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Posts posted by ableguy

  1. If that is the case, why do you advice him that he should make up stories about fake services? Why shouldn't he just inform the police that the money she sent him might have come from her paycheck and not her embezzlement?

    You still don't get it, ' WHAT fake services '. Come on wake up, your not that thick are you, well, thats another topic eh.

    I put forward words of possible help, plant a seed, NOT shout like some, negatives all the time.

    Me, trying to help the guy. :bah:

    Lets face it the BIB will only follow up on this if they think money can be made, if they do approach you do not give them money , they may try threats but give them nothing as you have not commited a crime.

  2. What's odd is that Beung Kan built a provincial hall about 10 years ago, in preparation for the day they would achieve province status. I've seen it myself, but not for a few years. I wonder what happened to it?

    You are talking about the building next to the district office of Bueng Kan, right? That is NOT a provincial hall (Sala Klang Changwat), it is the provincial court (San Changwat). Despite the name, there are more provincial courts than provinces, the larger provinces can have two or three of them. The fact that Bueng Kan already has a court was one of the reasons why the creation of the new province was approved.


  3. Took a short cut from Payathai to Pratunam via the Payathai train tracks the other day. There is a desperately poor community living next to the tracks, quite literally like the poorest I have seen in Thailand. Yet amidst the daily comings and goings of the people were a number of African men. Two were sitting down at a table eating rice with little clothes on, another two were perched on a rubbish tip and shouted at me "hey, yo, wassup" aggressively as I walked through...I felt like I was in Brixton (London)- I hollered back in my best gruff Cockney voice " yea, you kool bruv"...Then another guy walked around the corner with a big gold watch draping from his arm speaking loudly on a mobile phone. Now before the PC brigade go mental I am not at all racist, but clearly this was odd that these guys were living amongst one of the poorest communities in Bangkok on a railway line. I left baffled as to what they were doing there. If they can only afford to stay there then surely they don't have legit visas, right? And it is rather odd that the Thais of that small community were accommodating them....I hate to jump to conclusions for fear of stereotyping but can only think that this was a good place to stay out of the way of the police, perhaps they are paying the community to let them stay there incognito. Or perhaps the police said stay there and out of sight and give us a cut of your dealings...thoughts?

    Your thinking appears to be nonsensical. Perhaps they don't find it easy to secure rented accommodation in other areas. Wasn't it much like that in Britain forty years ago? That people would be denied accommodaion because of the colour of their skin? Also in the USA?

    What a stupid response I think you have your head up your butt.

  4. Please yourself. Why are people seeking approval from strangers for their life choices?

    You like living in the boonies eating rat curry and dung beetles? Good for you if you're happy with that.

    You like living in a 30 million baht condo on Sukhumwit with your own live in French chef? OK, I'm jealous ...

    My French chef specialises in rat curry and dung beetle patties, have you got a problem with that?

  5. Are you trying to tell us something? There is help available.

    Why would one need help? It might be the help that these cretons avoid. There certainly isn't any such perceived development in obtaining socialization with their own kind, yes?

    I'm assuming you meant 'cretin' or maybe you meant 'cruton'? You seem to favour a very umm 'heavily worded' style of writing. I'll attempt to demonstrate what I mean.


    ...I mean if they'd wandered off into the jungle and decided to live only with marmosets then, maybe you'd have a point, but living in Thailand, with Thai people, hardly qualifies....

    I think he meant Cretan and it was intended as a racial or nationalistic slur on Greek islanders; I guess the misspelling was deliberate to avoid the ire of the mods; I used to know blokes who took off their leather jackets when going to the chip shop for the same reason.


    EDIT: And you have to admit, marmosets are cute.

    I think you all need locking up.

  6. Read this:


    Inquiry officials...said they have accused the two police sergeant majors of extortion by means of weapons and detainment.

    This shows that policemen do get arrested and presumably prosecuted if they extort money and a complaint is filed by the victim.

    Probably refused to share it with someone higher up more likely.

  7. The "Law" has never worked. Killing people has never worked. The crimes reappear all the time. It is therefore crystal clear that the death penalty doesn't work.

    It may be worthwhile to note the reason for crimes in certain countries. For example, crimes in western countries seem to mostly be 'greed' motivated or 'psycho' motivated. This is opposed to the type of crime in developing countries, which seems to be predominantly motivated by poverty.

    Therefore, it appears that in any society, there will be criminals. It also appears that extermination doesn't work & nor does it alleviate the problem. In actual fact, the extermination of criminals may exacerbate the whole problem.

    I really despise the legal system in western countries, which is tiotally geared to satisfy the emotions of 'victims' (revenge) rather than trying to solve the criminal problem.

    The crimes may reappear but they are not repeat crimes by the same individual. Which must be beneficial to society.

