's money.

    If its about the love the Thai people why will the government not accept elections in 2 or 3 months ? Do they love Thai people or money ?

    The Reds want Democracy, and an "elected by the people" government who will then serve the people, not the elite.

    Not all Red leaders mention Thaksin all the time, as has been said his supporters are part of the Red movement, but not "all" the Red movement, they are just a sub faction because they think he was illegally outed in a coup. which he was. So he has cause for complaint. If you are the Democratically elected PM and an illegal coup kicks you out, then you have been wronged by illegal actions. Yes or no ?

    Its not about Thaksin, its not about his money.

    ITS ALL about Democracy !

    You have been out in the hot sun to long

    This guy needs to see a shrink it must be deeper than a heat stroke

  10. Nat Jantakat, a 38-year-old lychee farmer from the north, for one vowed to keep up the fight, making light of the 37 degrees Celsius (99 Fahrenheit) temperature.

    "I've been here since the first day and I'll be here until we achieve democracy."

    Spoken like a true patriot. Democracy is ending the present government, sending Thailand in a downward spiral and bringing back the man on the run to restore his ill gotten gain. What a buffalo.

    Sorry I didn't realise that the electorate had actually voted to put the current custodians of power in office, rather I thought that they'd been imposed by those on heigh.... Some democracy that is, bit like that shower running the show in Burma really!

    Interesting reply. I suppose you forgot that Mr. T brother-in-law was put into office by the exact same process. Didn't see any protest from the reds then.

    And Mr T's Brother-in law didn't last long either, did he? It would be interesting to know what your definition of democracy is or don't you believe in it?

    Really girls.

  11. One of the democratic freedoms we in the west enjoy is the right to demonstrate, even though others may be inconvenienced by that demonstration. Parts of central London, for example, are often closed to traffic for just such a reason.

    Why do you want to deny that right to the Thais?

    You may not agree with the demonstrator's cause or methods, but calling them 'morons' says more about you than them!

    He called them morons because thats what they are

  12. The "unnamed" convicted British citizen? Otherwise, in both Britain and Thailand, media are swift publishing pictures and names of criminals, even before they are convicted. Now this a...e is unnamed! Why is this sh...head protected? And what were their sentences? Maybe they are all out walking the streets of CM again?

    Is this not the same guy who was arrested a couple of days ago and had the story on this forum.?

  13. Tapping directly into the Thai belief that all farang have access to a bottomless trough of money.

    This could mean an exodus of piss-heads from the kingdom, as it will double their budgets.

    Do agree most Thais view us as walking ATMs but this proposal is ill thought out. Tourism is down and will stay down with stupid ideas like this, on reflection maybe it is because tourism is down, the boys in brown will have the chance to squeeze more kick backs from the bar owners. If implemented it will have a ripple effect and nobody will gain.

  14. I would not get too carried away with instant thoughts of revenge and payback. You have invested a lot of time and love in the relationship and no doubt so has your girlfriend. One wonders how long you are away from Thailand each time and how much time you get to spend with your family. It would appear difficult for a Thai woman with three children (presumably under 16) to start a fresh relationship with another farang while you are not here. Certainly make the appropriate preparations to split with her, protecting as many of your assests as possible and then arrange for the children to be looked after and speak with her calmly and rationally about your accidental discovery of this "other man".

    Whilst many would condemn her out of hand, she is only human and depending on the length of time you are away maybe she got lonely and met another guy, one thing led to another and now she corresponds with him.

    You do not give any detail as to the contents of the letters or any indication of how recent they are or the amount of them so it is difficult to pass judgement based on the available information.

    I would just caution that you do not allow your emotions to take control, do not confront her when under the influence of booze, do not confront her in front of your children and most importantly do not burn your bridges.

    I understand that an element of trust has been lost and it will be difficult to rebuild that trust, but at least try and find out what her feelings are towards you. It would seem that when you are here she treats you like a good and loving husband and it seems you love her a lot, so try and work it out and if you are unable to work it out, try and manage any breakup without emotion and with dignity! If you want a continuing relationship with your children it is important to manage things carefully.

    I am so sorry o hear about your situation and wish you every success in your endeavours to get to the bottom of the story and negotiate a happy ending. Good luck mate and enjoy a few beers but do not get smashed, none of us make smart decisions when drunk!!

    Refreshing to read this advice, concise and none judgemental.

  15. She only needs her Thai Id card she does not need a passport for Vietnam,

    She does need a passport, she doesn't need a visa if going less than 30 days.


    National Thailand (TH) /Destination Vietnam (VN)


    Passport required.

    - Passport and/or passport replacing documents must be valid

    for 6 months after the date of arrival.

    - If holding a visa for entry into Vietnam, passports are

    required to be valid at least one month after the expiry

    date of the visa.

    Visa required, except for A max. stay of 30 days:

    Visa required, except for Holders a Certificate of Visa

    Exemption issued to former nationals of Vietnam residing

    abroad, or those nationals of Vietnam not holding a Vietnamese

    passport but only holding a foreign permanent resident card.

    Visa required, except for Holders of an APEC Business Travel

    Card (ABTC) which is valid for travel to Vietnam (with "VNM"

    on the back of the card), together with a passport.

    Additional Information:

    - All visitors must hold:

    a. documents required for next destination; and

    b. sufficient funds for the duration of their stay; and

    c. return/onward ticket, when not requiring a visa to enter


    Comprehensive reply and much appreciated

  16. I am 46 and my wife 27 we have been married now for 9 years and have a wonderful 8 year old son, we built a home in my wifes village in Sri Samrong about 20klms from Sukhothai and since building the house have purchased 30 acres of land ajoining the house. The best part of the day is sitting back on the balcony in the afternoon overlooking the fields and watching the sun set with my beautiful wife whilst sharing a nice cold Chang and good conversation and thinking how lucky and privlaged I am to have been brought into this enviroment as there is nothing better than this.

    Truly hope it stays that way for you good luck.

  17. There's no reason for them to ask to see a Thai ID. It is not a travel document.

    Many countries don't even have ID cards.

    Just show passports, they will check if they are legit, still valid, and if the picture match. That's it.

    This is what I thought but hate to pay for flights and then find we have a problem, thanks for your response.

  18. Hi Guys, my girlfriend like many Thais has changed her first name , her current passport is in her old name, she has a new ID card in her new name. My question is we are planning a trip to Vietnam will she need to obtain a new passport, at airport will her ID be checked against her passport, appreciate any help.

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