  8. I take no sides here and I hate foreigners coming to Thailand just for the small girls or even underaged girls or boys. I just hate the kind of false reports where Newspapers, Magazines and internet Forums make a guy guilty before he is proofed guilty. In my ten years here in Phuket I have never seen child abuse, except we are talking about some underaged 16 y.o. girls in Thai Karaoke Bars.

    Btw, I find it annoying to see old fellas about 60-70 years of age walking around with a 18-20y.o. too in my opinion they are not much better as the pädophiles we talk often here in TV Forum

    Well They may not be much better then pedo's ... but they are lucky - my wife won't allow it. :lol:

    Age discrimination is easy when you are young.

  9. I am getting REALLY fed up by the polemic nonsense that so many of you are writing since these troubles started !!

    Specially the smart asses who know "everything" and give comments reaching the Nobel price of stupidity!

    If you have an opinion so say it the civilized way - without insinuations like "Bravo good for them or those"

    What irritates me here actually is that the US (as usual) is pointing with the finger!!

    Now not you nor the US have ANY rights to tell or criticize Thailand!

    DO NOT forget that The Land of Smile is experiencing the worst passage in its entire history - Scandals after scandals, gossips, corruption like never before and (saddest thing) a frail Father - venerated King.

    Respect, be concerned (without inflammatory comments) and observe! Many of us have family here and the insecurity is at its highest level.

    We cannot compare our so different cultures...

    It is an immense task for Khun Abhisit, the parliament and all parties to solve the problem by themselves.

    And, again I think that the US should better concentrate on other priorities like North Korea and Myanmar and assist if necessary instead of preaching!

    Sorry I had to let it out !!!

    Pesche - Living here since 18 years

    Sad but another USA basher, lets face it if you are European you probably would not be around had not the USA saved Europes ass at the cost of thousands of US lives.

  10. Something like what is being done in the west at this time could be suggested , billionairs have been asked to give half of thier wealth to agencies for the poor , billions of dollars have poured forth to aid the poor since the requests started and it seems more is to follow . Who needs that much money any way ?

    Are you serious? have you ever known one single Thai willing to give away money .

  11. This is just my opinion and it might offend people but I believe it to be true

    The government has been far to nice to the red shirts. They have been more concerned about looking good than they have in punishing the criminals. The red shirts should have been crushed. As is they were merely coddled told it was not there fault and given free rides home.

    Time to think of Thailand and not what is nice for the red shirts. Give them the same consideration they gave Bangkok. If the situation was reversed they would not handle you in such a nice way.

    The problem with the label 'red shirts' is that there are many legitimate pro-democracy supporters who happen to be UDD member, or have a red shirt. To separate those from the minority who are militant is the main problem the government faces. Keep in mind that the lower classes (no offense meant by this label) have very valid grieves which need to be addressed in a constructive manner. That means education, self-sufficiency, self-reliance, participation in a democratic process. And start to forget about hand-outs.

    Yes there is some truth in what you say. How ever I believe that most of those people have drifted away from the red shirts. There was a special on Air Asia about a week ago. All though it had red shirt leanings it showed a lot of citizens who are for democracy and condemned what the red shirts were doing. It was a real shock to me the size and determination of them. The English media well peaceful demonstrators don't sell news papers.

    My question is if the red shirts want democracy and condemn the current system the same one used in Canada and Great Britain why don't they send letters and telephone calls to there ministers. By doing that there ministers will get the message and do every thing in there power to deliver what ever it is they are being asked to deliver. If the red shirts had the people they say they do and they all did this several times there ministers would get the message far better than invading hospitals sends it.

    We some times forget that the first and primary job of a elected official is to get him self reelected and he will go to any length to do that. That is not a slam against Thailand that is the truth in most countries. Just a sad state of affairs.

    Seems to me elected officials are interested in one thing only, self enrichment, getting their nose in the trough, your logic cannot be applied to Thailand.

  12. Just a couple of points

    1) Why haven't the the hotels with contamination been shut down.

    2) Have recent guest and hotel staff been told of the contamination so they have the option of getting a check up?

    3) If the elderly and smokers need to wear masks entering a contaminated site. How do they know the site is contaminated?? Did the hotel put up a sign in reception advising of Legionnaires??

    Why shut the hotels down? its a simple matter of maintenance on the air and water systems in these hotels; this would obviate the need for 2) and 3). No need to use a hammer to kill a mosquito...


    ?I like to squash them

  13. If this story is in fact true, it makes a total mockery of justice in Thailand. Might this be because Pletnev has shown he will fight the case in Court and the authorities are so incensed by the international media response (which has highlighted the fact that Thailand is a haven for pedophiles rather than the efforts of the country to clean up its act) that they literally want the case and Pletnev to disappear? Wherever he is now, he cannot get back to Thailand and report back to the Court as ordered. So he is doubly damned. Accused of being a pedophile and treated as one without any shred of evidence being brought out in Court! Yet not even allowed to prove his innocence (if that is the case). What makes this even more disgraceful is that the Immigration Chief has acted before getting a reply from the "Child and Women Unit". I am shocked and appalled.


    Perfectly fair point. But it seems the Thai Justice System will not even give him that opportunity! I hope there is an international outcry over this.

    I think you may be looking at it the wrong way.

    They've stopped his visa so he can't come back and face charges.

    What if influential people from whichever country have found a way to let him go free without Thailand losing face.

    The Thais can't prosecute him because they've put him on a blacklist and won't let him back into the country.

    I wonder who gets to keep all the guy's assets in Thailand. Hasn't he got houses and businesses all over the place?

    Makes you think.

    Read the papers, he is back in Thailand, and reported to police in Pattaya on time, he said he was prepared to fight the case and added the police found nothing on his computers or in his home.

  14. a law enforcer (FROM ANYWHERE) that's HONEST....... whoever told you that LIED.

    None are honest, never have been and NEVER will be. remember that `lawmen' were killers, theives and bandits first, that's how they got to LAWMEN. They are still the same today, except they now have uniforms, badges and guns. And the courts always sides with the crooks. This has been true from the start of time and it has not changed nor will it ever change...

    What a pointless first post.

    Worldwide law enforcement did not start in the States in the 1800s. There's more to the world than the "US Wild West". You've been watching too many westerns.

    When Sir Robert Peel started the Metropolitan Police in London in 1829, do you really think he chose to only employ criminals?

    By the way, in the UK the police don't carry guns.

    ever seen the guys at UK airports with sub machine guns, funny they dress up in police uniforms.

  15. btw, where is the investigation about the stolen jewels of the Saudi Prince ? The police had had one of its finest moments there .Wonder whether the Thaï thief is still alive.

    Well, there would have been more than one. As I recall, the Saudi prince complained that about half of the items returned to him were fakes, and of course many items were not returned to him at all. I never did find out the name of the police general whose wife was supposedly photographed wearing one of the necklaces, but surely there would have been many others of lower rank who would have shared in the loot to reward their help in destroying evidence. The general would have been older (but still not sixty, the mandatory retirement age)so might have passed away by now, but most of the younger people would still be alive. Might be retired by now, though.

    There has been several murders related to this case, I guess sending the message leave the case alone, the amazing thing is the Thai house servant who stole the goods in two large suitcases and unaided managed to get them back to Thailand today is walking a free man, albeit destitute.

  16. "It was a terrible accident" yeah right, in a rage he stabbed this poor girl to death, what he accidentally lost his mind? What's wrong with people? After living in Thailand for several years do these men they loose touch with reality and all common sense, I think many do. Look at the suicide rate in Pattaya and the UK guy 3 years ago that tried a blackmail plot by sending threating emails to Tesco; Police say he has confessed that he tried to blackmail the superstore giant Tesco by threatening to poison food in Tesco's British stores unless he was paid 2 million pounds (about 138 million baht, $4 million). And the list goes on... RIP, my condolences to the girl's family and friends.

    What is the connection?

  17. A lot of people are saying that losing your internet connection is a poor defence. It is.

    But think about when you lose your internet connection and how it makes you react. It shouldn't upset you as much as it does, should it?

    Just go to a f_kcing 24 hour internet cafe and then you dont need to kill someone- what a sick world :bah:

    I have dealt with many thousands of people who have internet problems (for a job), and while most of them would never dream of harming a person over something so trivial, when it happens to them, they change in ways you wouldn't believe possible.

    I've had people break down in tears several times, call me a "fuc_king asshol_e, (insert my name here and repeat 5-10 times over one minute)", smash their computers, put holes in the wall, set their dogs on techs who came out to fix faulty wiring, belt their kids or partners, call the cops on us, turn up at the door of the office threatening us, multiple threats to go to the media or to sue us, and many many other things you just wouldn't believe a rational human being to be capable of.

    People get the sum of the world's information and entertainment at their fingertips almost instantly, and they become addicted to it.

    What happens when you withhold something addictive? Violent withdrawals.

    I'm not saying what this guy did was right, but I can certainly believe it. You take a person who's had a string of bad luck and high stress, liquor him up, take away his addictive source of instant gratification and add another stressful failure to his life, and it's easy to see how he could snap. Everyone has a breaking point. This seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

    I'm just glad they got him off the streets and I feel very sorry for his victim, her family, and his own family who will have to live with this in their family history.

    EDIT: wow I should have read all three pages of posts before replying. It looks like a lot of people have already said what I just did :P

    Hope you do not practice your craft in Thailand with Thais?

  18. <BR>If part of the defence is that his internet connection had been lost, that gives so many people so much leeway!<br><br>Clearly the Thai police etc. do things totally differently to the UK.&nbsp; Bringing the accused before the press for a press conference and letting them read his statement??&nbsp; How bizarre!<br><br>And quite how you accidentally get a knife in the bedroom and stab someone is quite beyond me!<br><BR>
    <BR><BR><BR>Usually tey have them re enact the crime in front of the press, suspect it is all down to ensuring a conviction at trial.
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